Showing posts with label Prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prayer. Show all posts

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Training for the Race

1 Timothy 4:7-8
Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 

He ran the race.

In the 1970s and 80s my husband, Tim, ran marathons; those twenty-six mile races created for people with great endurance. I can't imagine having the determination or fortitude to take on such a challenge.

But he did. He prepared every day right up to the race. He practiced until the running became a habit. Some days he prepared his muscles with a fifteen mile run at the pace he'd do in the marathon. Other days, he called recovery days, he slowed his steps and ran a shorter distance. Some days he sprinted. He varied his exercise as he created the habit of daily runs.

Over the last two years, Tim took another challenge. The doctor wanted him to lose weight. And he did. He changed his eating habits and started walking every day, at least five miles. He lost over seventy pounds.
Physical training is valuable.

Godly training is golden. It infiltrates every aspect of life. Which exercise pumps up spiritual muscles? Praying, reading the Bible, taking a walk and appreciating God's creation, sharing Jesus with children or a friend, listening to praise music, and attending church (in person or online.) And breaking bad habits—like self-doubt, fear, and worry.
Godly training looks different for each person.

Just as Tim made a habit of running every day to prepare for the race, we work to make a habit of learning more about Jesus and praying as we run with God.

Is there a habit that might bring you closer to Jesus? Or one that keeps you apart?

Saturday, July 18, 2020

They Remind Me of Hope

Romans 12:12
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Every summer, for as long as I remember, I've looked forward to the black-eyed Susan's blooms. I love how they dot the fields and ditches as if they are attending a ball and dressed in their finest array. Yet they show a humbleness by bowing their heads in a friendly wave. Their golden yellow color reminds me of the summers of my youth when we'd play in the fields, take walks or ride our bikes down the one-lane road, and these lovely flowers would dance and sway.

They also appear around my birthday. As a child I thought God planted them just for me, in time to celebrate the day I was born. (Can you keep a secret? I still feel a little bit that way.) For whatever reason He created such a delightful yet simple flower, I'll be forever grateful. When this perennial beauty returns, I am reminded of the eternal hope I have in Jesus.

The verse in Romans encourages me to remain joyful because I have hope. Hope of eternal life, hope of salvation, and hope for a life filled with joy. But in this world I will have pain and sorrow. The writer of Romans calls it affliction. I think of that word as a medical malady, but I believe he refers to the difficulties of life. It's hard to be patient when Satan attacks, when I feel hurt and stepped on, and when life just stinks. Yet I am called to be patient, to wait on the Lord. He asks me to be faithful in prayer. Jesus wants me to call on him in my affliction. His desire is for me to talk to him and seek his help.

I'm thankful I have hope that gives joy. I'm grateful for patience (I kind of cringe when I say that, but I know patience is a blessing.) I'm more than appreciative that I can talk to God about life. He listens to me and takes what I say to heart.

When you see the black-eyed Susan's nodding their heads, remember there's hope in Jesus.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

He Hears Me When I Call

Psalm 102:1-2, 17 (NIV)
Hear my prayer, Lord;
    let my cry for help come to you.
Do not hide your face from me
    when I am in distress.
Turn your ear to me;
    when I call, answer me quickly.

He will respond to the prayer of the destitute;
    he will not despise their plea.

Prayer is a privilege. If I don't ask my heavenly Father for help, that's on me.

My five-year-old granddaughter bows her head and prays every night with her momma. During the COVID-19 stay-at-home order, she asked Jesus to "stop the rona." Her little heart echoed the prayer of many. I asked God to protect my family and friends from the virus and to put an end to its rampage through the world. I prayed for the folks who lost loved ones and healing for those infected. No doubt God's ears have been filled with cries for help.

Now as I cry out once again to end racial tension and distress in our nation, I ask God to hear me. Please fill my heart with how to love better and how to respond as a Jesus' follower.

In the Psalm, the writer of chapter 102 sought out God in a time of distress. He understood God heard his voice and his request. Yet he begged him to answer quickly. Even as God's timing isn't my timing, I need to remain faithful and believe he will answer. And he does. In verse seventeen, the writer reminds me, "He will respond." In the meantime, I need to follow his lead and love well. I need to be encouraging and caring. I need to reach out to people with the arms of Jesus.

