Showing posts with label crayons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crayons. Show all posts

Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Smell of Crayons

Psalm 32:8
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
       I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.

Pray for students, teachers, and staff.

The back-to-school sales are on, the smell of crayons and sharpened pencils fill the air. Teachers are prepping their classrooms and children are counting the days until they see their friends again.

We have several educators in our family, and they're setting up their rooms, attending trainings and meetings, and working to make the start of school successful. I’m thankful for the people who teach, whether in public school, private school, or homeschool and the folks who work in support roles. Many of the people who instruct our children in academics also work to instill confidence and positive behavior. The kiddos are blessed to have people in school who care about them and want to fill their buckets with kindness and joy.

Jesus, the best teacher—taught by example. Through parables and sermons He shared scripture and taught us to pray. Talk about hearing from the best. There is no better place to learn than at the feet of Jesus. I love to hear or read every parable, word of wisdom, and proverb Jesus shared. I'm thankful the writers of the Bible penned God's words, and I’m excited I have the very words of Jesus (red letters in many Bibles) to read and tuck into my heart.

God wants his people to keep discovering Him. Every day brings a new experience, a new perspective, a new way to learn and share Jesus’ story as He fills our buckets with blessings.

If you have a minute, pray for all the parents and caregivers sending their children to classrooms, as well as teachers, staff, administrators, and students heading back to school. Pray for wisdom, confidence, kindness, and safety. Encourage your children to embrace learning and to respect their teachers and fellow students. I remember a few teachers who believed in me, and I’ll always be thankful.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Crayons and Hope

Psalm 34:18
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

The delicious scent of crayons fills me with hope.

In my elementary years, I owned a large coffee can filled with broken crayons. The tin held every color you could imagine, some with the paper intact, some free of wrap. Instead of tossing the colorful sticks when they crumbled under pressure, mom gave me a can to store them. I loved digging through the pile of color to find just the right one for whatever I was drawing. And the smellan aroma that signified the beginning of a beautiful creation. 

I scribbled with them until they smashed down to a nub. Some of the tiny pieces, melted with wax, were recycled into candles. That glorious can of broken crayons gave me hours of joy.

I may not be a crayon, put to the test by little fingers coloring vigorously and snapped in two, but I relate because I'm a broken person. We all are in some way. It's difficult to live in this world with all the violence, negativity, distress, and grief. At some point emotions, spirits, and bodies break. I've never broken a bone, but my spirit and emotions have been crushed, sometimes through my own actions and at times by others.

But the good news, yes, the great news isGod loves the broken. He's close to the brokenhearted, He heals the one whose heart hurts. He renews the crushed spirit and offers hope.

I love that about God. He doesn't discard the person whose life looks like a pile of fragmented pieces. Instead He takes the cracked spirit, and the emotional mess and creates a brand-new work of art.

God embraces broken people every day. The love He gives wraps around anyone who seeks Him. He adores His creation and wants the best for us.

God opens His arms to the broken. Run to Him.