Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Sometimes when I see flowers, I'm reminded of how life works.

These two double lilies make me think of my dear friends 
who help me navigate life. We share prayer requests, hallelujahs,
joys, and sorrows as we're entwined together by Jesus.

Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
1 John 4:11 


Saturday, October 28, 2023

One More Time

Philemon 1:4-7
I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, because I hear about your love for all his holy people and your faith in the Lord Jesus. I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ. Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people.

Have you ever wanted to sit with someone one more time?

The older I get, the more I realize I may not get to see people one more time. Over the last several years, friends and family have moved from broken bodies on this earth to perfect, healthy bodies in heaven. I’m rejoicing for them, and I’m missing them.

The other day, Tim and I took Rosie to a park to walk. I’d been sick a few days before, so I stayed in the car, still tired from the bout of illness. I watched them walk a circular path, then my sight landed on a blue swing with a beautiful backdrop. Gold and orange trees stood at attention behind the colorful swing. I thought, what if I could sit on that swing and talk to anyone I wanted to? Of course, I would sit with Tim and chat about the day. I could take any of our grandkids or kids and their spouses. Perhaps a friend or two would come by and we’d laugh and talk. Then I thoughtwhat if I could bring anyone back and talk to them about heavenwouldn’t that be a glorious conversation? They could tell me about the incredible worship and praise of God and conversations with Jesus.

Since that’s not possible, I had another thought. Wouldn’t that be a lovely place to sit and talk to God? A place to pray for my loved ones and readers. A place to appreciate the beautiful fall weather and thank God for His provision and remember those we’ve loved who have passed. It’s good to sit and thank the Lord for the people He has placed in my life. 

I hope as I remember you, you know you give me great joy and encouragement.

Do you have a favorite place to ponder and pray?

Wednesday, August 4, 2021


Some weeks are harder than others. This is one of them.

A dear friend passed from this earth and entered the gates of heaven.
My heart breaks for his wife, one of my best friends, 
even as I rejoice in his eternal peace.

When life hurts and things don't make sense, there's only one thing I can do.

Trust in the Lord and his plan for us. 


Monday, April 5, 2021

Book Review: The Shell Collector by Nancy Naigle

Book Description:
Two years after her husband’s death, Amanda Whittier has two children to raise alone, an abandoned dream of starting a business, and a fixer-upper cottage by the sea. She has no room in her life for anything else and little interest in moving on after losing the man she loved. 

Paul Grant is a relative newcomer to the area, and his work with former military dogs needing rehabilitation has been good for the town. Though he loved once before, he’s convinced he’s not suited for romance and is determined to find meaning—alone—through his work and role in the community. 

Widowed Maeve Lindsay was born and raised on Whelk’s Island. Spirited, kind, and a little mischievous, she pours her life into the town. But she carries a secret that shapes her every move. 

Together, these three souls find encouragement in the most mysterious places and discover a love that’s bigger than their pain, healing their wounded hearts in ways none of them could have hoped for or expected.

My Thoughts:
I adore The Shell Collector. This is one of those rare novels that drips with wisdom in the midst of living and appreciating life. Set on Whelk’s Island, much of the novel takes place along a gorgeous beach with sea gulls swooping and sea glass washing to shore. Widowed two years ago, Amanda is raising two delightful children in a cottage near the beach. She cherishes the memories of her husband’s love even as she tries to start over. As she and her children play on the beach, she meets Maeve, a lovely 80 something woman, who has dealt with her own sorrow. Mauve is the mentor Amanda needs to help her move forward. I love the respect Amanda and Mauve have for each other. It’s wonderful to read a book portraying an older adult with such dignity. Then comes Paul. His story will melt your heart along with his kind personality. The Shell Collector is a beautiful story of friendship, faith, love, heartbreak, and joy. Naigle has written a story to be savored and read again and again. 5+ stars. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Book Review: Bookshop by the Sea by Denise Hunter

Book Description:
Sophie Lawson should be enjoying her sister’s wedding day. But nothing could have prepared her to see the best man again.

After her mother became bedridden and her father bailed on the family, Sophie found herself serving as a second mother to her twin brother, Seth, and younger sister, Jenna. Sophie supported her siblings through their college years, putting aside her own dream of opening a bookshop in Piper’s Cove—the quaint North Carolina beach town they frequented as children.

Now it’s finally time for Sophie to follow her own pursuits. Seth has a new job, and Jenna is set to marry her college beau in Piper’s Cove. But the destination wedding reunites Sophie with best man Aiden Maddox, her high school sweetheart who left her without a backward glance.

When an advancing hurricane strands Aiden in Piper’s Cove after the wedding, he finds the hotels booked to capacity and has to ask Sophie to put him up until the storm passes. As the two ride out the weather, old feelings rise to the surface. The delay also leaves Sophie with mere days to get her bookshop up and running. Can she trust Aiden to stick around? And will he find the courage to risk his heart?

My Thoughts:
I love the beautiful cover of Bookshop by the Sea, set in the lovely town of Piper’s Cove, along the Atlantic Ocean. Can I say perfect setting? A dream come true for Sophie who has struggled to finally live the life she wants and needs. Denise Hunter tells a beautiful story as she delves into abandonment issues. Both Sophie and Aiden must come to grips with the emotions that have kept them apart for seven years. A hurricane, a wind storm, and rain tossed on top of the turmoil in their hearts makes for a captivating story. And the bookstore takes on a life of its own, as friends help Sophie realize her dream. I love the nod to Hunter’s Bluebell Inn series. If you haven’t read those yet, you should. If you enjoy a beautiful setting, a riveting story, and well-written characters, you’ll love Bookshop by the Sea. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Thanks for Music!

