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Saturday, June 11, 2022

Are you Available?

3 John 1:2-4
Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. It gave me great joy when some believers came and testified about your faithfulness to the truth, telling how you continue to walk in it. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.

"God does not depend on our abilitiesHe depends on our availability." -Jay Henry

As a camper at Butler Springs Christian Assembly in the 1970s, I heard many missionaries speak. Then in some of the churches I attended, the same servants of God came to share their story. One I remember well, Jay Henry, has moved full circle through many years of service. On Sunday, our minister invited Jay to the stage. This wonderful, faithful servant shared that he had stepped down and turned the mission work over to his son and grandson, even though he will still be a part of it. He's blessed many lives in India for Jesus as he has shown up and done the work. The quote I posted above, that Jay shared, spoke to me.

Yes, God gifts each of us with abilities, but rather than depend on the ability itself, God depends on His people to be available. I find this in my writing. God may have blessed me with a gift for writing, but without showing up and putting in the work, where would the writing be? If I don't put my fingers on the keyboard and use the talent God gives me, the talent will die and the audience He gave me won't be blessed.

The apostle John wrote a letter to one of his friends in his third book. He thanked his friend, Gaius, for being faithful and sharing his walk with other believers. A couple of things I love about this passageJohn tells Gaius he hopes his health is good, including his spiritual well-being. Faithfulness to God results in a healthy soul because that faithfulness includes walking in the truth, the second idea I love.

As I do my best to walk in God's truth and show up as a faithful servant, I pray God blesses my availability with ability. Whatever ability God has given, whether speaking, encouraging, hospitality, or many others, show up and He'll provide.

Seek God first and be faithful.