Saturday, February 4, 2023

Hope Remains

Psalm 31:24
Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.

“The hope is in the yes, when times go bad.” -Tim

Tim and I sat in the tour boat waiting for the rain to pass. We’d been in Maine a few days and had planned a trip to see the puffins, a fun little bird with a colorful beak who lives at sea. As the drizzle continued, I wondered if we were going to get to go out to the island they lived on. To see the puffins, we needed to travel by boat about a half-an-hour out into the Atlantic Ocean. The guide warned, due to fog, we might not have the best view. Even with these hindrances, my hope of seeing these adorable birds kept me afloat. Instead of doubting and grumbling, I held on to my dream of watching these birds bob in the water.

In time, the rain stopped, and our tour boat took us into the waters, and we watched the puffins bob up and down, plus an array of other ocean birds on Eastern Egg Rock Island. I’m thankful I didn’t give up and go home, but waited for the yes from the guide to move ahead.

I could have pouted or given up while I sat in the boat and waited. Instead, I hung on to the hope we’d get to go out on the water. When life takes a difficult turn, or circumstances feel unbearable, instead of blaming God, reach out to Him and hope in the yes. Yesmeaning I trust you Lord in all my circumstances. He promises to be with us in all things. 

As long as we turn to God and not away from Him, hope remains.

Be strong, take heart, seek Him, and wait for Him.

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