Friday, August 9, 2019

Flower Friday: Hollyhock

When I was a little girl, my mom showed me how to refashion the beautiful flowers into dolls who sashayed in the garden. They wore their bright colored blooms as skirts. 
Hollyhocks can grow as tall as ten feet high. 
With their pops of color, they're a lovely addition to any flower garden. 

Pink Hollyhock

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

He is my Hope

Everyday I am amazed. God made me. He loves me. He carries me through my days. 
Even as I am a white-headed and seasoned, He loves me!

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Rest, Recharge, Refresh

Matthew 11:28-30
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

My daughter, Maggie, directs the VBS program at her church every year. She pours her heart into preparing the best possible environment for kids to learn about Jesus. Along with her children, she decorates the church with the year's theme and turns it into a wonderland for the kids. This year the beach theme brought out surfboards, Hawaiian leis, hibiscus, palm trees and beach balls. You may wonder, why all the effort? Because she loves creating a place for kids to hear Bible stories, for kids to be loved on, and for kids to know someone cares. I had the privilege of helping her with a few small tasks, and I can tell you this momma's heart is proud of the work she does for Jesus. No matter how many or few kids show up, they will be blessed.

Yet, as much joy that comes from preparing for and working at VBS, exhaustion usually follows. I've been there and done that. I'm guessing you have too. Worked for days, even months on a project you've been called to do, plus all the other responsibilities in life. By the end you are tired. That's when we need to rest, recharge and refresh.
But Jesus who calls us to work the fields also calls us to rest.
I love that Matthew tells us that Jesus has a gentle and humble heart, and that he offers us rest for our souls. When we put in effort doing the Lord's work, we don't just get physically tired. We often become spiritually weary, dragged down by negativity, judgy people, and frustration. Jesus promises to recharge us through his rest. His yoke lifts our burdens and refreshes us because he carries them. When we take on Jesus' yoke, we take on the love he pours over us.

When the weariness and burdens seep in, turn to God in prayer and read his word in order to soak in the Savior. His is a yoke of love meant to lift burdens and give rest. Thank you Jesus for your loving kindness.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Flower Friday: Magic Lily

The delicate pink blossoms stand tall on slender stems. I'd didn't encounter the magic lily until I was in my twenties. A little lady, who lived up the road, told me they were called naked ladies because the leaves had come and gone in the spring. 
These beauties are also referred to as surprise lilies or resurrection lilies. 
These gorgeous flowers bloom in my favorite shade of pink.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Fiction Review: Light from Distant Stars by Shawn Smucker

When Cohen Marah steps over his father's body in the basement embalming room of the family's funeral home, he has no idea that he is stepping into a labyrinth of memory. As the last one to see his father, Cohen is the primary suspect.

Over the next week, Cohen's childhood memories come back in living color. The dramatic events that led to his father being asked to leave his pastoral position. The game of baseball that somehow kept them together. And the two children in the forest who became his friends--and enlisted him in a dark and dangerous undertaking. As the lines blur between what was real and what was imaginary, Cohen is faced with the question he's been avoiding: Did he kill his father?

My Review:
I found the premise of the story interesting, and Cohen's journey through doubt and pain difficult to follow at times. The supernatural elements of the story threw me off at times, or were they nightmares? I wasn't sure. I felt a tug of war while I tried to go back and forth with the author. The ending left me disappointed. Many people reviewed this book and loved it. I guess it's not my cup of tea. I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

She Loved the Children

Colossians 2:2-3
My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. 

Our community lost a treasure. Lori Conley fought cancer and lost that battle. But in the ultimate battle, she won. I know without doubt that Lori is rejoicing in heaven. She's talking to God, whom she loves, and singing his praises, even as the folks left behind feel a huge loss.

The first time I met Lori, she spoke at my grandkids' closing VBS program. Her words and compassion gave me goose bumps. I'd never heard anyone so passionate about helping children. Her program, Empower Youth, was getting off the ground. She'd heard God's voice, felt his nudges and jumped in. She and Scott provided a beautiful pathway for folks to help the kids who needed love, sustenance, a chance to experience camp and so much more. One of the things I loved about Lori was her desire to feed the children who were hungry. She made sure their basic needs were met, then she loved on them. A fireball of energy, she worked all the time. Not to have fancy things, but to make sure kids had food. Just Wow!

I don't understand why she passed from this world at such a young age, in the middle of her ministry. But God does. We may never understand. But what we can do is trust God to move forward through the folks left behind. I know there are people who love the kids, too. God will nudge people to serve. He'll call us to give money, he'll ask for our time, he may ask for leadership. He has a plan for Empower Youth.

If God comes calling, listen. Do it for Lori, do it for God, do it for the kids.

Maybe your ministry isn't Empower Youth. Maybe God has called you to something else. Whatever it is, listen and move on it.
Someone, somewhere is depending on you to do what God has called you to do.