Wednesday, May 1, 2019

I Spy the Colors of Spring

I love the color that brightens the earth this time of year, especially the blooming trees and bushes. After the white and grey of winter, the array of purple, pink, yellow and green spray beauty everywhere.

First the forsythia bring sunshine with their bright yellow blossoms. Redbuds pop with color against the pale green of the budding trees. Then the dogwood brighten the woods with brilliant white and passion pink. And I love the lavender of the lilac bushes.

When I was a girl, a lavender bush stood in our yard. Taller than me and wider than a tree, I played hide and seek around the bush with my cousin. We breathed in the fragrant smell of the gorgeous blooms. Mom cut the branches and graced our table with the gorgeous color and fragrant smell. For the last few years, we had a bush growing by our garage. I didn't know what the bush was, although I should have, until the lavender clusters popped out. What a delightful surprise.

Driving down the road with my grandson and granddaughter, we played a game spying all the different colors of trees. Ella Cates favorite color is pink and sure enough she found the pink dogwood and the redbud. Eli discovered the white dogwood and the shades of green on the new spring leaves. What fun to share my love of nature with my grands.

Take the time to notice the beauty of God's creation.

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;    let your glory be over all the earth.Psalm 57:11

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