Showing posts with label scars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scars. Show all posts

Saturday, July 22, 2023

How Can I Help?

John 19:16-18
Finally, Pilate handed him over to them to be crucified. So the soldiers took charge of Jesus. Carrying his own cross, he went out to the place of the Skull (which in Aramaic is called Golgotha). There they crucified him, and with him two others—one on each side and Jesus in the middle.

I have bionic knees. 

In 2014 and 2018, I had total knee replacement surgery, first my right and then my left. The cartilage had worn down to nothing and the bones beat against each other as I walked. As a matter of fact, the surgeon told Tim several fractures had developed in my bones. I'm beyond thankful that after several weeks of therapy, I walked again and felt pretty good. One thing I have to remind myself of the surgery is my scars. About 6-6 ½ inches, they run vertically along my knees. I used to hide them under long pants or capris, but this summer, because I don't tolerate heat well, I bought some knee-length shorts that reveal those lovely scars.

People often hide the physical scars of life. I didn't want to be reminded of my imperfections, even though I'm thankful for the new lease on life the surgeries gave me. I don't know if it's my age or my attitude, but I'm okay with people seeing the imperfect in me now.

Because of the scars Jesus bore, I've been made whole through Him. When I meet Him in heaven, I'll have no more scars. In the meantime, I want to use the physical and emotional scars I carry to help others. It's difficult to escape scars living on this earth. Whether I've suffered physical or emotional injuries, instead of wallowing in them, I can use those to help other people. The apostle Paul suffered through prison, Jesus' mother lived with the truth that her son would die for all of us, of course, Jesus bore the scars of the cross.

Whatever scars you carry, find a way to use your wounds to help others.