Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts

Thursday, June 23, 2016

God's Ditch Garden

Music sings~

God's ditch garden stages shows

Chicory's sax runs up and down.
Jazzed scales fill the air
with melodies.

Orange tiger lily trumpets
sharps and flats.

Queen Anne
takes center stage
to bang out~
the piano's notes.

Nodding her head
tapping toes.

An audience?

Orange and black
flutter between green leaves.

Butterfly wings and stems sway.

Tiny finch
golden like day~
black as night
twitters in tune.

Remembering yesterday's
concert in the ditch.

Looking forward to

Penny Frost McGinnis~2006

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Let the Trees Sing!

1 Chronicles 16:33-34
Let the trees of the forest sing,
    let them sing for joy before the Lord,
    for he comes to judge the earth.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
    his love endures forever.

Several times this week I've notice how beautiful the autumn skies are. One afternoon white wispy clouds floated against an azure blue sky. Walking into work I've been greeted by majestic pinks, reds, and dark blues painted behind the shadow of trees as morning wakes. Yesterday evening orange streaked across navy blue as the sun went to sleep for the day.

God is the most amazing artist. Just looking at his creation brings joy to my soul. I'm thankful for the natural world around me. Not a day goes by without me noticing something God has created. Walking out of work yesterday, I spotted holly bushes, with the crimson berries hiding among the waxy green leaves. Beautiful!

As Thanksgiving approaches I want to share some of my thankful moments. I would be remiss if I didn't include the wonder of nature and the artistry of the Creator.

I'm thankful for the changing seasons, the woods, the lakes and ponds, the ocean, the incredible array of flowers, the trees, the animals; all of the amazing life that exists around me. Praise God for all he's made.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Are You a Nature Nut?

Does anyone else see the cushion used to lean on and study?
I've decided to find at least one moment of beauty in every day. I'm convinced I'll find more. But I won't find any if I don't look. Tim and I took a walk in our neighborhood and I saw several things I consider beautiful. 

I've always been a bit of a nature nut. Dragging (not literally) my kids into the woods, through parks and fields and teaching them names of flowers and trees. So it's no surprise to me to find the lovely even in the unlovely at times. 

Love the bird nest.
I hope you enjoy a few of my nature shots.

Share the beautiful you found in today.