About Me

Penny's philosophy for writing stems from finding God's beauty in everyday life,
be it through nature, books, a lovely teacup, or a tattered Bible.
So often we're bogged down with the sadness and tragedy we experience or hear on the news. To combat the sorrow, God has called her to bring hope and joy
to people through a relationship with Jesus. He has so much to offer to the hurting world, and if her writing brings healing and hope through Christ, she's done a good work.

Connect with Penny:





Email penny.frost.mcginnis@gmail.com

The newsletter is the best way to keep up with Penny's writing.


  1. It is hard to write about self. I'm leaving a comment because I've been here, and I want you to know this is pretty. I absolutely hate it (that's a joke between a grandson and me) when people don't take the time to wave. Donevy~

    1. Thanks for stopping by Donevy. I'm glad you enjoyed what I wrote.

  2. Ms. Mcginnis, I was reading ahead in "The Upper Room" and ran across your devotion for Nov. 14 and I thought, Oh my goodness that is me! Thank you for sharing that! Prayer IS a powerful thing and I am going to share this with my men's fellowship group this week! May God continue to bless you and the work you do!

  3. Hi Penny, I found your site from your devotion yesterday (11/14/21) in the Upper Room. I am looking forward to reading your upcoming book, and am grateful for the reading list you posted also! May God give you inspiration as you complete your second novel. Thanks and Blessings to you, Tam Swanson

    1. Thank you so much, Tam. I appreciate you finding my blog and checking it out. God bless you.

  4. Hi Penny! My name is Anita. I read your devotion in the Upper Room from 11/14/21 and felt such a kinship with you. I, too, have fibromyalgia and arthritis, along with Mixed Connective Tissue Disease, which is an autoimmune disease. I truly understand your pain and not being able to do the things you used to do that you enjoyed. Sometimes I really get discouraged and reading my devotions (like the Upper Room) really help me through. I'm still learning the Bible, but I know the Lord loves me. That makes me feel better. Your 11/14 devotion and your blog have given me hope, too. I want to thank you for that. I think God led me to you. Good luck with your new book!

    1. Oh Anita, you've touched my heart. Thank you so much for your encouragement. I'm so glad connected us.


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