Showing posts with label lily of the valley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lily of the valley. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

See the Soul

Last week I posted a photo of the lily-of-the-valley,
still green, without full blooms.
A few days later, I caught this picture of the beautiful white bells.

What if I'd only noticed this sweet plant in all its glory, 
with bells on and beautiful.
I would have missed the wonderment of the stages of growth.

I love the words "If only we saw souls." 
I would see the heart of the person,
the stages of growth, or the need for encouragement.
I'd see the worth and the beauty of a soul struggling to make it through the day,
or the soul who reaches out and lifts others up.

Seek to look at the soul and see the true beauty.