Saturday, June 25, 2016

When Life Loops

Psalm 25: 4-5
Show me the right path, O
    point out the road for me to follow.
Lead me by your truth and teach me,

    for you are the God who saves me.
    All day long I put my hope in you.

We left the parking lot to drive home. Tim and I enjoy going to Louisville once in a while to watch the Bats, a minor league affiliate of the Reds, play baseball. The game ended in time to get us home by 11pm. Great! Tim navigated to the exit for 71N. We looped around only to find the exit closed. Now what? Our only option was to drive over the bridge in to Indiana. We stopped at a gas station and Tim asked a fellow if he knew of a way for us to get back on 71N. He gave directions. Guess what? They led us right back into Indiana. Long story short, Tim found a different route to get us home, later than intended but home safe and sound.

Sometimes life feels like a loop. We take the same path over and over and get nowhere. Even to the point the rut grows deeper, and we forget the purpose of our steps. Maybe Satan tricks us into thinking we're on the right path. He says, "Take that road it will lead you to a new place," but it's the same old loop. God has so much more in mind for his followers. He doesn't want us in a rut. He wants us to step out, move forward, pray for direction. God didn't create us to be sedentary when it comes to serving him. He has a path for each of us, all we need to do is seek it. Ask God in the morning, "What's up for today?" Then listen and follow. The Holy Spirit's nudges are real. Listen to him.

God, I praise you for the path you lead me on, continue to guide my feet.


  1. We experienced the same problem on the same highway!
    Spiritually, I'd add that sometimes we really try to get off that loop. The best of intentions (in our own strength). And where do we end up? Back on the loop!


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