Saturday, February 26, 2022

I'm Glad One Thing Never Changes

Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

White dust drifted to the floor, from the blackboard.

Remember at the end of the school day wanting to be the student who erased the whole board, then went outside to slam the erasers together to clean them. Of course I just wanted to go outside, yet there was something about wiping the board clean that brought satisfaction at the end of the day.

Classrooms today have changed. Instead of a blackboard, my daughter, Sara's first grade class has a whiteboard she uses to either write on with special markers or use as a place to hang important classroom learning tools. There's also a smartboard, a large screen hooked to her computer, where she shares lessons, directions, and educational videos.

Classrooms have changed. Students are learning more now than ever. They also learn the basics, in new and innovative ways. Sara has been teaching for more than a decade and has had to continue to learn new and interesting ways to teach.

Change can be good, and most things in life evolve in some way. Look at our kitchens and compare them to our grandparents or great grandparents' kitchens. Yet one thing never changes because He is already as good as it gets. Jesus stays the same. He's always loving, and forgiving as He seeks our hearts. He's the rock I stand on, the One I depend on, the One I pray to. Jesus never waivers from being the Son of God, my perfect hope.

When I'm in the middle of uncertain circumstances and I'm not sure what to do, I turn to the One who stays the same, the One who loves me no matter what. I'm thankful Jesus is the same every day, and with confidence I can move forward and trust Him.

Count on Jesus in your season of change.

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