Saturday, June 11, 2022

Are you Available?

3 John 1:2-4
Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. It gave me great joy when some believers came and testified about your faithfulness to the truth, telling how you continue to walk in it. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.

"God does not depend on our abilitiesHe depends on our availability." -Jay Henry

As a camper at Butler Springs Christian Assembly in the 1970s, I heard many missionaries speak. Then in some of the churches I attended, the same servants of God came to share their story. One I remember well, Jay Henry, has moved full circle through many years of service. On Sunday, our minister invited Jay to the stage. This wonderful, faithful servant shared that he had stepped down and turned the mission work over to his son and grandson, even though he will still be a part of it. He's blessed many lives in India for Jesus as he has shown up and done the work. The quote I posted above, that Jay shared, spoke to me.

Yes, God gifts each of us with abilities, but rather than depend on the ability itself, God depends on His people to be available. I find this in my writing. God may have blessed me with a gift for writing, but without showing up and putting in the work, where would the writing be? If I don't put my fingers on the keyboard and use the talent God gives me, the talent will die and the audience He gave me won't be blessed.

The apostle John wrote a letter to one of his friends in his third book. He thanked his friend, Gaius, for being faithful and sharing his walk with other believers. A couple of things I love about this passageJohn tells Gaius he hopes his health is good, including his spiritual well-being. Faithfulness to God results in a healthy soul because that faithfulness includes walking in the truth, the second idea I love.

As I do my best to walk in God's truth and show up as a faithful servant, I pray God blesses my availability with ability. Whatever ability God has given, whether speaking, encouraging, hospitality, or many others, show up and He'll provide.

Seek God first and be faithful.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Because God Is

The discipline of thanking God for His blessings ignites joy!
-Didi Bacon

I like the meme going around social media that
talks about instead of dreading chores be thankful:
I have to clean-that means I have a home
I have dishes to do-that means I have food
I have work to do-that means I have a job.
You get the picture.

It's all a matter of an attitude of gratitude
that creates a joy filled heart.

Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice!
Philippians 4:4


Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Suspense Book Review: Among the Innocent by Mary Alford

Book Description:
When Leah Miller's entire Amish family was murdered ten years ago, the person believed responsible took his own life. Since then, Leah left the Amish and joined the police force. Now, after another Amish woman is found murdered with the same MO, it becomes clear that the wrong man may have been blamed for her family's deaths.

As Leah and the new police chief, Dalton Cooper, work long hours struggling to fit the pieces together in order to catch the killer, they can't help but grow closer. When secrets from both of their pasts begin to surface, an unexpected connection between them is revealed. But this is only the beginning. Could it be that the former police chief framed an innocent man to keep the biggest secret of all buried? And what will it mean for Leah--and Dalton--when the full truth comes to light?

USA Today bestselling author Mary Alford keeps you guessing as two determined souls plumb the dark depths of the past in order to forge a brighter future--together.

My Thoughts:
If you like the television show, Criminal Minds, you would enjoy Among the Innocent. From my viewpoint, the book has too much graphic violence, and I struggled with being in the protagonist's point of view because he is so deranged, however, the story line is interesting and compelling, and the faith thread is strong. I finished reading the story because I wanted to know what happened to Leah and Dalton. The emotion Alford writes into her characters goes deep and the story line intense. If you enjoy feverishly suspenseful stories with romance, this may be the book for you. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

The Best News

Romans 8:37-39
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

I can't even comprehend how much God loves me.

If you've ever had a pet who is part of your family, you know how much you love them. Our Rosie May is a family dog, not just for Tim and me, but also for our children and grandchildren to enjoy and learn from. When we drove her home from my niece's house, we circled around to let her meet our grandchildren. Of course she was a wee pup then. Now she's almost full grown as a seven-month-old and has integrated into our lives as if she's always been here.

In those few months she's lived with us, she's shown her loyalty, but she's also chewed on a book, shredded papers, and had accidents in the house (thankfully just a few.) Yes, I get frustrated, but no matter what, I love our beautiful, kind-hearted, caring pup. She's part of our family, and I know she loves us.

Everyone wants to be loved, and I have good news, great news really. In Romans, the writer shares the amazing promise of God's continuous love. Once I chose to follow Jesus and believe His truth, God has poured out his love on me. Yes, I make mistakes, I sin, and at times I've doubted, but His love draws me back in. Nothing will separate believers, from the love of their Father, God. Nothing. I stand amazed at the love the Father pours over His family.

He calls every person to Him. He wants everyone to acknowledge Him as God. God loves and wants everyone to love Him back.

Seek Him and discover the most incredible love you'll ever experience.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

The Next Chapter

As a writer, I consider what goes into each chapter of a book.
As I edit and make the words work, 
the characters develop and lead the way through their story.

As a Christian, God knows what my next chapter is,
but because He allows me to have free will, 
He knows I'll make mistakes, even when I try my best.

In my desire to seek God's will, I trust Him
because He knows my future, and 
He gives me courage, grace, strength, and wisdom
each time I turn the page.


Saturday, May 28, 2022

Part of the Freedom

Romans 5:3-4
Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. 

I fell down, but I got back up.

No, I didn't actually fall to the ground, but so many times I've fallen in my walk with Jesus.

One of the last days of school this year, I helped in my daughter's first grade class. We stood in the hallway waiting for the children to finish their bathroom break, and one of the little ones had done something they shouldn't. I witnessed the most wonderful conversation. The child's sorrowful face dripped a few tears and my daughter leaned near and asked, "I appreciate that you are sorry for what happened, but what did you learn? We all make mistakes, but most important is to learn from them and do better next time. Don't let one mistake ruin your day."

I'd actually been thinking about this topic recently in reference to my writing. I can sit and cringe over the mistakes I make, or I can learn from them, and move forward. One of my book signings didn't go exactly the way I had hoped, but now I know what to do to make the experience better next time. I could have stewed about it, but I chose to see the whole picture, and know this is a lesson learned.

Confession time, I sin and make mistakes even though I'm a Christian. I'm not perfect, but thank goodness Jesus is. If I stew in past mistakes instead of looking at myself as a forgiven soul, my spiritual life will wither and die. Instead, I have to let go, seek forgiveness, re-evaluate, apply what I learned, forgive myself, and keep moving forward as God intends.

Romans reminds me to persevere, finish my work, and move toward maturity in Christ. I want to take those teachable moments like my daughter did and apply them to my life, so I grow in my walk with Jesus and not sit in my own mess. God is the God of second chances, He calls his followers to seek forgiveness and try again. That's part of the freedom I have in being a disciple of Jesus.

Seek the lesson to be learned and keep moving forward.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The Butterfly

One thing the children in my daughter's class love to watch 
is a caterpillar's process of spinning a chrysalis, 
sleeping for a time, and emerging a butterfly.

God created those lumpy, bumpy caterpillars 
to go through a metamorphic change
and come out graceful and colorful creatures.

As I've gotten older and hopefully wiser, 
I realize that the dark times I've gone through
have helped me learn to rely on God more 
and be a kinder, more loving person in the end.

I may not be a graceful butterfly, 
but I am a child of God covered by His grace.