Showing posts with label graduation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label graduation. Show all posts

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Congratulations, graduates!

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.

It seems like yesterday that we held these babies in our arms.

Eighteen years ago, between October and March, four babies were born into our family. My siblings and I each added a new grandbaby to our bundles. It’s been a joy to watch the four of them grow into themselves. Dylan (the only girl) Casey, Cody, and Colton played together at family gatherings and now they all have the honor of being high school graduates.

Cody, Casey, Colton, & Dylan Cousins-photo by Maggie

My heart overflows with joy for them, and I'm curious to see where the future takes them. Their paths will vary, and their vocations differ, but their hearts will all show the kindness and caring they’ve learned from their parents.

When young people graduate, they hear lots of advice. I’ve shared some with my granddaughter, Dylan, and I’m sure the boys have all heard guidance from their people. When it comes to scripture, the words I want them to place in their hearts are to trust in God, seek His wisdom, and listen to His guidance.

I have a t-shirt that says, “God has a plan, so I have a purpose.” God does have a purpose for each person’s life, sometimes it takes a while to figure out where He leads, but we can’t go wrong when we trust Jesus with our life.

I pray over all the graduates as they venture into the world of adulting. It’s not easy, but it can be blessed with joy and hope when you follow God’s word and seek His guidance.

I pray for these four as they step into the next phase of life. 

Invite God to walk beside you.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

What's in Their Future?

Proverbs 16:9
In their hearts—humans plan their course,
but the Lord establishes their steps.

The gold and black robes fluttered in the breeze.

Saturday morning, the sun shone on the rows of graduates and their teachers. Emily sat in the second row, ready to receive her high school diploma. The superintendent and principal poured words of wisdom and encouragement over the seniors. In a few short minutes, the young men and women would lift their tassels and place them on the other side of their mortarboards as a symbol of their future endeavors and freedom.

Several of the graduates would take jobs in the workforce (we certainly need them right now.) Many planned to head to college for more education and preparation, a few planned to head into the military. I applaud them all and pray for their futures.

Throughout my life, I’ve been privileged to work with books. If I were to choose one earthly element, besides people, that I truly love and couldn’t live without, it would be books (well, books and chocolate.) I’ve worked in libraries, read out loud to hundreds of children, reviewed many books, critiqued books for folks, and I write. As a follower of Jesus, I believe he has called me to his work. He equipped me for a future that included books, because he knew my heart and understood my love of the written word.

As the students stood before us and tossed their hats in the air, I wondered where each one would go in their life. I know Emily has a future in the art world. God has gifted her with great talent. From my perspective and experience, I can say their paths will curve and twist, and there will be starts and stops. Maybe the dreams will change. But if God calls us to his work, he will equip us and opens doors of opportunity.

Where is God leading you? Who has he created you to be? Are you listening? He’s offering his guidance.