Showing posts with label bees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bees. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Look for the Beauty

With summer whirling to a close and fall nipping at its heals, 
there's a beauty which takes place in the transition. 
As the black-eyed Susans and zinnias begin to fade, 
the leaves plan their fashion show for fall.

Don't miss it-don't miss the loveliness of every day.
Take a glimpse of the goodness of God's creation.
Soak in the color and embrace the change.

Too busy? Stop--and look, smell, taste, touch, see the 
incredible nature that surrounds us.


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Simple Things

The older I get, the more I appreciate the simple things.

I was watching the bees land on 

this "obedient" or sometimes called "dragon" plant. 

They buzzed around and gathered pollen, paying no mind to me.

Observing nature colors my soul with joy.

What simple things do you enjoy?

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

In His Arms

Summer flowers nod in the sunshine.

As I watered my little garden the other day, I admired the bees 
and butterflies that flitted about.
The bees nuzzled into the blossoms and sucked nectar into 
a little sac on their body called a crop.
Those little creatures took refuge in the buds until they filled up on the sweetness.

When I seek refuge in God's arms, 
I rest there until I fill up on his love and peace.

When life is hard, seek shelter in God's arms.


Monday, September 14, 2020

Friends in the Garden

I never know who I'll see in my garden.

As I watered my flowers and poked around, 

I almost missed a brown mantis as it climbed the zinnia leaves. 

Tiny foot by tiny foot.

A bee buzzed the virginiana Bouquet Rose and searched for sweet pollen.

Wing beat by wing beat.

I love meeting creatures who enjoy my flowers as much as I do.