Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Joy in Creation

Psalm 65:8
The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders;
   where morning dawns, where evening fades,
   you call forth songs of joy.

My zinnias are blooming.

This time of year, as I'm driving through the country toward my hometown to visit family, I roll past fields of soybeans and signs with sweet corn for sale. Abundant gardens filled with tomatoes, green beans, and cucumbers catch my eye, and one home offers pick your own flowers. The cosmos and zinnias dance in the breeze, inviting people to stop by and cut a bouquet.

My daughter, Maggie, and her husband, Michael, grew a lovely garden this year. From their abundance, she gave us green beans and zucchini, and I can't wait to see her blue pumpkins. As I sat in my chair and snapped the beans, I considered how amazing it is that God gave us so many incredible plants. He offers a variety for us to eat and a multitude to enjoy.

The zinnias I planted from seed have sprouted and bloomed. Their rainbow of color welcomes people to our door and brings joy to my day.

I am in awe of all God created. From the tiny pea to the giant redwood, the woods to the rainforest, the ocean to the mountains, everything He made He gave us to explore, discover, use, and enjoy. God also gave us responsibility to take care of the earth and the natural resources He provided. As I soak in the beauty, I long for us to appreciate and care for the environment we live in.

The whole earth is filled with wonder and I rejoice in God, the Creator of everything. Even as I love all the plants and animals, I adore and worship the One who made them, and I'm thankful for the bounty of summer and the beauty of the season.

Thank God for His gift of creation and rejoice in Him.


Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Shout Joy!

The zinnias I planted this year have bloomed with a rainbow of colors.
Every time I wander outside to look at them my heart is filled with joy.
Yes it's a little thing, these flowers, but the joy is deep
because it's rooted in God.

No matter the day or circumstance, 
my heart leaps with joy when I think of my Savior, Jesus.


Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Better Days

The days I take the time to pray first thing in the morning
give me the confidence and courage I need to face a new day. 
Those days may not have better circumstances, or the best news, 
but I'm prepared because I've opened my heart to God 
and asked the Holy Spirit to guide me in my actions and thoughts.

No day is perfect, but the days I talk to God are a whole lot better.


Wednesday, May 31, 2023

One Step at a Time

I love the Appalachian Mountains, but sometimes 
I am surrounded by a different kind of mountain that I believe I can't climb.
Sorrow, grief, achievement, expectations, too much to do, and the list goes on.

What do I do when I lift my eyes to those daunting mountains?
I look to the One who gives me the strength and courage to climb.

I lift my eyes to God and seek Him as I take the mountain step-by-step,
because I know He walks with me, and His love surrounds me.


Wednesday, May 10, 2023

God's Love is Personal

Sometimes when I'm praying and I'm not sure what to pray, 
this comes to mind.
"Cleanse me of anything that breaks Your heart."

God's heart hurts because of our suffering and our sin. 
Yet, He loves us so much that He bears the weight of our burdens.
I'm thankful for His incredible love.

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
-Psalm 147:3
When I think of 'our' instead of 'their' in that verse,
God's love becomes personal to my soul.


Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Love and Faithfulness

Our neighbor grows a beautiful flower garden every year. 
The other day I spied this pretty plant. 
When I looked up the name, I discovered that it's Solomon's Seal. 
That led me to Proverbs, where Solomon shared his wisdom.
In Proverbs 3:3, he advises God's people 
to bind the Lord's love and faithfulness around their necks 
and write His wisdom on their hearts. 

Keeping His love and faithfulness close to my heart
gives me courage and hope.


Saturday, April 22, 2023

Be Strong and Courageous

Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Playing a sport as a youngster is not for the faint of heart.

I opened my calendar and spread their schedules in front of me. Grandchildren in track, baseball, and softball filled the pages, not to mention Tim’s schedule as a Red’s usher and my author obligations.

We’ve watched our children and grandchildren compete in sports for years. Tim and I even coached our own kids.

