2 Corinthians 3:15-17
Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. But
whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the
Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
The children waved flags in their honor.
Mrs. Blankenship's art classes made this beautiful flag. |
On Veteran's Day, I had the privilege to watch the program
the school put on to honor the men and women who served in the military. The
children lined the halls and waved flags and the vets marched around the school.
The scene brought back memories of an old-fashioned, small-town celebration. After
the march, the children gathered in the gym. My daughter, Sara, sang The
National Anthem, then the men spoke about their time in the military. A
student from each class got to ask a question and hear the responses. I admit
at times I had tears and chills.
One of the gentlemen in the group was a very special guest.
Former Superintendent William Bick, who the school is named for, spoke to the
students. At ninety-eight years old, he told them he served in WW2. What a treasure
to have met this honorable veteran.
All the veterans who spoke represented the freedom they
fought for and the safety they defended for our country. They gave their time
to protect our freedom.
My dad served in WW2, my husband as an Air Force Reservist,
my brothers in the National Guard. I've always had great respect for our
Our American freedom is not the only freedom we have.
Believers and followers of Jesus hold a freedom that can never be taken away. When
we receive the Holy Spirit, we also gain freedom from sin through repentance, freedom to live a
life following the Savior, and freedom from the world. No matter what goes on
around me, I know Jesus is with me and He comforts me.
I thank God for the veterans and military persons who serve,
and I thank God for the One who gave His life as a sacrifice for our sins.
Jesus loves us so much. He wants us to have the freedom He offers, the freedom
to love, forgive, and hope.
On Thanksgiving, give thanks for our military and for Jesus,
the one who sets us free.