Showing posts with label creation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creation. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Non-fiction Review: Reforesting Faith: What Trees Teach Us About the Nature of God and his Love for Us

The Bible talks about trees more than any living creation other than people. Perhaps you've missed the forest...and the trees.

In this groundbreaking walk through Scripture, former physician and carpenter Dr. Matthew Sleeth makes the convincing case why trees are essential to every Christian's understanding of God. 

Yet we've mostly missed how God has chosen to tell His story--and ours--through the lens of trees. There's a tree on the first page of Genesis and the last page of Revelation. The Bible refers to its wisdom as a Tree of Life (Proverbs 3:18). Every major Biblical character has a tree associated with them. Jesus himself says he is the true vine (John 15:1). A tree was used to kill Jesus--and a tree is the only thing the Messiah ever harmed.

This is no accident. When we subtract trees from Scripture, we miss lessons of faith necessary for our growth.

This is the rare book that connects those who love the Creator with creation, and those who love creation with the Creator. It offers inspirational yet practical ways to express our love for God--and our neighbors--by planting spiritual trees and physical trees in the world.

Join Dr. Sleeth as he navigates the Bible's trail of trees to explore the wonders of life, death, and rebirth. You'll be amazed at how science is just beginning to catch up to the truths described in Scripture thousands of years ago. Once you discover the hidden language of trees, your walk through the woods--and through Scripture--will never be the same.

My Review:
When I saw this book available for review, I knew I needed to read it. I've yet to read a book so focused on the trees God created and why they are so important to life on earth. Matthew Sleeth, MD, an atheist before he found his way to Jesus, has done a great deal of research within the scripture to discover how trees thread their way through the Bible. I enjoyed his perspective and excitement for taking care of God's creation. Sleeth has many great ideas of how to keep trees on earth.  I received a complimentary copy of this book from WaterBrook. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

He Created us on Purpose

GiraffePsalm 65:8
The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders;
    where morning dawns, where evening fades,
    you call forth songs of joy.

Psalm 139:14
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.

Some days I feel like Bilbo Baggins in the Hobbit when he yells, "I'm going on an adventure!" And we did, to an African savanna. As I sat on a motorized scooter, (because of my bum knee) I watched giraffes, ostriches, lions, and zebras roam together on the grassy plain. Fascinated by the elegant and graceful giraffes, I thought about the wonders God has made. It kind of blows my mind when I consider how many different animals God has created. Each time we've toured the Columbus Zoo, where our daughter works, we've never visited every exhibit in one trip.

God's creation is vast. So many incredible creatures roam the earth, and God designed them all. Just imagine God's love pouring over the earth as he formed and placed each creature in its home. Every animal roams their part of the world on purpose,  because of God's plan.

The almighty father who put the creatures on the earth, also made you and me. He designed us with purpose, to love him and to love each other. Like the animals, each individual has a role in this life. We have people to encourage and influence. We have work to do. We have a Savior to worship. Whatever situation I find myself in, I've learned to pray for God's guidance and purpose. I want to be a positive, encouraging influence for Jesus, even when I don't feel like it. 

Ask God what you can do for him each day. He loves us so much and wants to speak into our lives. Pray for purpose.

Friday, September 1, 2017

The One Who Created Science

Genesis 1:27
So God created mankind in his own image,
    in the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them.

A magazine came across my desk this week. The front cover posed this question, "Where did we really come from?" Curious, I opened to the page of the article. I thought maybe there was a tiny chance that someone was writing about the creation story. Instead I found another argument for a different theory.

Understand this about me—I love nature, and I respect science. In biology class, I was fascinated with photosynthesis, the life stream of plants. I enjoyed learning about flowers and found animal habitats interesting. I still enjoy being outdoors watching birds and wildlife. I was excited in Maine when we learned about the lobsters and puffins. So when I read the question, "Where did we really come from?" I already knew my answer. I've prayed and studied over this for a long time.

I believe with all my heart that God created me. He held me in his heart before I was even born. God made me to reflect his image. I may not always do that because we live in a sinful world, and I confess, I sin. But I know, without doubt, that God put me on this earth with purpose. He knew me and he knows my life. Some might wonder how I can embrace God and science. My answer—because I believe God invented science. The galaxies? God tossed every star into place. The butterflies? God painted every delicate wing. My grandbabies? God formed them before we knew them. God gave us the gift of science to help us cope with this crazy world. He has his hand in medicine, technology, astronomy (remember the recent eclipse) agriculture (he did plant the first garden) and every other science we know. My faith in the truth of the Bible leads me to believe that God is the giver of life. He is the one who understands everything because he created everything. I praise God, because his works are amazing! 
Psalm 139:13-14For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;  your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

God's Own Hands

Isaiah 44:23
Sing for joy, you heavens, for the Lord has done this; shout aloud, you earth beneath. Burst into song, you mountains, you forests and all your trees, for the Lord has redeemed Jacob, he displays his glory in Israel.

