Saturday, December 14, 2024

Celebrate Christmas~Mary

Luke 2:6-7
While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She [Mary] wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.

Bumping along on a lowly donkey, nine months pregnant, Mary prepared for the birth of her son, Jesus. She made the journey with her betrothed, Joseph, to the town of Bethlehem where they'd be counted and registered to pay taxes. Towards the end of a pregnancy, most women are mighty uncomfortable. I can't imagine riding a donkey on rough roads and bouncing around. But, Mary’s faith trumped her discomfort.

Womanhood arrived early in Mary's day. History determines her to be anywhere from fourteen to seventeen, a child in our culture. Yet her love for God matured and grew in her few years. The angel who delivered the news that she'd give birth to the Messiah, recognized this young woman's faith.

Mary, being the faithful servant, accepted the angel's proclamation with grace and trust.

Trust plays a huge part in Jesus' birth. Joseph trusted enough to wed Mary.  The angel trusted God as he delivered his messages. The shepherds trusted the angels and ran to see the baby. And Mary trusted God with the glorious phenomenon of Jesus' birth.

As Mary bumped along, I can't imagine the discomfort. But she moved forward as God called her. She birthed the baby in a stable, most likely a cave where the animals were fed and watered. Hopefully, she had clean straw and fresh water. Regardless, Mary welcomed her child with joy that night.  

As you think about the troubles of life, the inconveniences, the losses, the illness, think about Mary. In her discomfort and what was likely a troubled time for her, she moved forward with trust and faith. Regardless of what's behind us, let's keep our eyes on Jesus and celebrate the joy of this season.

Stop for a few moments and breathe in the spirit of the season. Capture the essence of joy Jesus brought to us. Then breathe out and share his hope.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Celebrating Christmas~Shepherds

Luke 2:15-18
When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”
So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. 

Have you ever seen an alpaca? 

Sometimes confused with a llamatheir ears are more rounded, their bodies are smaller, and their fur is shaggier. A few years ago, Tim and I visited an alpaca farm. The comical looking creatures, with their floppy hair, stood in the field beside the Alpaca Meadows gift and wool shop. A lovely lady greeted us and welcomed us into her store. After a little too much shopping, she offered to show us her animals. If it hadn't been so muddy, we could have taken one for a walk, instead, we tromped through the water-logged field for a close-up experience. One of the alpacas, who is blind, came right to her caretaker. She trusted her and allowed us to pet her fuzzy head, because she knew her shepherd.

In Luke chapter two, sheep trusted their shepherd and the shepherd trusted the Lord.

When the angels appeared to the shepherds, fear struck them, until the angel told them not to be afraid, but to trust. Once the shock of seeing and hearing the angels sunk in, they hurried off to see the baby the angels proclaimed. Imaginethey arrived at the manger, a tiny baby lay in the arms of his mother, and he is proclaimed the Messiah, the one they'd been waiting for. No doubt the shepherds stood in awe. They'd heard God's promise of a Savior but never expected to have the honor to be chosen to see him.

When they left the manger, they didn't jog back to their hill. Instead, they shared the good newsa Savior is bornthe Messiah is herewe've seen him with our own eyes.

Jesus came to the world to save us from evil and sin. He entered this world as a babe in a manger. Smelly, stinky shepherds visited first, not kings or priests, but everyday workers who spent time tending. And they spread the word "Jesus is born" to everyone they saw.

From the beginning of Jesus time on earth, God used ordinary men and women to spread the gospel. He still does today. We don't need a fancy degree or title to be a shepherd for Jesus. We just need to know how much he loves us.

Go tell everyone that Jesus lives and loves them. He wants the world to know.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Have You Read Young Claus?

Young Claus, a delightful story imagined by J. Michael Sims,
 is a wonderful family Christmas read.

My brother and I discovered this book years ago.
We bought each other a copy and had 
the joy of sharing it together again this year.
I read it aloud, and we shared our love of Christmas.

If you're looking for a fun read try Young Claus.


He is the Reason

I love the evergreens in the winter.
They stand tall and remind me of Jesus.

They are evergreen, and He is everlasting.
In this season of celebration,
embrace the truth of Jesus' birth.

He came to set us free from the chains of sin and death
and to renew our spirits.

He truly is the reason for the season.


Saturday, November 30, 2024

Celebrate Christmas~Angels

Luke 1:28-33
The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”

An angel carried hope to a broken world. 

Years ago, I sewed an angel costume for my daughter to wear in the church's Christmas play. She was adorable. That same simple, white dress, and angel wings have been passed down through the family. What a delight to see the little ones dressed in glittery garland halos, and singing from their little hearts.

How do you picture an angel?
In my mind's eye I see cherub cheeks, ringlets in their hair, and bright eyes. Their tiny barefoot feet poke out under crisp white gowns. Each one stands erect and they sing the most beautiful melody. But the angels in the Bible weren't cute little cherubs, they were pictured as fierce warriors, men dressed in white, some bigger than life.

God created angels to minister to his people. In the Bible, angels prepared for spiritual combat, while others delivered divine messages. Either way, they are prepared to battle for and care for Jesus' followers.

Before Jesus was born, they led the brigades to prepare the way for the King of Kings. In the Christmas story these men God sent to earth, visited Joseph, Mary, Zechariah, and the shepherds. They showed up to spread the good news of hope, joy, and love.

You see, God sent the angels with purpose. Our world is broken. God's people need heavenly beings to fight for us, assist us, and speak to us. God asked his angels to spread God's words. I've not seen an angel (that I know of) but I believe they dwell among us. They minister to God's people even as they did in biblical times.

Read the Christmas story in Matthew and Luke and focus on the angels, find the joy they shared as hope for our weary world.


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Fresh Snow

 Everything looks magical when it snows.

-Lorelai Gilmore

As I drove home in the evening, the trees glistened with white,

and the ground rested under a blanket of fresh snow. 

In southwest Ohio, we had our first snowfall.

I still feel like a kid when I see those flakes floating to the earth.

Something about the snow reminds me to stop and

take the time to enjoy the beauty and be thankful.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

A Thankful Heart

Colossians 4:2
Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.

I have fond memories of my dad praying grace over our meals, when I was growing up. Tim's prayers at our dinners bless my heart. My girls learned to pray their prayers at bedtime with honesty and sweetness. Oh, how I enjoy our grandkids' voices speaking to their heavenly father. Over the years, I've been asked to pray out loud, and I'll be honest, I get nervous. I'm not comfortable leading others in prayer. As a matter of fact, I used to struggle with how I should communicate with the Lord, at all. But I've learned, I don't need to be nervous or shy about prayers. I simply need to go before God with whatever is on my mind. Sometimes I write my prayers in a notebook. Other times, I talk to him whenever a need comes to mind. The truth I know is—God wants to hear from me.

Paul tells the Colossian church to pray with an alert mind and a thankful heart. Even though my words may be simple, I don't want to be distracted when I call up words to Jesus. Instead, I need to be attentive. And I should always go before the Lord with thanksgiving. With Thanksgiving Day around the corner, it's easy to think of what I'm thankful for. But what about next week? Or during the hustle and bustle of Christmas, if I become irritated and tired. What about next year, after the new diet doesn't work out and the scales are stuck? Yep, even then I need to go before God with a thankful heart. What if all is well? Do I stop talking to God? No. I need to shout words of thanks and praise! I am grateful that God has set up a way for us to communicate. I love talking to him and listening for answers.

This week as Thanksgiving approaches, give thanks. Sometimes that's enough.