Psalm 95:1-2

Come, let us sing joy to the Lord;
            let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
Let us come before him with thanksgiving and
            extol him with music and song.

Raise a hallelujah!

In the fall of 1975, I joined several other 18 and 19 year-olds on the campus of Kentucky Christian College. Fresh out of high school, we prepared to join the ranks of freshmen in higher education. I knew a few of my fellow classmates and met a slew of new friends. We gathered at least twice a week for campus worship, where we heard preaching and raised our voices together in praise. One song touched our class more than any other, It is Well With my Soul. To this day it's my all-time favorite hymn.

Fast forward 40 yearsseveral from our class gathered for a reunion. What a joy to meet with these longtime friends. We ate and chatted, then had a time of worship. And guess which song we all wanted to sing. It is Well, because even after all these years, we know whatever life brings, our souls rest in the Lord.

The words of the hymn may seem old fashioned, but they translate into peace, hope, and joy for our troubled souls today. With all the grief, frustration, discontent, doubt, and temptation, God is still watching out for us. Jesus still offers grace and salvation. The Holy Spirit still lives and breathes in the souls of Jesus' followers.

When I feel down, I plug into music that praises the Lord, and then I sing like nobody's listening. I'm thankful for the music written to praise the Lord, whether a psalm, a hymn, or a contemporary piece. Thank you, Lord for musicians.

Come before him with thanksgiving and song!

Friday, July 24, 2020

Children's Book Reveiw: Pugtato Finds a Thing by Sophie Corrigan

Book Description:
Enchanting illustrations. Giggle-inducing text. Unique and loveable characters. Join Pugtato and his cute and quirky pack of pals in this heartwarming picture book that celebrates the power of friendship, compassion, and believing in your own unique gifts. 

When Pugtato’s simple, quiet life is disrupted after he digs up a strange object in his garden, he enlists his best “spuddies” to help (they are more clever than he is, after all). Tweetroot is certain it’s a new egg for her nest. Tomatoad is quite sure it’s a toy just for him. And Purrsnip simply won’t stop scratching it! Luckily, Pugtato has another very special spuddy to ask …

My Review:
Pugtato is a delightful and fun read. Sophie Corrigans charming illustrations will make kids giggle. The vegetable/pet characters will stir a child's imagination and cause them to laugh out loud. Pugtato Finds a Thing would be great for children age 4-8. The rhyming text is spot on and easy to read aloud. And the ending is perfect for this little mystery. Preschool teachers could use this book to talk about different abilities and gifts and about friendship. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Saturday, October 5, 2019


Philippians 2:1-4
Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

More than 40 years after living life with the class of '79, we gathered together on the campus of Kentucky Christian University, and the years melted away. My dear friends, Helen and Terry, hosted a picnic. What a grand time of visiting and singing! Even though I had not seen some of these fine folks since 1977, we fell right into step with one another.

Among those who attended the Alumni weekend, our core group (who keep in touch almost daily) visited in person with joy and many hugs. When we arrived, our sweet Holly gifted each of us with a handmade package filled with tea and chocolate. I tucked the little treat in my suitcase. After I arrived home, I unpacked and pulled out the bundle of goodness. When I went to place it on my microwave beside some pretty cups, I noticed cards sticking out. I pulled them from the package and found words of encouragement. Holly not only gifted me with goodies, she gave me expressions of love. "You are inscribed on the palm of His hand." Isaiah 49:16. Plus other verses about being created in Christ and letting my light shine. At that moment I wanted to cry tears of joy.

Holly's bundle reminds me of the joy I find in Jesus. On what seems like an ordinary day, God surprises me with his encouragement. Somewhere tucked into the day, if I take the time to look, Jesus shows me that I'm his child, and He loves me. Maybe through nature or my husband or a friend, He lets me know I am his. God wants me to pass the same encouragement He pours over me to the individuals He places in my path. Whether family, friends, or strangers God calls me to value people. Philippians 2:15-16 reminds us to "shine like stars in the universe" as we hold on to the word of God.  
You were created to sparkle for Jesus.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Broken and Blessed

Psalm 34:18
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
    and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

I just spent the weekend with amazing ladies—dear, dear friends—from Kentucky Christian College. We first met over forty years ago, when we all attended KCC. Since then our paths diverged all over the country; yet it's like we were never apart. That's because we've all kept loving Jesus. You see he's the reason we all converged on KCC in the 70s. We loved the Lord and wanted to serve him.

Thanks to social media, snail mail, and phone calls, we've reconnected and found our love for each other and God still holds true. I'd venture to say that love is even stronger.  We discovered, as a group, we've suffered broken hearts, failed relationships, parents growing old, our children's heartbreak, health issues, and the oh so human struggle with sin. Our dear friend, Holly, shared a devotion with us. She talked about the tears of God and how we shed tears in times of fear, sadness, depression, and even joy. But he takes them and stores them in his bottle, on his scrolls—Psalm 56:8. He gathers our tears and heartaches because he loves us. He holds our tears and understands our sorrows.

I'm a broken person. One who has lived life, suffered, struggled, and sinned. I'm also one who has asked forgiveness and felt God's grace and love pour over me. Even though my friends and I have all experienced the pains of life, we've been blessed by the hope that comes only through Jesus. Jesus is the way to a life of joy and peace. He's the way to heaven. I praise God for friendships anchored by the hope that is in him!

Psalm 116:8-9
For you, Lord, have delivered me from death,
    my eyes from tears,
    my feet from stumbling,
that I may walk before the Lord
 in the land of the living.