If I doubt God hears my pleas, I read Philippians 4:6 and am reminded to take everything to God in prayer. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
He hears me when I call.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Bow Down

In this time of uncertainty, I know God remains the same. 
He's bigger than all my problems, greater than all my stress. 
I know that I can bow down and lift my prayers to Him, and He hears me. 
He loves me and He comforts me. 

Lift your worries and anxiety to the one who always listens.
Worship the One who cares.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

The Breath We Breathe

Isaiah 55:10-11
As the rain and the snow
    come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
    without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
    so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
    It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
    and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

I love trees in every season; budding leaves, full shade, riots of color, and bare branches.

A magnificent maple tree stood, like a guard, by the end of our gravel driveway. That tree provided shelter for me as I waited on the school bus. In the summer, I'd play in the welcoming shade. No matter the season, the maple spread its massive branches overhead.

I remember looking up through the limbs at the gorgeous red and gold leaves as they danced in the sky. For a child, that was pure magic.

According to Botanical Gardens Conservation International there are more than 60,000 species of trees in the world. God created every one of them with purpose. In the spring, flowering trees like dogwood and redbud spread across the Appalachian Mountains. In summer and fall folks harvest fruit from apple, pear, banana, and coconut trees, to name a few. In winter, the evergreens provide shelter for cardinals and all their friends.
Most important, trees give us oxygen; the very breath we breath. They soak in the rain with their roots and reach toward the sky to the sun, in order to share their gift with us.

These beauties remind me to bury my roots deep in God's word. The Lord provides all the nourishment I need, through the scripture, his people, and his grace. As the oaks and palms do, I reach toward heaven, through prayer and praise to God's son, Jesus, then take a deep breath and inhale his love.

God gave every tree a purpose. If he cares that much about the forests, just think how much he loves us.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Grounded and Reaching

I'm fascinated with all the crazy branches that grow out of this tree's trunk. 

The roots dig down as the limbs raise up. 

This tree reminds me to root myself in the word of God
and raise my arms toward heaven in prayer. 

Photo taken at Withrow Nature Preserve

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Pray with Assurance

Psalm 16:7-8
I will praise the Lord, who counsels me;
    even at night my heart instructs me.
I keep my eyes always on the Lord.
    With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

I wake up at least once a night.

Every night when I go to sleep, I hope I'll stay in la-la land 'til morning. But my body has other plans. I'm older now, my constitution has changed, so I get up and take care of business. When I lay my head back on the pillow, there I am, eyes open, mind churning, thoughts darting. All I want is sleep. Sound familiar? I know I have family and friends who experience the same restlessness.

I've found one solution. Talk to God. Share my reflections, burdens, prayer requests, love, and praise. As I lift up my thoughts to my heavenly Father, I drift off to sleep. And that's okay. God understands. He'd rather I pray and fall asleep, than lay awake with racing thoughts.

When I read Psalm 16:7-8, I stopped. I read it again. Wow—even at night when I'm groggy, my heart instructs me. That instruction and direction comes from God. He's right there with me at two am. He's ready to listen to me when the dark covers the sky and the stars shine. The Lord who loves me stays near, so that I can, with confidence, rest in him.
God hears every pray. He's given us this amazing love language of communication.
Keep your eyes on the Lord. Talk to him with assurance, even in the middle of the night.
He loves to hear our prayers.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

God's Love Language

I've heard that everyone has their own love language, a way that others affirm their love in a way that brings joy. God gifted us with prayer, as a way to talk to him. 
Through prayer we let God know we trust him, believe in him, and love him. 
Give God the gift of love.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

When the Day Begins

Psalm 143:8-10
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
    for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
    for to you I entrust my life.
Rescue me from my enemies, Lord,
    for I hide myself in you.
Teach me to do your will,
    for you are my God;
may your good Spirit
    lead me on level ground.

I don't wake up like I did when I was a kid.

I used to bound out of bed in the morning. Now arthritis reminds me, I best not jump at the crack of dawn. Even though my body wakes up with slow twists and turns, my heart leaps with joy. God has allowed me another day. He's gifted me with new experiences. The morning brings me his unfailing love, just as he did for King David.

In Psalm 143, David called on God in the morning to pour out his love. He prayed for help and guidance. He sought protection and direction. Shouldn't we do the same. Our first line of defense or offense requires prayer.

Here's what I learned from David as he sought out God's wisdom.