I enjoy all kinds of sports, especially when the grands are participating. Watching Eli throw the discus and shotput was a new experience. I love his attitude. He’s brand new to the sport and willing to learn. He wants to do his best. Zeke, in his baseball, has grown by leaps and bounds and this year, the coach is tapping into his potential. Again, he has a great attitude, he wants to learn and do his best. Ella Cate, in softball, is the same as are Max and Aiden in basketball and track and Dylan in tennis. All of these young folks have approached their sport with an attitude of courage and a determination to be strong in their sport. They each want to enjoy the game, but also learn and grow. They know their parents and grandparents are there cheering them on and encouraging them to do their best.

When God tapped Joshua to take over for Moses, Joshua stepped up and told the people what would happen next. God reminded him, “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Joshua 1:5) Several times, God reminded Joshua to be strong and have courage. And he did.

Just as we encourage and support our grandkids in their sports, God reminds us to be strong and have courage as we serve Him. That may require learning something new, spending time in His word or on our knees in prayer. God’s courage goes before me as I serve Him and minister to others. He gives me the strength and courage to do the things I hesitate to do on my own. I’m thankful for God’s love and encouragement.

Take heart, and be strong and courageous.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Overwhelmed with Peace and Hope

Daniel 6:25-27
Then King Darius wrote to all the nations and peoples of every language in all the earth: May you prosper greatly! I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel.

“For he is the living God
    and he endures forever;
his kingdom will not be destroyed,
    his dominion will never end.
He rescues and he saves;
    he performs signs and wonders
    in the heavens and on the earth.
He has rescued Daniel
    from the power of the lions.”

I felt like I could touch the hand of God.

In Hannah’s Rav-4, we wound around the hairpin curves and climbed the mountain. Surrounded by evergreens and the sweet spring green of budding trees, I soaked in the beauty of God’s incredible creation. The redbuds popped and the white dogwood waved in the breeze. As we drove up the mountain, the clouds drew closer. At the top, beautiful and serene Pretty Place invited us to bow in reverence to the King of Kings.

Pretty Place, built near Camp Greenville, North Carolina, beckoned me to bow my head and thank the Lord for His constant presence in my life. As I stood in the open stone chapel, I watched my grandchildren and children interact. My thanks rose to God for my husband, my beautiful family, and the life I’m living. Most of all, my heart entwined with God’s grace and I thanked Him for Jesus. I bowed in reverence before the Lord and poured out gratitude. It felt good and right.

Pretty Place is a place where the reverence of God overwhelms me with peace and hope.

I’ve only visited the stone chapel twice, and both times I felt the same. I wish I could start my day there every day, but I live in Ohio. Instead, I seek God through scripture reading, devotions, and prayer. We visit the woods and sit beside the lake when we can. No matter where I am though, God is with me. He’s here in my living room, on walks with our dog, in the city, the country, no matter where I am He travels with me. And He’s with you, too.

Seek God where you are. He loves you.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Same God

Psalm 17:6-9
I call on you, my God, for you will answer me;
    turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.
Show me the wonders of your great love,
    you who save by your right hand
    those who take refuge in you from their foes.
Keep me as the apple of your eye;
    hide me in the shadow of your wings
from the wicked who are out to destroy me,    
    from my mortal enemies who surround me.

I see the moon and the moon sees me.

The night sky reminds me I see the same moon and stars as my niece in England or my friend in Missouri. That brilliant heavenly body connects me to my family, friends, and folks around the world.

Our youngest daughter and her husband live in South Carolina and it’s a comfort to me we see the same sky. Even though we are not close in proximity, we share a similar view. When our family, who lives close by, sends photos of rainbows or sunsets, and I can see the same ones from where I’m standing, it’s a joy to know we see the same bits of creation. They join us with each other and with God.

On Sunday, the praise band led us in the song Same God by Elevation Worship. The lyrics reminded me of all the people throughout history who called on the same God I call on today. Moses, Jacob, Mary, and so many more lifted their prayers to the Father, the same One I speak to daily. It kind of blows my mind that I’m talking to the same God Noah prayed to, or Esther. The same One who people around the world take their cares to is the same one who listens and has listened for centuries.

I love what David says in Psalm 17. He calls on God, who answers, turns His ear, and hears our prayers. Then he asks many of the same things I seek for myself and my family and friends: keep me close, protect me, hide me in your wings. Praying to the same God as my ancestors fills my heart with comfort and joy.

