Saturday, February 18, 2017

Be Found Faithful!

Acts 7:55-56
But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. “Look,” he said, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.”

Jesus' disciple Stephen had preached without fear about his beloved Savior. He spoke with conviction and determination. The people who served in the Sanhedrin, a ruling body of the government, didn't like Stephen's message, so they stirred the crowd and had the young man stoned to death. Stephen wasn't afraid to die. He trusted God and he loved Jesus. He was called to be faithful and he was. Right up until the end.

Even in death, Stephen's faith made him a winner in life. He chose to follow the King, despite suffering. Because "a follower who suffers, doesn't lack faith." As our minister, Didi, preached those words about Stephen last Sunday, my husband passed me a note. The message he shared reflected Stephen's story. His note said, "Our life will never be lived in vain when we are a follower of Jesus. God has a plan for us & will use our life of faithfulness to touch & change the hearts of others."

That's right. No matter how much we hurt, how much difficulty life throws at us, or how much sadness a day may bring, faith will carry us through, because Jesus surrounds us, his Spirit fills us, and God sees us. "It's not about the pain-it's about seeking Jesus." (Didi Bacon) Replace fear with faith and go for the win. Stephen saw the King on his throne. He knew his destination, and his faith held fast, even as he was being destroyed. We're called to be faithful not perfect. Praise God for his glorious grace!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Children's Board Book Review: Angels in the Bible for Little Ones by Allia Zobel Nolan, Illustrated by Alida Massari

Book Description:
Angels in the Bible for Little Ones gives children a fascinating look into how powerful behind-the-scenes helpers interacted with Bible greats such as Abraham, Daniel, and Mary, acting as messengers, protectors, warriors, and more. This padded cover board book, written by bestselling author Allia Zobel Nolan and illustrated by Alisa Massari, brings eight stories from the Bible to life for little ones.

My Review:
Angels in the Bible for Little Ones is a lovely little book that introduces the Biblical concept of angels to children. I like how the author uses scriptural stories to draw word pictures of the angels who spoke to people like Abraham and the women at Jesus' tomb. She stays close to the Bible in her stories and gives the child an easy to understand message. Alida Massari's illustrations are colorful and inviting to little eyes. Even though this is a board book, it could be used in a teaching situation to tell children about God's messengers. This would be a great book to share at Easter, as well.  

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Artwork created with watercolor pencils and embroidery.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Naptime: A poem

I wrote this poem a few years ago after one of our grandkids told me I had a soft lap. 
When I want to take a nap
I crawl up in my grandma’s lap.
And sweet
Grandma’s lap puts me to sleep.

©Penny Frost McGinnis

Saturday, February 11, 2017

God's Gates

Psalm 100:4-5
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
    and his courts with praise;
    give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
    his faithfulness continues through all generations.

We were driving from the restaurant to my condo when my grandson, Zeke, piped up from the back seat. "Do you think God is looking at us?" My response. "Sure, I know he sees us every day. Why do you ask?" Zeke in his matter-of-fact way said, "Cause I see his gate. See it. It's where the sun is coming through the clouds." Sure enough, the sun shined between two billowing clouds. A few seconds later he said, "Me and my sister saw his big gate the other day. The sun really came down." Out of the mouths of babes.

Zeke was pleased that God was watching us. Happy that God's sun broke through the clouds and shone on us. Quite often, I'm reminded of God's love through my grandchildren. In their innocence they understand God's open arms. Adult lives can get messed up. Sin sneaks in or sometimes walks in boldly and causes chaos. Frustration rears its ugly head. Anger seeps out. It's easy to forget that God is right beside me, wanting to help if I just ask. This sweet little boy's reminder of God's presence fills my heart with joy. I praise God for his love and care. I'm thankful we have visible reminders of the One who loves us most.

No matter what your going through God is beside you. He wants to lift you up and give you hope. Just ask.

What other ways does God show himself to you?