Saturday, July 30, 2022

Work With All My Heart

Colossians 3:23-24

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. 

My grandson floated back to his seat on a cloud of joy.

I’m a loyal fan of the Cincinnati Reds. Twenty-twenty-two hasn’t been their best year, yet they still show up and work hard. Due to decisions from management, we lost some good players, but the ones left on the team, like Votto, Farmer, and India put in the effort and play their hearts out.

They work out, practice, and show up, even through injury, and use their God-given talent to play the game. Recently my daughter, Maggie, and my grands, Dylan and Zeke, and I attended a game. Zeke loves baseball and plays on a summer team. As he and I entered the stadium, he hoped to catch a practice ball from the opposing team. He not only caught one, the player for the Marlins signed it. Then when he saw the Reds players in the dugout, he hustled over and thought he might have a shot at an autograph on the ball he brought with him. He held the ball out and none other than Joey Votto autographed it. Votto and the Marlins player didn’t have to autograph anything, but they took their job beyond what was expected.

In Colossians 3:23-24, Paul gives a directive that whatever we work at, whether at home, at a job, or in the church, work as if it is for the Lord. God has given each one of us different talents. We can use those talents to glorify Him by doing our best and going beyond what’s expected. It’s easy to get discouraged in a job, but sometimes we have to choose to do our best despite the circumstances. I worked for many years in libraries, where I was challenged and frustrated at times. When that happened, I had to pray or the discouragement would overwhelm me. The same with my writing. I doubt myself, but have to remember God is the One who called me to write.

In whatever I do, I strive to work with all my heart and do my best.

Work with all your heart to glorify God.

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