Keep praying to the same God who remains steadfast and faithful.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Throwing the Rug in the Wash

Ephesians 1:7-10
In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding,  he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.

I’d put off cleaning the bathroom.

ConfessionI don’t like to clean. Oh, I love the results, a shiny sink, sparkling toilet, and glistening shower, but I need motivation to make it happen.

After I gave Rosie May a bath, and I got as wet as she did, I scrubbed the shower, shined the mirror and overall cleaned the bathroom. We have a beautiful crocheted rug, in a hue of rainbow colors, a friend made for me. I tossed that one and the shower mat in the washer. After everything sparkled, I laid the rugs on the floor. The difference between the dirty rug I washed and the clean rug I pulled out of the dryer was remarkable. The colors shone and brightened the room.

At times in my life, my heart resembled the dirty rug. Muted colors replaced vibrancy. Like the dirt, sin darkened my joy and sucked the life out of me. Then Jesus took my sin, my filth, the garbage in my life, and washed it all away. He carried sin to the cross and died with it there, but the beautiful thing is, He rose on the third day and with open arms offers a way out of negativity, addiction, sorrow, suffering, mistakesyou get the idea. In Jesus, there is hope. Through Jesus, God wants to lavish His grace on us. His grace cleanses the soul and restores vibrancy with joy and hope.

I’m thankful Jesus loves me more than I understand.

Seek Jesus and ask Him to cleanse your soul.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

The Goodness of God

Psalm 23:6
Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

I’ve been thinking about the word goodness this week. 

Goodness is listed as a fruit of the spirit in Galatians 5:22. The dictionary tells me goodness is moral excellence, a kindly feeling, generosity, and virtue.

When I think of pure goodness, I remember the sweet faces of my girls as newborns. Looking into their eyes, I saw the purest elements of humankind.

When God created the garden of Eden and all the beautiful natural elements, He said, “It is good.” Everything shone with goodness, before the wretched snake (Satan) slithered in and tempted Adam and Eve. Once they indulged in the fruit of the tree of life, the goodness faded. Sin scarred the purity of the earth and the moral excellence.

Yet God had a plan. He had given the humans the freedom to choose, and He knew they would choose poorly.

When I worked in the elementary school library, I would ask the students about good and bad choices. “Was it a good choice to leave a library book in the rain?” “Should you leave your book where the dog can gnaw on it?” You get the idea.

Years ago, I made the choice to accept Jesus as my Savior—best choice I ever made. With Jesus as my Lord, I have goodness in my life. I’m not perfect, I sin, I make mistakes, but God pours His goodness over me. He keeps showing up. His goodness and love follow me all the days of my life. And I’m so very thankful. With His goodness in my life, I continue to grow as a believer. I have confidence in His salvation, and I have the hope of heaven.

Let God’s goodness pour over you.

I love this song that I heard this week. 
God shows up with His goodness.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

This Old House

Proverbs 24:3-4

By wisdom a house is built,
    and through understanding it is established;
through knowledge its rooms are filled
    with rare and beautiful treasures.

I’ve lived in 14 different homes in my lifetime.

When I was young, my parents sometimes took us for a Sunday drive to look at houses. We rolled along rural roads and through small towns. From that experience, I learned to appreciate the architecture of older homes. Some with fancy ginger breading and others with simple porches attracted my attention. To this day, I enjoy seeing some of the interesting houses in our travels.

Of the 14 different houses I’ve lived in, some of my favorites were the old farmhouses. They have so much character. I loved imagining what stories they could tell. From the farm wife toting in eggs from the chicken coop to the child sitting on her dad’s lap at the end of the day. Life was breathed into the home. Love, laughter, dinner around the kitchen table, cousins piling in, and the dog laying by the hearth. My mind weaves a tale of joy. However, I also know some houses heard the rough voices of arguing and anger. They felt the trembling of fear and sorrow. Those homes break my heart.

I also see the houses, who abandoned over time, have the life sucked out of them. They look tired, run-down, weary, and sad. I wonder at the stories they could tell.

As I compare a house or home to life lived, I see the same thing. Many people are filled with joy, peace, and love. While others may be angry or fearful or live a weary, sad life.

