Saturday, January 2, 2021

Gratitude Opens the Heart to Joy

Luke 17:15-19
One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan.

 Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”

The beautiful thing about gratitude—it leads to joy.

As a writer, I embrace words. I have favorites and some I'd rather not hear or read. In the novel I'm writing, I search for the perfect words to express the characters actions and emotions. When I edit, I remove unnecessary words and rewrite the scene.

As many writers do, I've asked God to give me a word for the year.

In 2020, God gifted me with "Be Brave." He basically told me not to fear. In 2020, fear tossed me on my head at times. Yet, I clung to Him and the words he gave me. When anxiety reared its ugly head (which happened more often than I care to share) I called on the Lord for courage.

Now we are waltzing into 2021, praying for a better year. As I asked God for my word, the one I'd focus on for 365 days, He whispered "Gratitude." The Oxford Dictionary defines gratitude as "the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness." I love that returning kindness is part of gratitude.

In Luke 17, Jesus healed ten lepers. He sent them to see the priest and as soon as they stepped away from Jesus, the leprosy left them. As it turns out, only one returned to thank him. And he was a Samaritan, a group of people regarded as lowly and unworthy. That man's heart overflowed with appreciation toward the one who healed him. He could finally live without ridicule and shunning. The Samaritan, low man in society, poured a grateful kindness over the one who gave him his life back. He showed gratitude to Jesus with joy in his heart.

When I imagine being sick for years and despised by most people, and through love and compassion Jesus released me and restored my life; I wonder, would I be like the nine ungrateful men or the one who poured joy over Jesus.

As the New Year rings in, embrace gratitude, show appreciation and return kindness.

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