Showing posts with label Hope for Today's Heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hope for Today's Heart. Show all posts

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Called to be Faithful

1 Peter 4:8-10
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 

God has not called me to be successful. He called me to be faithful. -Mother Teresa

I have a t-shirt with a saying printed on it: God Has a Plan So I Have a Purpose. I think about that a lot. As my children grew into teenagers and then adults, I fretted over what my purpose was. I'd held onto the role of mom for years and knew at that point in my life, my focus was raising the kids to be kind and caring adults. With them rounding the corner to adulthood, I found myself at loose ends. Of course, I had purpose as Tim's wife and in my job at the school library, and I was still a mom, but something in my heart searched for more. Like many people, I read The Purpose Driven Life. I found some good information, but not enough.

I prayed and asked God for clarity, and guess what? He let me know I'd been overthinking my purpose. Yes, there are specific things God calls me to do, but the most important thing He wants me to do is to be faithful and love Him.

God calls me and anyone who believes in Him to love Him and love people. The other day the radio blared out Danny Goeke's song, Love God Love People. He talks about checking the boxes and trying to do more, but instead it comes down to caring for God and people.

Peter reminds his readers the most important thing they can do is be faithful stewards of God's grace. Show grace to everyone and be faithful to God.

In our broken world, our purpose is to remain faithful and to love.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

He is my Strength

If you wake up feeling fragile--
remember--that God is not,
and then trust Him
to be everything
you need today.
-CS Lewis

The Lord is my strength and my shield; 
my heart trusts in him, 
and he helps me. 
My heart leaps for joy, 
and with my song I praise him. 
-Psalm 28:7


Saturday, September 9, 2023


Matthew 4:8-11
Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.” Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’” Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.

Be prepared.

Sara, James, Ella Cate, and I arrived at Ohio University on Saturday morning to watch and listen to my grandson, Eli, play trumpet with his marching band, along with several high school bands and the Ohio University 110 at their football game. The 110 is one of the best college marching bands in the country. Once we were parked and made our way to the stadium, we met Maggie, Michael, and Zeke, then found our seats on the metal bleachers. Even though the temperature sat in the 80s, the relentless blaze of the sun and the reflection off the bleachers made for an uncomfortable experience.

We watched the pregame performance, which was great, ate sandwiches and watched some of the football game, then James, Ella Cate, and I headed to a shady area. The shade from the bleachers provided a respite from the heat. Just before half-time, we all headed to the end of the field to get a better view of Eli's band. Somewhere along the way, my body started reacting to the heat. As the band took the field, my stomach rolled, and I felt faint. After the performance, James, Sara, Ella Cate and I went to leave. As we rounded a corner, I grabbed Sara's arm and told her I was going to faint. She calmed my panic and walked me to the first-aid tent. The wonderful people there gave me ice, cold-packs, and water and helped me cool. In about thirty minutes, I felt like myself again. In hind sight, I realize I hadn't prepared for the weather. I should have worn a hat and used my cooling towel (made for hot weather events.)

The sun's relentlessness reminds me of Satan. Not just because of the heat, but because, like the blazing sun, he permeates into every possible space. He pokes and prods in whatever way he can to get my attention away from Jesus. If I'm not prepared, or prayed up, as Grammy used to say, I won't be ready for the fight. Whether I want to think about it or not, I fight a spiritual battle every day. I choose my weaponsthe presence of God in my life, my dependence on God and obedience to Him, prayer, and the wisdom of the Bible to wage war on the devil. As believers, we need to be ready to resist the relentless pestering and not succumb to him.

Seek Jesus and be prepared for the battle.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

You Are Loved

The little blue blossoms popped up in my garden at the end of summer. 
It's ironic that I forgot I planted themthey are called forget-me-nots. 
Even though I didn't remember I had mixed them with my zinnia seeds, 
they made their debut, anyway.

One thing I won't forget, 
even as I reach an age of occasional absentmindednessI am loved. 
God loves me. 
He loves you.
He loves all of His creation.

Never forget YOU ARE LOVED!


Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Nonfiction Book Review: A Small Cup of Light by Ben Palpant

What it's about:
The book that J.I. Packer called, "Haunting, deeply pondered, and beautifully written," is changing lives. A Small Cup of Light is the story of an unexpected encounter with God in the desert of despair. Several years ago, Ben Palpant 
suffered a sudden and massive health collapse that crippled many of his faculties nearly overnight. That experience prompted him to ask the hard questions, like, "What shall we do when confronted with the ache of our suffering in the presence of a living God?" Palpant's story is proof that a relationship with God can be more intimate not in spite of suffering, but because of suffering. A Small Cup of Light is a bold invitation to face God in the darkness. It is a rousing call to the human spirit, offering hope to the hopeless and a song to the suffering.

My Thoughts:
I seldom read and review nonfiction. Not because I don't like it, but because most of what I read is research for writing. Author, Ben Palpant attended the Goodlit Writer's retreat with me and twelve other writers, where he shared beautiful fiction prose. I knew he had published before in the realm of nonfiction, so I thought I'd see what he had written when I got home. I'm so glad I did. A Small Cup of Light is the heart-wrenching and yet, joy filled story of a time in his life when he faced a difficult and scary health crisis. Ben takes that hard time and opens up about how God met him there after he learned to listen. This isn't a sugar-coated story of recovery. This is the honest story of a man who came face-to-face with crisis and found along with the anger, disappointment, and frustration, a joy that could only come from glorifying God. Ben's book will lift the weary and weighted and offer hope to all of us. His melodic writing comforts, along with the many references to scripture and wisdom from other writers which he quotes. He says, "The very hope of the Gospel rests directly upon our ability to imagine a world in which suffering serves as the soil from which resurrection springs." I highly recommend A Small Cup of Light. I purchased a copy.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Who Am I?

Exodus 3:11-12
But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”
And God said, “I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain.”

Who am I?

My mind is still reeling from everything I experienced at the Goodlit Writer's Retreat. Not only did we have excellent mentors and teachers, we were fed well (I tasted food I'd never eaten before) I slept in a beautiful old inn, and I bonded with writers from all over the country. More than all the wonderful accommodations, teaching, and the people I met, I had an overwhelming awareness of the presence of God.

I've known for a while God called me to write, but at Goodlit, He met me face-to-face and poured into my heart to leave discouragement behind. Most writers will tell you that we never feel our writing is good enoughwe find ourselves wondering why anyone would want to read what we write. It's called imposter syndrome. Even as I sit and write this devotion, the devil is trying to mess with my mind and tell me I'm wasting my time. I'm not saying any of this so people will respond with encouragement, although that is always appreciated. I'm saying this because I think we all feel that way in our walk with Jesus.

Who am I to be redeemed, forgiven, sent into the battlefield for God?

Moses wondered the same thing, but God had called him to deliver His people. He asked Moses to bring His people out of Egypt. The beautiful part of the story is Moses obeyed. He took God's calling to heart and trudged on. Was it easy? No. Did he get accolades at the end? No. He didn't even make it into the promised land with the people he led. Yet he obeyed.

God has called me to write, but even more important, He's called me to obey. I may never win an award, or have a best seller. It doesn't matter. What matters is obedience to the one who created me and knows my purpose on this earth.

What is God calling you to? Listen and obey.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Shout for Joy!

When I'm in the country, I'm reminded of the beauty God has blessed us with.
I can almost hear the fields and trees praising God.

If these amazing creations can bring glory to God, surely I can too.

Shout for joy to the Lord!


Saturday, August 26, 2023

Dance With God

Genesis 1:3-5
And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

Glory filled the sky.

The best thing I can say about my week at Goodlit Writers Retreat isGod blessed me with a gift. An unexpectedI can't believe I'm here gift. Surrounded by other people who strive to write for God, I witnessed the beauty of minds and hearts opening up and pouring out. Folks from all over the country met in the quintessential small town of Stanford, Kentucky, to better understand the purpose of God's calling to write.

The different backgrounds and experiences meshed together to form a group who, like me, wanted to obey and follow the journey God is leading us on.

On Tuesday evening, Angela and Jess, hosts for the week, invited us to their beautiful farm. For me, a country girl at heart, the trip filled me with joy. After a delicious Kentucky dinner, Jess drove the tractor and pulled us on a wagon (with upholstered seats) to the top of a grass-covered hill and we watched the sunset. As the light and coming darkness played together, the pinks and pale blues turned to glorious red and deep navy. Just before night fell, the sky reminded me how when people come together to create or work, or live as a family, God can bring harmony to the dance.