I could have been any of those three. We all could, but when I accepted Jesus’ invitation to follow and love Him, my life found the joy, love, and peace I longed for. Even in times of sadness and difficulty, Jesus’ love carries me. I no longer live as a slave to fear, anger, sadness, and sorrow. Instead, Jesus poured His love and grace into me and loves me more than I could imagine.

I want my home to be a place of love and peace, reflected in Jesus, just as I want my life to shine for the Lord.

Does your home reflect Jesus’ love? Does your life?

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Allow Color to Bless You

God created the world as a colorful place. 
Look around and see the greens, blues, pinks, and purples. 
Red, yellow and orange, black and white and even brown 
add amazing variety and contrast. 

My favorite color, pink, pours joy into my soul. 

That may sound silly, but I believe God gave us color 
to help us understand and appreciate the world we live in. 
On a gray day, a splash of color adds inspiration.

Take a moment to admire the colors and allow God to bless you.


Saturday, January 21, 2023

I Am Not Alone

Matthew 10:16-20

“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. Be on your guard; you will be handed over to the local councils and be flogged in the synagogues. On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles. But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.”

God is with me.

A crowd gathered for the varsity boys’ game. On the opposite side of the gym from us, the opposing team’s fans came together. A sea of blue filled the bleachers, except for one lone soul dressed in gold and black (our team colors.) When I noticed the fellow dressed in different colors, my first thought was sympathy. A fan for our team sat amidst the opposing fans, but then I wondered if he wore those colors without thinking about what everyone else was wearing.

I’ll never know the answer, but the visual reminded me of folks who stand alone in their faith or are on their own in their circumstances. Missionaries go to places where they may be the only ones who believe in Jesus, and they are responsible for living a life of faith. Teachers stand before classes and work so hard to instill a love of learning in their students. Ministers sometimes feel alone, even surrounded by many.

I’m sure the apostles felt singled out and on their own many times. Jesus sent them out without earthly possessions and asked them to go to towns less than welcoming. They traveled and taught about Jesus, even though they could be flogged or end up in jail. What did the apostles know that kept them going? God was with them. They were not alone. The Holy Spirit dwelled in their hearts.

Writing is a solitary activity, but I know beyond a doubt, God is beside me as I write. He’s with me when I’m tired, disappointed, excited, happy, broken, or weary. No matter what my circumstances may be, God stands with me, picks me up, heals my heart, and keeps me going. For that, I am so thankful.

God is with His people, even when we feel alone.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

And God Gave us Music

Psalm 92:1-3

It is good to praise the Lord
    and make music to your name, O Most High,
proclaiming your love in the morning
    and your faithfulness at night,
to the music of the ten-stringed lyre
    and the melody of the harp.

Praise is the rehearsal for our eternal song. -Charles Spurgeon

Our grandson, Zeke, tried out for the OMEA seventh grade band performance. I’m delighted to share he was chosen as first chair baritone. The students from various districts came together to perform a wonderful concert after learning the music in only three days. Kudos to Maggie (his momma) for driving him to Cincinnati every one of those days.

On Sunday, as the band assembled, I sat in the audience with family and soaked in each song. Each of the four songs inspired their own beauty. They started with a song that might have been the soundtrack to an action flick. Then they played a lovely song that invoked an inward peace. The third song reminded of something you might hear in a palace, and the last song they played was based on an African spiritual with a contagious rhythm.

As I think back on the music, the first song played reminds me of Joshua marching around the walls of Jerico. The peaceful song left me thinking of Mary holding baby Jesus. The palace song brought Queen Esther to mind, and the African beat reminded me of David dancing and praising.

God gave us the gift of music, and we can use instruments and voices to raise praises to God. Music also soothes the soul and offers a respite from the cacophony of a noisy world. I’m thankful there are different styles of music, and a variety of musicians so we can all find the tunes that draw us closer to God. Contemporary Christian music, traditional hymns, pop, and folk are among my favorites, and I’ll listen to almost any instrumental tunes. As I am with nature, I’m amazed at God’s creation of tones and melodies. He’s given us so many gifts, and just think how beautiful the music of heaven will be.

Find music that draws you closer to God.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Are You Prepared to Celebrate?

Luke 2:4-5

So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. 

