Showing posts with label blueberries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blueberries. Show all posts

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Heart Health

Colossians 1:9-12
For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. 

I eat blueberries every morning. 

I’ve spent a week at my daughter’s house to help her after knee surgery. Hannah and Stephen have three blueberry bushes in their backyard. In all of my 66 years, I’ve never picked fresh blueberries. The night before surgery, we went outside in the South Carolina heat and tugged the pretty blueberries from the bushes and blackberries from an adjacent bush.

I found the colors of the blueberries in their various stages of growth pleasing as well as the soft shade of green of the leaves. One morning while I was there, a friend of Hannah’s brought her two small children to pick some berries. I showed the little boy the difference between the ripe berries and the small green ones just growing, and the red ones, at the in between stage. He and his little sister did well differentiating between them.

As we picked, the verses in Colossians came to mind as I thought about the various stages of development. The little green orbs reminded me to bear fruit, while the red ones encouraged me to grow in the knowledge and word of God, and the sweet blue ones gave me hope of being strengthened by God and filled with joy.

While blueberries offer positive effects like antioxidants and better heart health, the Holy Spirit dwells with me and gives me endurance and patience every day, plus the best spiritual heart health, ever.

I’m thankful God created blueberries, and I’m grateful He sent his Spirit to help me through the everyday challenges of life on earth.

Thank you, Father, for your love.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Waffles or French Toast

Ephesians 4:32
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.

Tim and I stopped in for breakfast at a little diner near our home. The menu tempted me with so many choices. When a waitress stopped by our table, we both ordered coffee, then waited for her to return. With coffee in our cups, we placed our orders. "I would like to try the waffle with blueberries and a scrambled egg." I don't often ask for waffles, but I thought I'd give it a try, and with blueberries how could I go wrong. She came back to the table, head hanging, and told me, "We are out of the mix. I'm so sorry, what else would you like? We have French toast with blueberries."

I smiled and ordered the French toast. As we waited on our order, we sipped our coffee, and talked about the Reds, the book I'm working on, and what we planned for the rest of the day. Not long after, the waitress placed a plate of French toast and blueberries in front of me that looked heavenly. Again, she apologized, but I stopped her. "I love French toast and blueberries. I was getting the waffle just to try something different." She sighed with relief and hurried to the next table.

The waitress didn't know me, yet she wanted me to enjoy my breakfast. She had no idea French toast reminds me of my dad, who made it for us on Saturday mornings. Even though, she didn't know me, she was kind and wanted the best for me.

What if I passed along her caring attitude and her desire to make my day better? That's called kindness, folks. Simply caring for the people around me and considering their needs ahead of my own, both those I know and those I don't. Did I mention, she was the only one working the floor, clearing the tables, and taking orders? Yet she wore a smile and spread kindness all over the room.

Paul penned in his letter to the Ephesian church a segment about Christian living. One of the things he mentioned at the end, and I believe he did that to emphasize the point, was to be compassionate and kind to each other. As believers and followers of Jesus I want to show kindness to others, not simply because Paul said so, but because the act of caring creates a better environment for everyone and shares the love of Jesus.

Join me in finding ways to be kinder and more caring.