Wednesday, March 6, 2024

The Crocus's Song

Yesterday, the warmth of spring knocked on our door.
This morning, I discovered these beautiful crocuses blooming.

They push through the cold ground, while still winter
and sing the song of spring.

Have you discovered any signs of spring?


Saturday, March 2, 2024

An Elfin Daffodil

Hebrews 6:19-20
 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.

wild wind rips the sky—

elfin daffodil bulbs

anchor underground

Before bed, an alert for a serious weather event broadcast on our screens, both television and phone. A late February storm threatened the area. The meteorologists called for a tornado watch in our area from 10pm to 6am and thunderstorms.

Although I don’t fear storms, my mind could not calm and go to sleep. My thoughts raced to my family and friends and how they might cope with a possible tornado. After wrestling with my mind’s tendency to worry, I prayed. Why hadn’t I thought of that earlier? (Insert head smack here.) Once my words reached God’s ear, I dozed off.

I slept through whatever storm blew in and after I awoke and dressed, I checked outside for damage. The birdhouse in the flowerbed had fallen over. When I righted it, I spied yellow flowers in the corner of the flowerbed. Miniature daffodils waved their tiny heads at me as if to say we’re herewe weathered the storm.

How often in life do I forget I have an anchor for every storm? Whether weather related or personal, the storms blow in and Jesus anchors my soul. The Holy Spirit entwines my roots with the Father’s. Like the elfin daffodils, I’ve survived life’s storms because my roots are buried in the One who gives life.

Psalm 62:8 reminds me God is my refuge. He’s there for me all the time. What a comfort to know God loves me so much. He loves you so much, too.

Seek the One who anchors your soul in Him.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Read Across America

Read Across America is celebrated on March 2, Dr. Seuss's birthday, 
and the following week. 

I attribute my reading journey to his many books for children.
Hop on Pop, One Fish Two Fish, and Green Eggs and Ham 
are some of my earliest reading memories.

Encourage reading. Read to a child on Saturday, March 2. 
Model reading. Give books as gifts.
Children benefit in so many ways from the written word.

I still love to read!


Saturday, February 24, 2024

Saturated With His Love

Ephesians 3:16-19
I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

I taste the love Jesus bestows on me.

Steam rose from the toasted English muffin. I popped it onto my plate, then scooped butter from the plastic tub. As I spread the dairy goodness over the muffin, the butter melted and oozed into every nook and cranny and soaked deep into the bread. When I bit into my breakfast, the butter melted into my mouth and filled me with delight.

The way the butter melted into every space and filled up all the dips reminded me of the way Jesus' love pours over me. His compassion drenches my heart, mind, soul, and very being. He replaces the emptiness in my soul with his power and strength. I wish I could say everyday life is easy because of Jesus' love, but that would be a lie. Pain and sin creep in. Despair and stress take over. Paul and Barnabas said in the book of Acts, “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.” I know living on earth has many difficulties, but I’m thinking of the ones that are difficulties we have as believers. Life differs around the world, so I can only speak of my experience. In situations where I’ve been disregarded because of my faith, or belittled, I know God's love keeps me going.

We have the promise to be filled to fullness, totally saturated with the love and joy of Jesus. Praise God for his love.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

A Heart for Books

Doesn't this graphic make you want to sit with a cup of coffee 
or tea and read one of the books?

I don't remember a time when I didn't love books. 

When I look back through my life, 
I find my decades flavored by the books I read.
Children's book, young adult, textbooks, 
how to care for children, 
more children's books, novels, more textbooks, 
the Bible, and now writing and research. 
I even made a few books from scratch.

Do you love books? What do you love to read?


Saturday, February 17, 2024


Proverbs 11:25
A generous person will prosper;
whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

For the love of baseball.

My grandson’s baseball team had decided to go select, which meant a steeper price to pay to play. To raise money for his fees, my daughter chose to make and sell heart-shaped cake pops just in time for Valentine’s Day. The generosity of people overwhelmed us. Before she knew it, folks had ordered over 700 cake pops. I learned, in short order, what an intensive process went into those cute little pops on the end of a stick.

On the Saturday before Valentine’s Day, Maggie, Sara, and I started the process of cutting the dough into heart shapes around 10 am. Maggie had already baked a bunch of cakes and mixed them with icing to create the dough. We cut or stuffed the small heart-shaped cookie cutters with dough, then set them aside to chill. Once they set, Maggie dipped them in melted candy and we decorated them with sprinkles and more melted candy. At 4 pm Sara left and Michael (Maggie’s husband) joined us to decorate and wrap each one in a plastic bag and tie it closed. I left at 6 pm and prayed they were able to finish. From beginning to end, it took several family members to complete the task. Dilly, Dylan, and Emma jumped in after 10pm to dip, decorate, and wrap. They worked with Maggie until late into the night. Then, Maggie and Zeke finished and delivered them on Sunday.

I love that so many hands helped make the load lighter, and so did Maggie. She appreciated all who helped, either in person or financially.

Proverbs 11:25 reminds me to be generous, not just with money, but with my time. To take the opportunity to help others and lighten their load. I love to see this in person and be part of the refreshment of others.

When have you been able to help someone in need? When has someone helped you?

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Happy Valentine's Day

I searched for information on the origin of Valentine's day. 
What I found was shrouded in mystery. 
Nothing gave a clear source for the day we set aside to wish each other love. 

There were guesses and ideas, but none of them pinpointed the day.

What I can pinpoint is God's love for us, and that He wants us to love each other.

I hope this Valentine's Day finds you surrounded by love.

Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. -1 John 4:11