“Be prepared, just not to be safe, but to be a faithful servant of God.”-Didi Bacon

Christmas takes preparation. With five children, four with spouses, and eleven grands, I have to begin preparing for the holidays early, because I prefer to take my time rather than stress.

For Christmas dinner, I keep it simple. Yet, the meal takes organization. Yesterday, I spent a chunk of the day cooking hamburger for sloppy joes and chopping peppers for pizza dip. When I finished, I tucked both into the freezer until December 24. As I stirred the burger and cooked the pink out, my mind wandered to Joseph and Mary. Weird, I know, but that’s how my brain works.

God had chosen Mary to be Jesus’ momma, and he picked Joseph as Jesus’ earthly father because Joseph was a man of integrity who loved God. Obviously, Joseph took care of Mary. When he heard Caesar Augustus called for them to travel to Bethlehem for the census, he loaded the donkey (at least that's what we learned in Sunday school,) and he and Mary joined the caravan on the journey. I’ve no doubt Joseph packed water and snacks, along with blankets and bags of clothes. He prepared for the long trip, but he didn’t stop there. His most important preparation wasn’t food or clothes, instead he took the time to prepare his heart.

Joseph had accepted his role in the coming of King Jesus. With willingness, Joseph humbled his heart and opened his mind to the changes coming to his family. He looked to God with a servant’s heart and accepted the part God asked him to take on. He chose to love the One who would change the world, even as he raised Jesus as his son.

Joseph’s willingness to accept his circumstances kind of blows my mind. His faith was extraordinary. His actions push me to prepare for Christmas, not in gift giving and cooking, but more importantly, to prepare my heart to worship the King.

Christmas is about Jesus. He’s the reason we celebrate. With humility, I ask God to open my eyes and heart in service to Him.

Prepare your heart to worship God and serve Him in this holy season.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Give Thanks and Praise

For the Lord is good!

Thank you Lord, for your love and grace.
Thank you for your Son and for the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for the hope we have in heaven.

For the Lord is good!


Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Hope from a Thankful Heart

Anxiety is so common in our society. 
I don't have the answers as to why,
 but I do know when I spend time
thanking God, my anxiety eases. 

The more I thank Him, the less I have to be anxious about.
The apostle Paul must have known this too.
His advice to present our requests,
to God gives us hope and much to be thankful for.


Saturday, October 29, 2022

What Do You Fear?

Psalm 33:18-22

But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him,
    on those whose hope is in his unfailing love,
to deliver them from death
    and keep them alive in famine.
We wait in hope for the Lord;
    he is our help and our shield.
In him our hearts rejoice,
    for we trust in his holy name.
May your unfailing love be with us, Lord,
    even as we put our hope in you.

Our Golden, Rosie, shakes when she hears loud noise.

Monday morning, we awoke to a crew of roofers ripping off the shingles on the building next door. When I tried to take Rosie out to do her business, she trotted to the edge of the grass, squatted, then ran back inside. She refused to take her walk. Thankfully, Tim drove her to a safe place, and she was happy.

Like Rosie, I fear certain thingsfailure in my writing, making a mistake and hurting another person, letting someone down, and worst of allspiders. Yes, those creepy, crawly creatures freak me out. But seriously, fear is real. We all fear something.

In the Psalm we are called to fear the Lord. Not the fear that causes me to hide, or curl up in a ball, or throw my shoe at an eight-legged creature, but a fear of reverence. Healthy fear of God involves, adoration, devotion, respect, wonder, and worship. As a young Christian, the thought of being afraid of God confused me. Why fear someone who loves you? After becoming a parent I understood much better. Although I don’t think my girls ever truly feared me, they had a healthy respect for me and understood the parameters I set.

God watches over his children, and He loves like no other. Even as I hold a healthy fear for my creator, I also trust Him completely and hope in Him wholly.

Fear the Lord with joy!

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Plot Twist

Change can be hard. 

Yet, when the seasons shift, I enjoy the beauty. 
Autumn has been especially lovely this year--
the leaves vibrant and the weather glorious.

Change can be beautiful. 
I'm trusting God when life takes twists and turns, 
for He knows my future and my needs.

Like a novel--I can say, "Plot twist!" and keep moving forward.