I come from a solid stock of blue-collar workers.
Clear back to my great-great grandfather and his father who labored as
blacksmiths. According to a family story, my great-great-great grandfather
Abbott, from Dundee, Scotland, shod Queen Victoria's horses.

My granddad on my mom's side farmed, built furniture, and
worked as a barber. Grandma cooked for farmhands and later worked at the
hospital cafeteria. Dad's father farmed. My brothers both build and refinish
furniture and they've done factory work. My sister operated a telephone switchboard.
Years later she drove an escort truck across the country with her husband. My
uncles owned carpentry businesses. In other words we've always worked hard and with
our hands.
My brother, Ron, and I had the opportunity to
attend college and graduate with degrees. Even with my B.S. in Digital
Communication I still prefer hands-on work. My degree led me to a staff
position at the local college. As the Library's Technical Services Manager, I'm
quite content to roll in the background as a support person.
I hope anyone who has an influence on children
that happens to be reading my ramblings, takes the time to teach their kids everyday
skills. If you know how to fix a car or appliances, teach a young person. If
you sew or do a craft, share that with a child. If you garden or farm, include
your children or grandchildren. I'd hate to see the art of hard work and handiwork
If you're like me, as you teach your children,
you'll learn from them at the same time. That's the blessing of passing it on.
1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.