
Six long years ago, Captain Reynolds Macy sailed away from his bride, looking forward to the day when he would return to Nantucket Island with a ship's hold full of whale oil. But when that momentous day finally arrives, Ren soon discovers that everything has changed in his absence. Everything.
Unlike most islanders, bold and spirited Daphne Coffin doesn't defer to Ren as an authoritative whalemaster, but sees through his aloofness to the aching heart beneath. She encourages him to return to his Quaker roots and "mind the Light," finding solace in God and community. As Ren becomes the man she believes him to be--honorable, wise, faithful--she finds herself falling in love with him.
But how can she, when her heart is spoken for?
My Review:
Minding the Light is one of the most interesting historical settings I've read. I found the history of the Quakers on Nantucket fascinating. As I read the story of Daphne and Ren and continued following the diary of Daphne's great-great-great grandmother, the smells and sounds of a whaling town came to life from Suzanne Woods Fisher's pen. I could picture every detail. The characters vivid personalities made for an intriguing story. I'm looking forward to reading book three, The Light Before Day. If you are a historical fiction fan, you'll love this book. I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
Minding the Light is one of the most interesting historical settings I've read. I found the history of the Quakers on Nantucket fascinating. As I read the story of Daphne and Ren and continued following the diary of Daphne's great-great-great grandmother, the smells and sounds of a whaling town came to life from Suzanne Woods Fisher's pen. I could picture every detail. The characters vivid personalities made for an intriguing story. I'm looking forward to reading book three, The Light Before Day. If you are a historical fiction fan, you'll love this book. I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
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