Ask God to:
  • Show me-as I trust in him
  • Protect me-as I hide in him
  • Teach me-as I do his will
  • Lead me-as I follow his Holy Spirit

I love the last part of verse ten. David asks the Lord to lead him to level ground, through the Spirit. On level ground we can plant our feet, with prayer, in the word of God. 

When the day begins, seek God first.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Big Dreams and Powerful Prayers Illustrated Bible: 30 Inspiring Stories from the Old and New Testament by Mark Batterson, illustrated by Omar Aranda

Book Description:
Big Dreams and Powerful Prayers Illustrated Bible, written by Mark Batterson, the New York Times bestselling author of The Circle Maker, presents 30 inspiring stories from the Old and New Testament that will help children understand and embrace the power of prayer in their everyday lives. With Scripture references from the NIrV and stunning illustrations from Omar Aranda, this powerful book will touch the hearts of young readers and help connect them to God. Short Prayer Points after each story encourage children to talk to God and allow him to work in their lives.

Prayer changes things. It brings us closer to God and allows us to communicate with the One who loves us most.

My Review:
One of the most important elements of following Jesus is prayer. Teaching children about the many facets of this powerful communication may be complicated. Mark Batterson's book is filled with Bible stories, examples and explanations, simple prayers and verses that help explain the wonder of talking to God. Children will enjoy the colorful well drawn illustrations. Big Dreams and Powerful Prayers would be a great tool to use in Sunday School or for family devotions. Sometimes understanding the Bible can be overwhelming, this could even be a great tool for adults who are new to following Jesus. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Pray Now

Romans 15:30
I urge you, brothers and sisters, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me.

Remember when prayer chains moved across telephone lines, one person at a time? Some still do. But, now many are posted on social media. I’m concerned that the ones posted may be overlooked or forgotten. We flick through the pictures, glance at captions and comments, then move on. I think I'll remember to pray or at least write them down as I see them, but I've found the best method for me is to stop and pray at that moment. God wants me to seek him in prayer. Not just for myself, but for others. For the burdens of life, praises and joy and to bring others to salvation. He wants to hear the requests, groans and thank yous.

Even the apostle Paul asked his friends to pray for him. Packed and ready to move along on his journey, he sought out prayer warriors, who would take his needs to God.

As I write this, hundreds of people pray healing prayers to God for a dear, dear lady in our community. One who has suffered at the wretched hands of cancer. She's a light to all who know her and a joy to the children she loves. Her ministry has touched countless lives. Now she needs our prayers. Even in her suffering she loves God and continues to shine Jesus light.

Pray for Lori, her family and the friends who rally around her and love her. God is bigger than all of this.
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Even if You Just Say Hello

Ephesians 6:18
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. 

As I scooted into the restaurant booth beside my granddaughter, Ella Cate, she noticed the band aid on my arm. With the sincerity of a four year old, she asked me what happened. I said, "I have a scratch that needs covered." She tilted her head, as if in thought, and replied, "Awww...I'll pray for you tonight, Grammy Penny." My heart melted, and I thanked the Lord that this little girl already knows about the power of prayer. This is one of many reasons Jesus told us to be like children. They don't complicate things. Instead if they've been taught about leaning on Jesus through prayer, they take it straight to him.

I am blessed with an amazing group of friends who pray for me and I for them. No matter what we share, we pray. Why? Because we know God's desire is that we bring our needs and praises to him. In all the letters the apostle Paul wrote in the Bible, he often tells the people he's praying for them. He either thanks God for their friendship or lifts up their needs. He also asks them to pray for him. Prayer is an important part of being in God's family. So why don't we pray more often? I could say: too many distractions, too much social media, too busy. But the truth may be that we just don't think to do it. We haven't trained our minds to go to God first. I want to challenge anyone reading this post to stop and talk to God. Right now. Even if you just say hello to him. Reacquaint yourself. Create a new habit. Pray.

God wants to hear from you because, he loves you.  

Saturday, September 15, 2018

He Stills the Storm

Psalm 107:28-31
Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble,
    and he brought them out of their distress.
He stilled the storm to a whisper;
    the waves of the sea were hushed.
They were glad when it grew calm,
    and he guided them to their desired haven.
Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love
    and his wonderful deeds for mankind.