In whatever I do, I pray God joins me as I pursue my dreams. He's the one who placed them on my heart and poured the talent and skills into me. Angela owns a beautiful soap store in town, Kentucky Soaps and Such. When we toured the production area, this quote was painted on the wall. "Lord, let our workspace, whatever that looks like, be our worship place." When we bring the work we do before the Lord and ask Him to partner with us, we couple with Him and bring Him glory.

Watch a sunset and let the beauty fill you with joy and a desire to dance with God.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023


You are God's masterpiece.
Before you were born, God created you for your life's purpose.

I found this quote on Pinterest and wish I'd read it years ago.
It speaks to the heart of why we are on this earth.

God has a plan, and we have a purpose.


Saturday, August 19, 2023

Are You a Lifelong Learner?

Matthew 11:29
“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."

It's that time of year again.

On Wednesday, the first day of the 2023-24 school year, I spent the day in Sara's first grade class. Those bright little students took in a lot of information. They got refreshers on how to go through the lunch line, play at recess, organize their desks, and they got to pick out books from the Grammy Penny crates. Sara had them do a drawing activity, that they'll write about this week, and a fun marshmallow story that showed them how to be quiet and respectful in the hallway. All-in-all they had a wonderful first day.

Whether public school, homeschool, private school, college, trade school, or any other learning, being a student takes work and being the teacher takes preparation. Hopefully, when the two meet, a great learning experience happens.

I've worked in the public library, school library, and college library. My mom always said I never stopped going to school. In a way, she was right. I'm a lifelong learner, always seeking to gain knowledge and wisdom about something. Maybe something as simple as what kind of butterfly or flower I saw.

The most important learning I have ever experienced is what I've learned from the Bible. God's word teaches so many lessons, insights, and ways to live. There is no education more important. Jesus wants me to listen and apply what I've heard and read. I'm so thankful God prepared a book I could read and study that teaches life lessons, offers encouragement, shares so many types of literature, tells remarkable stories, and leaves me wanting more. Some say the Bible is boring, but I disagree. It's fascinating.

I choose to read a few verses a day and ponder and pray over it and discover what God wants me to hear and learn. That way I'm not overwhelmed, and I remember it better. How do you approach reading the Bible?

Be a lifelong learner of God's word.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

He Doesn't Give Up

Jeremiah 4:3-4
This is what the Lord says to the people of Judah and to Jerusalem:

“Break up your unplowed ground
    and do not sow among thorns.
Circumcise yourselves to the Lord,
    circumcise your hearts,
    you people of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem,or my wrath will flare up and burn like fire
    because of the evil you have done—
    burn with no one to quench it.

An angry sky loomed overhead.

As we drove, the sky turned gray and the clouds rolled. Tim commented that the sky looked angry. Indeed, it did. No sun peeked through, only gray. The sky darkened the further we drove, and within the hour the clouds burst with torrential rain.

I've been reading the book of Jeremiah, which is not warm and fuzzy. It's full of anguishGod's anguish over Jerusalem and the Israelites. They had turned their back on God and gave their attention to the idols they created. As I was reading, I understood and recognized God's deep feelings for these people.

I write a lot about how much God loves us, and He does, more than we can comprehend. Along with the emotion of love, God feels all the other ones, like anger, frustration, and hurt. He made us in His image, with all the feels, so of course He experiences the same emotions.

God and the Israelites had journeyed together for years. He'd saved them so many times, yet they turned on Him and chose to sin rather than follow God. His righteous wrath was well founded and His heart broke over these people who betrayed Him. Sounds kind of familiar. God sees similar behavior out of people today that He saw from the Israelites, yet even in His anger and hurt, He longs for us to turn to Him and seek forgiveness.

Later in the chapters, He offers to forgive the Israelites if they will repent. He doesn't give up on them regardless of how they made Him feel. God's heart breaks over people, yet He loves fiercely.

Seek God. Turn to Him and give Him your heart.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

A Touch of Kindness

On our trip to South Carolina, we visited Tandem, in Travelers Rest,
a cute little eatery that features crepes. 
Each table had a sweet bouquet of fresh flowers.
I appreciated this touch of thoughtfulness.

What kind gesture can we show today?


Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Fiction Review: Forever Home by Hope Toler Dougherty

Book Description:
With a fulfilling job and a home of her own, former foster child, Merritt Hastings, relishes her stable, respectable life. Dreaming for more is a sure way for heartache. When a contested will turns her world upside down, she must revaluate what’s important to her, what’s worth fighting for, and what’s worth sacrificing.

Patience has never been Sam Daniels’ strong suit with his history of acting quickly and asking questions later, and he’s ready for changes in his life…now. Too bad the plans for acquiring a radio station didn’t include a contract. Now he’s out of a job, out of a radio station, and out of prospects.

While his life is in flux, at least he can help Merritt steady hers, or will he rush in and overstep …again?

Will the sparks flying between these two opposites lead to a happily-ever-after or heartbreak for both?

My Thoughts:
Dougherty has written a beautiful story full of emotion and heart. I love learning as I read fiction, and this book opened my eyes to the life of Merritt as a foster child and how difficult it is for kids who get moved around and feel lost. As an adult, Merritt is thankful for the woman, Millie, who took her in and loved her, but Millie has passed away and now Merritt has to deal with Millie's ruthless relatives. Along comes Sam, who grew up with stability and has dreams of owning a radio station. Merritt is practical while Sam is more of a dreamer. She's not sure she can trust him, and he wants her to give him a chance. I enjoyed this lovely story and all the great characters. If you want to read a novel with charm, faith, and hope, read Forever Home. This is the third book in the series and it can stand alone. I received a free copy with no expectations.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Joy in Creation

Psalm 65:8
The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders;
   where morning dawns, where evening fades,
   you call forth songs of joy.

My zinnias are blooming.

This time of year, as I'm driving through the country toward my hometown to visit family, I roll past fields of soybeans and signs with sweet corn for sale. Abundant gardens filled with tomatoes, green beans, and cucumbers catch my eye, and one home offers pick your own flowers. The cosmos and zinnias dance in the breeze, inviting people to stop by and cut a bouquet.

My daughter, Maggie, and her husband, Michael, grew a lovely garden this year. From their abundance, she gave us green beans and zucchini, and I can't wait to see her blue pumpkins. As I sat in my chair and snapped the beans, I considered how amazing it is that God gave us so many incredible plants. He offers a variety for us to eat and a multitude to enjoy.

The zinnias I planted from seed have sprouted and bloomed. Their rainbow of color welcomes people to our door and brings joy to my day.

I am in awe of all God created. From the tiny pea to the giant redwood, the woods to the rainforest, the ocean to the mountains, everything He made He gave us to explore, discover, use, and enjoy. God also gave us responsibility to take care of the earth and the natural resources He provided. As I soak in the beauty, I long for us to appreciate and care for the environment we live in.

The whole earth is filled with wonder and I rejoice in God, the Creator of everything. Even as I love all the plants and animals, I adore and worship the One who made them, and I'm thankful for the bounty of summer and the beauty of the season.

Thank God for His gift of creation and rejoice in Him.


Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Shout Joy!

The zinnias I planted this year have bloomed with a rainbow of colors.
Every time I wander outside to look at them my heart is filled with joy.
Yes it's a little thing, these flowers, but the joy is deep
because it's rooted in God.

No matter the day or circumstance, 
my heart leaps with joy when I think of my Savior, Jesus.


Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Fiction Review: The Lost Manuscript by Mollie Rushmeyer

Book Description:
It’s not just Ellora Lockwood’s home that’s being emptied as she prepares to sell—her heart seems to be empty too. Since the mysterious disappearance of her beloved Grandma June and separating from her husband, Alex, Ellora has felt adrift. Then comes an invitation from Alex to teach history at a summer program at Alnwick Castle in England. He’s even found information about the location of a medieval manuscript that was her grandmother’s obsession before she vanished.

