Wednesday, April 17, 2024
In the Details
Saturday, April 6, 2024
The Tree's Knees
Psalm 46:1-7
God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging.
There is a river whose streams make glad the city
of God,
the holy place where the Most High dwells.
God is within her, she will not fall;
God will help her at break of day.
Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall;
he lifts his voice, the earth melts.
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
The trees had knees.
In Congaree National Park, my daughter, Maggie, my
grandchildren, Dylan and Zeke, and I hiked along the boardwalk over the swampy
areas. I’d never seen anything quite like the park. The other-worldly feeling
made me wonder when the dinosaurs or gnomes might appear.
Maggie and her family had visited the park before, and she
knew I’d love it. And I did. The vegetation was like nothing I’d seen before.
The trees were huge and fascinating. The Cyprus trees appeared to wear pleated
skirts, and they were surrounded by little stumpy looking knees. Maggie told me
the knees grow up from the roots and help anchor the trees in the muddy soil,
so they offer the tree an extra layer of strength against the wind and storms. The
knees also act like a protection against erosion, which reminds me of how God
anchors me and provides protection and strength.
The verse that mentions the nations in an uproar and the kingdoms
falling brings to mind the headlines today. So much turmoil is in the world,
yet in the Congaree National Park, I felt God’s protection and presence, especially when we encountered a timber rattler.
With God as my refuge, I embraced His presence in the forest,
and I hold tight to it today, at home. He is my strength and He holds me in His
Wherever you are, if you are a child of God, He sees you and
cares for you.
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Natural Harmony
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Celebrating Fall
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Shout for Joy!
Saturday, October 15, 2022
Let Things Go
Psalm 62:5-8
Yes, my soul, find rest in God;
my hope comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God;
he is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust in him at all times, you people;
pour out your hearts to him,
for God is our refuge.
"The trees are about to show us how lovely it is to let things go."
Autumn has arrived in a glorious hue of magnificent color
this year. I can’t remember a recent fall as beautiful as the one we are
experiencing now in southern Ohio. From the photos I’ve seen on Facebook, the
rest of the country is gorgeous, as well.
My daughter and I took a drive to see the trees in Kentucky.
She pointed out one on her street in an amazing shade of magenta. Surrounded by
oranges and golds, the tree stood out as a true beauty. All of these trees in
all of their glory are preparing to shed their leaves and rest for a season. I’m
glad they are giving us a show before they go.
And go they will. One day in a few weeks we’ll wake up to bare
branches where glorious beauty once waved. The thing is, the trees are okay
with it. It’s their process. Every year they let their leaves drop and prepare
for a season of dormancy. That doesn’t mean they go to sleep, instead they
prepare for spring by reducing water loss in the branches and trunk.
They let go in order to protect themselves from being
depleted of the what they need to continue to grow in the coming spring.
Letting go of past sins is hard, especially when guilt and
shame tighten their grip on the heart. Part of having freedom in Christ is to
let go of the past and the sin and trust in God’s grace. Jesus is my salvation,
my cleansing, and my rock. I’ve sought forgiveness and in His graciousness, He’s
Like the deciduous trees who drop their leaves in the fall
and sustain themselves by preparing for the next phase, I want to let go of the
past and store up my trust in Jesus and His grace. It is lovely to let go and find
rest in God.
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
The Blessing of Giving
Saturday, November 6, 2021
Autumn Gold
Psalm 96:11-12
Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;
let the sea resound, and all that is in it.
Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them;
let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.
Autumn dresses up in gold, the richest season of the
year. -Angie Weiland Crosby
I sat with my daughter at Trunk-or-Treat. In the corner of
the parking lot, a tree glowed golden. The sun's light, as it faded from the
sky, lit up the leaves as if gold dripped from the branches.
There is a rhythm to nature—a time to hold on and a time
to let go. Leaves tumble to the ground as the trees let go. As I watch the
branches drop their red and orange gems, I think about the things I want to let
go. Fear, worry, doubt, guilt. I want to hold up my arms like tree branches, and
let those things that plague me drop into God's hands.
After the leaves fall, the deciduous trees nap in winter.
Their trunks and branches adjust to a time of rest and prepare for regrowth. I
seem to remember God rested on the seventh day of creation, and Jesus said, "Come
to me and I will give you rest."
I've let go of the negative burdens, now I can rest in Jesus'
assurance, his promise of renewal and strength.
Let go—then rest sounds like good advice from the golden tree and
from the Father who created me. Release the overwhelming and rest in his
arms. Then in spring, or after renewal, rise stronger than before. With my arms
up, I rejoice and sing with joy like the forest.
In this month of November, as I enjoy the vibrant colors and
the cooler temperatures, I thank God for so much. The golden tree reminds me to
look at creation and appreciate the incredible gifts God has given. Because of
the rhythm of nature, I know the leaves will return after they rest for the winter.
Because of God's promises, I know my faith is renewed daily.
Stop and appreciate God's creation, rest in his beauty, and
thank Him.
Saturday, January 9, 2021
Be Still and Know...
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
The Lord Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
"The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep..."-Robert Frost
We traversed the curvy hill into town. Foliage slept in an array of gold and brown on the ground. Trees rested their slender, naked limbs. Even in winter without snow, the scene took on a lovely glow and a story of hope.
trees conserve water, a scarcity in the cold or dry months. Their time of rest
allows them to re-energize and prepare for the coming spring when leaves sprout
The gray of
winter often brings on sadness, depression, anxiety, or lack of energy. Yet,
I've learned from the trees to rest in winter, to be still, and embrace the
quiet. Even when the world isn't quiet, I cherish time to sit with God and seek
his wisdom.
God knows I
need winter. I crave a time to reconnect and kneel before his throne and worship
the Creator. Like the trees, I raise my arms to him and let the stress of life
drop like leaves.
Even as he
asks me to be still and know, the Lord promises to sit with me. He is my refuge
and fortress. I see him in the evergreens, a constant reminder of the steadiness of God.
This spending time with God isn't always easy. Some days I wake up prepared for the quiet, the prayer, the listening. But other days, I've struggled. I want to
sleep instead of rise and worship—Some days chaos trumps stillness—Sometimes dread overwhelms and frustration lingers. But I
won't give up. I continue to strive to find the quiet and be still before the King, to offer gratitude for everyday life.
Find moments
in the winter days to stop, be still, and hear from the God who loves you.
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
What More?
Monday, December 21, 2020
Happy Christmas!
Saturday, September 5, 2020
Choose Wisely
Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
A Pop of Color
Saturday, March 7, 2020
The Breath We Breathe
come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

God gave every tree a purpose. If he cares that much about the forests, just think how much he loves us.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Grounded and Reaching
Friday, October 18, 2019
Fall Findings Friday: Autumn Through the Eyes of a Child
Saturday, November 19, 2016
The Jubilant Little Tree
...So let us be thankful. Then we can worship God in a way that pleases him. Let us worship him with deep respect and wonder.

Friday, September 30, 2016
The Forest Sings
Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;
let the sea resound, and all that is in it.
Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them;
let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.
Let all creation rejoice before the Lord, for he comes,
he comes to judge the earth.
He will judge the world in righteousness
and the peoples in his faithfulness.
Saturday, April 2, 2016
And God Created Trees
There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Oh Christmas Tree
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.