Saturday, September 7, 2013

ACFW Conference, Here I Come

This is it. I have less than a week to complete everything I need for the ACFW Conference. As much as I wish I could attend all three days, I'm grateful I will be surrounded by authors, editors, agents, and new friends all day Saturday. 

The prayer warriors for my writing journey have been praying for me. They've lifted voices to God for everything from my confidence to my printer working, and every time I feel God moving. He's provided me with the funds, the time to prepare, a super supportive husband, an amazing critique group and so much incredible support from the ACFW first-timers loop.

As I finish the preparations, I trust God to continue to guide me. I know that I've chosen the editors and agents I'd like to meet, but He knows who I will meet. I pray that I show a good first impression, but He knows that I seek a humble heart. I'm excited about the classes I get to take. He knows what I need to learn. I pray that I get out of my own way and follow the One who knows what's best for me.

 Looking forward to a wonderful day with awesome people. 

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