I never get tired of experiencing God's amazing creation. On our trip to Maine this week, we spent a day in the rural area between Portland and New Harbor. We journeyed up the coast across parts of the Casco Bay. Trees lined the roadways; not just fence lines of scrubs or a spruce here and an oak there. Instead we passed by forested areas grown by God's own hands. I couldn't help but wonder what animals roamed the woods. Maybe a bear or a moose. But those were left to my imagination. Other areas we crossed were covered by wetlands and waterways. Everywhere we looked, beauty sang a song of glory to the Creator.

As I prepare to leave the great state of Maine, I thank the Lord for the experience to visit another area of the world. No matter how large or small the geographical areas in my life are, I know God's hands formed everything. From the sandy beaches to the evergreen trees to the call of the sea gulls, I witnessed the glory of God by his presence in this amazing environment. I love his incredible imagination and wisdom.

Shout to Him with joy, for He is good!
Do you connect to God through nature?  

Saturday, November 19, 2016

The Jubilant Little Tree

Hebrews 12:28
...So let us be thankful. Then we can worship God in a way that pleases him. Let us worship him with deep respect and wonder.

As I drove up the long, winding driveway to the college where I work, I noticed a tree. Not a profound statement I know. The grounds are covered with several wooded areas. But something stood out to me about this little tree. The golden leaves still clung to it, even though we're halfway through November. The deciduous trees that surrounded it had lost their leaves over the course of the previous month. But here in the midst of the bareness stood a pretty golden-leafed tree.

My heart filled with joy and wonder when I drove around the curve and caught sight of the jubilant little tree. With leaves still glowing, it was like it was shouting, "see what our amazing God can do. He can turn my leaves into rays of glory." The next day I stopped and took a photo of the beauty I'd seen. And again I witnessed the incredible creativity of the God who loves me. The natural world is full of God's extraordinary imagination. I hope as you celebrate Thanksgiving this week you take a moment and worship the God of wonder. Praise God for the beauty he created and the joy it brings!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Children's Bible: NIV Wonders Of Creation Holy Bible

Book Description:
The NIV Wonders of Creation Holy Bible explores the wonders of our created world though detailed black-and-white illustrations—each one ready to be filled with the hues of your imagination. From amazing Eden-esque gardens to the creatures God made, this Bible features over 50 ready-to-color pages alongside the full text of the New International Version (NIV) translation.

My Thoughts:
I think one of the best ways for children to relate to God is through nature. The Wonders of Creation Bible offers great drawings that will appeal to boys and girls. Each coloring page has a scripture, too. This would be a great gift Bible with a set of colored pencils. I'd recommend it for children ages nine through young adult. The hard cover is attractive and sturdy. I would have loved this Bible when I was a young girl. I received this book for free from Zonderkidz.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Book Review: Garden Of Eden Coloring Book

Book Description:
God created humans in his image and likeness and put it in a garden. In the Garden of Eden Coloring Book, you will find beautiful biblical scenes for coloring, relaxation, and delight. This book, with eighty-four pages, is an invitation to use all the creative potential that God has given you to create and to escape from the stressful activities of everyday life. Unleash your imagination, relieve your stress, reflect on biblical messages and see how good it feels. Appeals to all ages looking for a unique coloring experience.

My Thoughts:
The Garden of Eden Coloring Book is filled with pages of beautiful drawings focusing on the creation. I like the scripture references throughout the pages that relay God's steps in creating our world. Anyone who enjoys coloring or wants a relaxing activity will like this book. The only drawback I find is the pictures are on both sides of each page. So it would work great with colored pencils but not markers. My favorite picture is the beautiful sea turtle. I received this book in exchange for a fair review.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

God Made Madagascar

Genesis 1:20-25
And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky.” So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the fifth day.

And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so. God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

I was watching WildKratts with my grandson the other day. The main characters, Chris and Martin traveled to the island of Madagascar off the coast of Africa. They introduced viewers to lemurs, chameleons (they change color!) and hissing cockroaches, now that's quite an array of creatures.  If you aren't familiar with the show, it's on PBS and teaches kids about animals. I enjoy the show as much as Eli because I've always been fascinated with God's creation. When I think about it, I'm in awe of the multitude of animals He's made.

Almost every day I see deer, squirrels, rabbits, and red-winged blackbirds on the wooded rural campus where I work. I spend time with our dogs, who are so smart and loyal. I may not be able to debate a scientist about how the world came to be but I know without doubt that God created everything. Through faith I believe. Faith is the evidence of the things I cannot see and the things hoped for in Jesus. God's fingerprints appear everywhere, on all of his design. Praise God for his amazing creation!