Showing posts with label turkey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label turkey. Show all posts

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Covered With Feathers

Psalm 91:4
He will cover you with his feathers,
    and under his wings you will find refuge;
    his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

Faithful to the end.

My daughter, Maggie, raises chickens on their little farm. A while back she added turkeys to her flock of birds. One in particular grabbed everyone's hearts. They call him Bubba. He's a special turkey who has adapted to his crossed beak, that works more like scissors than a scoop, when he eats. As he's grown older, Bubba strives to be a social butterfly. When I pull in their driveway, he hustles out to my car and walks me to the door. But if Maggie is outside, he goes into protector mode. He has taken ownership of their yard and his keeper. As soon as I get out of the car, he takes a watchful stance between Maggie and me. If he could, I'm sure he would cover her with his wing.

In the Psalm the authors often reference battles and war. They sought refuge, a place to find solace, and recharge for the battle. King David turned to God who promised to protect him.

In these times when I feel vulnerable and uncertain, I seek the one who watches over me. Jesus covers me with his love and grace, like a mother hen cuddles her chicks with her feathers, or a new momma swaddles her babe. When I'm afraid, I talk to him. When I need help, I seek him. When hope wavers, I look to him. His love has provided a fortress where I can rest and recharge. The one thing I love more than anything about God, He never changes!

He's always the same. His love never changes. And he draws me to him as I struggle in this life.

Seek Jesus as your protection against a world of grief and sin. He loves you and wants you to love him back.