Saturday, January 12, 2019

Before the Time Runs Out

Acts 20:24
However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.

The clock ticks down to thirty seconds. The team needs to score three points to win. Do the players give up? No. The coach uses the clock—down to the last seconds of the game to encourage the players to make a pass, a basket, a win.

Basketball game
We're in basketball season in our family. Three grandchildren play and our son coaches. We watch college teams on TV and in person. Intensity of the games can be exciting. We've witnessed fantastic plays and some that just stink. In basketball, players need to finish what they start. When a player shoots the ball they need to follow through. When the other team shoots, a player needs to rebound. When the point person sets a play in motion, the team can execute a pick or screen. The team pushes through until the final buzzer rings. That's what they signed up for, to finish the game.

As a believer in Jesus, I want to follow through. I need to finish strong. Sometimes I want to give up and take the lazy route. But, Jesus didn't call me to be a slouch. He wants me to be a team player and one who finishes the tasks he sets before me. Maybe it's my age, but I've finally figured out that I just need to plow ahead with what God puts on my heart and not worry. God wants me to continue to serve him and step up before my time runs out.
My aim is to finish the tasks God sets before me; to continue to give glory to God and share the news of his grace.


  1. Amen. God will help us with the tasks He sets before us. Give Him the glory and share His news. :-)


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