Showing posts with label Proverbs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Proverbs. Show all posts

Saturday, February 17, 2024


Proverbs 11:25
A generous person will prosper;
whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

For the love of baseball.

My grandson’s baseball team had decided to go select, which meant a steeper price to pay to play. To raise money for his fees, my daughter chose to make and sell heart-shaped cake pops just in time for Valentine’s Day. The generosity of people overwhelmed us. Before she knew it, folks had ordered over 700 cake pops. I learned, in short order, what an intensive process went into those cute little pops on the end of a stick.

On the Saturday before Valentine’s Day, Maggie, Sara, and I started the process of cutting the dough into heart shapes around 10 am. Maggie had already baked a bunch of cakes and mixed them with icing to create the dough. We cut or stuffed the small heart-shaped cookie cutters with dough, then set them aside to chill. Once they set, Maggie dipped them in melted candy and we decorated them with sprinkles and more melted candy. At 4 pm Sara left and Michael (Maggie’s husband) joined us to decorate and wrap each one in a plastic bag and tie it closed. I left at 6 pm and prayed they were able to finish. From beginning to end, it took several family members to complete the task. Dilly, Dylan, and Emma jumped in after 10pm to dip, decorate, and wrap. They worked with Maggie until late into the night. Then, Maggie and Zeke finished and delivered them on Sunday.

I love that so many hands helped make the load lighter, and so did Maggie. She appreciated all who helped, either in person or financially.

Proverbs 11:25 reminds me to be generous, not just with money, but with my time. To take the opportunity to help others and lighten their load. I love to see this in person and be part of the refreshment of others.

When have you been able to help someone in need? When has someone helped you?

Monday, October 26, 2020

Children's Devotional Review: Wonder & Wisdom: Everyday Reminders from Psalms & Proverbs by Joanna Rivard & Tim Penner

Book Description:

A highly engaging introduction to Old Testament Psalms and Proverbs for young children, each bite-sized reading draws on the timeless wisdom of these books to remind young ones who God made them to be and how to live their lives with him on a day-to-day basis. The lessons found in Psalms and Proverbs are enduring and key for understanding what it looks like to live a life of love and gratitude, make good choices, and ask helpful questions.

An ideal companion to The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible, Tiny Truths Wonder and Wisdom helps children ages 4 to 8 discover:

Who God is: the one who made everything and everyone

Who we are: his children, whom he loves unconditionally

What we were made for: to love God and everyone else

My Review:
Tiny Truths Wonder and Wisdom is a beautifully written book for children. The illustrations are eye-catching and fun, they remind me of the cute Funko Pop toys. Most important, they show how God loves all people. The truths written out in a kid-friendly way are timeless. Each story is paired with a verse from Psalm or Proverbs. The book includes a table of contents, an introduction to Psalm and Proverbs, and more to explore verses. Written in easy to read text, the wisdom and wonders will delight little ones. This would be a perfect gift book for many occasions or a great book to use in a class for children. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Posture of Prayer

Watering flowers this morning, I spied this praying mantis. 
I've always enjoyed seeing these beauties in the garden.
There posture is always one of prayer. 

This beautiful creature reminded me no matter what I am doing, 
I need to take it before the Lord.