Warily, Ellora accepts Alex’s offer. Surrounded by lush English countryside and captivating history, she pieces together clues about the manuscript’s whereabouts—and uncovers new questions. Could someone have been sabotaging her grandmother’s work? Anonymous threats lead Ellora to suspect she too may be in danger, but as she and Alex work together, she’s finding strength, new purpose and the courage to see this quest through, wherever it may lead…

My Thoughts:
I finished an early copy of The Lost Manuscript, and just want to say WOW! I enjoyed every word. Rushmeyer has such a gift for writing intriguing stories with fascinating characters, with a faith thread that’s beautiful and full of hope. When I finished the story, I wanted more. As a huge fan of adventure twisted with romance and mystery, this book hit the mark. I had a hard time picking up another book after I finished for fear it wouldn't satisfy my reading desires as this book did. I hope you’ll give Mollie Rushmeyer’s books a try. Her debut, The Bookshop of Secrets was excellent, too. I received an early copy from Netgalley. Opinions are my own.

The book is available where books are sold. Amazon

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Let Him Fight

Exodus 14:13-14
Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

Of all the sports available to watch, I enjoy baseball the most. Tim and I and our family are big Reds fans. Growing up, I watched the Big Red Machine, and I remember the team through the years having some great seasons and some, let's just say, that didn't go as well. 

A few years ago, Tim talked about his desire to work at Great American Ballpark. In 2018, that dream came true. He's an usher in the sun/moon deck in the outfield. He often comes home with fun stories about the interesting fans he meets and what the team is up to. This year, we have a lot of rookies who are playing well and entertaining the fans with the hope of winning. Through his job, Tim has made friends with some fans who have caught home run balls. One of them snagged a Jake Fraley ball, and Jake signed it for him. When he showed it to Tim, Fraley had signed his name and written the verse, Exodus 14:14, on the ball.

When we searched out the verse, we found the familiar story of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea. God separated them from the Egyptians, who were chasing them by parting the sea and providing dry land for them to cross to safety. Moses told the Israelites to trust in God and let Him fight for them. Of course they grumbled, but finally they listened. They were a stubborn bunch.

That sounds too familiar to me. God has assured me He is fighting for me, and I know He is, yet fear and anxiety often sneak into the cracks. I might grumble and question, then finally I stop and listen. God stills me and assures me He has my back. Why do I question when there is no need? I pray my faith grows stronger as I seek to trust Him more.

Seek Him and trust in His care. 


Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Appreciate and Imagine

Every day I see the work of God's hands--
When I pause by my flowers and watch the bees collect pollen--
Then I see butterflies float on air and hear birds sing glorious melodies.

God has gifted us an incredible place to dwell.
The natural world and amazing creation leave me in awe.

If this world is this beautiful, imagine how awesome heaven will be.


Saturday, July 22, 2023

How Can I Help?

John 19:16-18
Finally, Pilate handed him over to them to be crucified. So the soldiers took charge of Jesus. Carrying his own cross, he went out to the place of the Skull (which in Aramaic is called Golgotha). There they crucified him, and with him two others—one on each side and Jesus in the middle.

I have bionic knees. 

In 2014 and 2018, I had total knee replacement surgery, first my right and then my left. The cartilage had worn down to nothing and the bones beat against each other as I walked. As a matter of fact, the surgeon told Tim several fractures had developed in my bones. I'm beyond thankful that after several weeks of therapy, I walked again and felt pretty good. One thing I have to remind myself of the surgery is my scars. About 6-6 ½ inches, they run vertically along my knees. I used to hide them under long pants or capris, but this summer, because I don't tolerate heat well, I bought some knee-length shorts that reveal those lovely scars.

People often hide the physical scars of life. I didn't want to be reminded of my imperfections, even though I'm thankful for the new lease on life the surgeries gave me. I don't know if it's my age or my attitude, but I'm okay with people seeing the imperfect in me now.

Because of the scars Jesus bore, I've been made whole through Him. When I meet Him in heaven, I'll have no more scars. In the meantime, I want to use the physical and emotional scars I carry to help others. It's difficult to escape scars living on this earth. Whether I've suffered physical or emotional injuries, instead of wallowing in them, I can use those to help other people. The apostle Paul suffered through prison, Jesus' mother lived with the truth that her son would die for all of us, of course, Jesus bore the scars of the cross.

Whatever scars you carry, find a way to use your wounds to help others.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

The List of Three

I'm practicing something that will help me be more appreciative.
Before I complain about something, I think of three things I'm thankful for.
By the time I finish the list of three, I've let go of what I was complaining about.

I don't know if it will work every time, but I've got to try.
Want to try it with me?

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, 
since as members of one body 
you were called to peace. And be thankful. -Colossians 3:15