We witnessed the remnants of Hurricane Gordon as the winds and rain carried through Northern Ohio. The high waves on Lake Erie threw water and rocks on the road in front of Lake Point Hotel, where we stayed. Down the road, the tide swelled around the foot of Marblehead Lighthouse as it splashed over the huge rock barrier.

Later, from our hotel room we listened to the crashing and splashing as it echoed through the night. The thought of being out on a boat in the stormy waters made me shutter. Yet I found the storm fascinating. The power behind the waves reminded me of the authority of our all powerful God.

Psalm 107 reminds me that God calms storms, whether natures tempest or the day-to-day gales of life. Sometimes, life feels like a hurricane, being hit by wave after wave of disappointment, disaster, or depression. If you feel like you've been in the eye of life's storms, pray. God listens. He loves. He cares. Sometimes the squalls leave debris in their wake. Junk we have to clean up. God offers strength. Sometimes a flood of sadness wraps around our hearts. God comforts. With hope, the sun comes out after the showers pass. That's when we praise God who helped us weather the storm.
No matter what we struggle through, God walks with us. He hushes the sea, he guides us home.
As I'm writing this, Hurricane Florence is striking the east coast. My heart goes out to the people dealing with this disaster. Pray with me and find ways to help our friends in need.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Are You Ready for School?

Psalm 143:10
Teach me to do your will,
    for you are my God;
may your good Spirit
    lead me on level ground.

Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Towards the end of second grade, I moved with my family to Lynchburg. For me this meant a new school with only six weeks left in the school year. My shy, anxious little self couldn't quite comprehend what that meant. I understood we had a new house, with a big yard and lots of beautiful trees. I occupied a larger room with my older sister. I finally had my own closet. But even with all the goodness, came the dread. I had to meet new people, learn from a different teacher. I left my friends behind in Pricetown. Now what?

Fortunately for me, Miss Mercer was a sweet and an amazing teacher. She taught me phonics, which I hadn't learned at my old school. She poured kindness over this nervous little girl. Plus, there was a girl who "friended" me. Not like Facebook, but real life, in person friendship. To this day Garnet and I still keep in touch.

Most local schools have already started or are about to begin. A lot of preparation goes into the classrooms and at home. We buy notebooks, pencils, clothes, and tissues. But the most important groundwork doesn't come from the store, instead it comes from the heart. Have you prayed for your child's teacher? How about the principal? The janitors, secretaries, aides, bus drivers, cafeteria ladies. The list goes on. And what about the children? Have you taught your child to be the kind one who shows compassion instead of being mean? I pray for my grandchildren every day. I pray for their safety, that they open their minds to learning, and that they are the "kind kids." I want them to show Jesus love to the people they encounter.

Let's lead our children by example and be the encouraging adults who follow the Holy Spirit's guidance. Jesus wants us to love each other.
In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Prayers Reach Heaven

2 Chronicles 30:27
The priests and the Levites stood to bless the people, and God heard them, for their prayer reached heaven, his holy dwelling place.

I love to witness our grandchildren's prayers. Their sweet "Charlie Brown" voices resound with sincerity. No traces of doubt color their words. They know God listens to them as they bless the food, or ask God to make their friend or family feel better. Children trust God to listen. So why is it, as adults, doubts niggle in to our prayers. We dismiss talking to God as childish or pointless. Belief slips and fear takes over.

Maybe in life, no one listens. Days are too noisy with social media, television, negativity, or defeat to reach out. Then there are the busy days. Too much to do, not enough time. Or, maybe we think God doesn't want to hear from us anyway. How could he? I'm a sinner, why would he listen to me? But I have amazing news! The creator of the universe, God himself, loves you and me. He considers us his children. And he wants to hear our words. Whether we pray out loud or think our prayers, every single word we breath toward him is precious to him.

"He turned his ear to me." Yes he leans toward us, with his ear in our direction, ready to listen. I love the picture 2 Chronicles paints of prayers rising to heaven. Because that's what happens—prayers rise and God leans down to listen. That's just beautiful!
Psalm 116:2 Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Fear is a Liar!

Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:13:
For I am the Lord your God
who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.

I stood on the platform wearing a harness attached to a long, heavy cord. All I had to do was step off, and fly through the air. Across the lake, my daughter, Hannah, and husband, Tim, waited for me to glide across the zip line and meet them on the other side. I'd cheered Tim on as he took the trip just moments before. But for some reason I couldn't take the leap. It wasn't like I'd never zipped. I'd taken this same line a year or so before. And I loved it. But this time, instead of embracing the excitement, fear gripped me. My anxiety peaked. I couldn't let go. Much to my disappointment, Hannah's friend and co-worker, Rachel, had to help me out of the harness. I climbed down the steps and trudged around the lake to meet my family.

I'd been defeated by fear, one of the most frustrating feelings in the world. Sad thing is, the fear wasn't real. I'd ridden the zip line before and had no problems at all. How many times do we create fear in our minds. When this happens the story gets bigger and bigger. Most of the time the very thing we fear is never realized. Have you heard the song Fear is a Liar? How the liar wants to stop us from moving forward. He wants us to doubt God. He wants us to be paralyzed in our tracks unable to follow God's lead. But guess what! God doesn't want to let that happen. If we turn our fears over to him through prayer, he will walk us through every single fear.

I flew to Hannah's last month and yes, I had some fear. Not so much of the flight itself, but more the whole layover, getting on a different plane idea. My fear came to fruition, I missed my flight from Philly to Greenville, through no fault of my own. I admit, I panicked, cried and wanted to crumple. But guess what. God had my hand. He led me to a lovely young lady who got me on another flight and even gave me a much needed hug.
God knew my fear and he lifted me up. Whatever you're afraid of, turn it over to God. He's just waiting for you to ask.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

He's our Protector

1 Corinthians 13:7a
Love...always protects, always trusts...

Proverbs 3:6-7
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
 in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.

When we're at home our dog, Tater, parks himself between us. He's our protector. Without a doubt, he'd place himself between me and an attacker. That's just who he is. He's a good dog who loves us. He trusts us, too. He knows he'll be fed, watered, and walked every
day. If my dog can show love through protection and trust, I can too. With my children, I've always been the mother bear. Protection mode, all the time. My husband loves me by watching out for me, and I love that. But what about the part, love always trusts? Yes, Tater trusts us to take care of him. But maybe there's more to loving and trusting.
I believe God wants us to not just trust the people we love, but to entrust them to him.
One of the most difficult things I've ever done is turn my loved ones' safety, health, and life over to the one who loves them the most. At times, as a mama bear my anxiety choked my ability to think straight. I felt helpless. No matter what I thought I could do, it wasn't enough. That's when I knew I had to look up and pray to God. The one I entrust my loved ones to needed to hear my pleas. He's the one I truly have faith in. It's not easy to let go and give our needs to God. But I know when I do, God gives me strength and comfort. He pours his peace over me. I'll admit, I still struggle with letting go and letting God. But that doesn't keep me from trusting in him and crying out.

Love always protects and trusts when we hand our cares and worries over to the one we believe can move a mountain. Even when the situation seems impossible, God cares and listens. The creator and worker of miracles loves you more than you and those you love even know. Trust the Lord with all your heart because he loves you.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

A Thankful Heart

Colossians 4:2
Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.

I have fond memories of my dad praying grace over our meals, when I was growing up.
Tim's prayers at our dinners bless my heart. My girls learned to pray their prayers at bedtime with honesty and sweetness. Oh, how I enjoy our grandkids' little voices speaking to their heavenly father. Over the years, I've been asked to pray out loud, and I'll be honest, I get nervous. I'm not comfortable leading others in prayer. As a matter of fact, I used to struggle with how I should communicate with the Lord, at all. But I've learned, I don't need to be nervous or shy about prayers. I simply need to go before God with whatever is on my mind. Sometimes I write my prayers in a notebook. Other times, I talk to him whenever a need comes to mind. The truth I know is—God wants to hear from me.

Paul tells the Colossian church to pray with an alert mind and a thankful heart. Even though my words may be simple, I don't want to be distracted when I call up words to Jesus. Instead, I need to be attentive. And I should always go before the Lord with thanksgiving. It's easy to think of what I'm thankful for, with Thanksgiving Day around the corner. But what about next week? Or during the hustle and bustle of Christmas, if I become irritated and tired. What about next year, after the new diet doesn't work out and the scales are stuck? Yep, even then I need to go before God with a thankful heart. What if all is well? Do I stop talking to God? No! I need to shout words of thanks and praise! I am grateful that God has set up a way for us to communicate. I love talking to him and listening for answers. This week as Thanksgiving approaches, give thanks to the Father who loves us and wants to hear from us!