Saturday, May 8, 2021

She Washed His Feet With Her Tears

Luke 7:44-47
Then he turned toward the woman and said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair.  You did not give me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet. You did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet. Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.”

Washing another person’s feet is a humbling experience.

At church camp, the counselors and teachers taught us to experience the times that Jesus lived. In Jesus day, folks wore sandals or walked barefoot on the dusty roads. They didn’t wear the latest model of tennis shoes or work boots. As a greeting and welcome to visitors, the host provided water and washed the feet of their guests.

Our camp teacher paired us up, and we removed each other’s shoes and rinsed each other’s feet. I’ll admit as a teenager I thought it a bit weird, but the act increased my understanding of the ancient times.

When a Pharisee invited Jesus to dinner, he failed to provide water for Jesus’ feet. Jesus never complained or questioned, but when the woman who stood in the shadows approached him, he welcomed her. She bowed before him and cleansed his feet with her tears. The tears may have been carried in a jar where she collected them, or she may have cried over him. Either way, she humbled herself before Jesus and as an act of worship poured perfume over his feet.

The most beautiful part of the story is Jesus’ offer of forgiveness. Because the woman humbled herself and believed in Jesus as Savior, he forgave her sins on the spot. She walked away free of the burden of her past into a life of gratitude and love.

She loved much, because she was forgiven of much.

Jesus arms are open to invite you in. He loves us so much and wants nothing more than for us to believe and live for him.

Be the person who loves much.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Jesus Delivers and Forgives

Jesus forgives.
Jesus loves.
Jesus restores life.

I live a life of gratitude and praise because of Jesus' grace.
Had I not experienced sin on this earth, I wouldn't understand the love Jesus offers.

He comforts me and guides me. 

Jesus grace has saved my soul.


Saturday, May 1, 2021

Expected or Unexpected: Am I Ready

1 Peter 3:15-16
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. 

April 21, 2021 surprised us with about two inches of snow. When Tim told me to look out the window and see the surprise, I had mixed feelings. I love snow, but I adore the beauty of spring. Now the plants that thrived with green wore white coats, and crystal crowns. I hadn’t covered my plants, yet my lovely lavender tulip survived the unexpected chill, as did the columbine. Many of the flowers who peaked from the ground could endure the weather, because their roots dug deep and their stems had soaked in sun. God created spring flowers with durability, for all kinds of weather.

The unexpected snow made me wonder how prepared I am. 1 Peter says to be ready to give an answer for my faith, and Matthew 24:42-44 says to prepare my heart for Jesus second coming.  

When I’m traveling, I fill up my fuel tank and pack a bag of snacks. Both prepare me for the trip. But how do I ready myself for the time someone asks me about Jesus and my faith? I fill my heart and mind with the wisdom of Jesus and the scripture. I eat the words of the Bible in order to fill my spiritual tank and increase my understanding of God and grace.

Even as I prepare for the unexpected, what about the expected. I know Jesus will return to this earth to take his children home, even though I don’t know the day or hour. Even in not knowing the time, I know he’s coming. I want to have my heart ready. The hope I have in God and the promise of eternal life bolster me as his words feed me.

I may not know when Jesus will return. I may not be on this earth any longer, regardless, my heart and soul need to be ready for that glorious day.

Be ready for the unexpected and the expected. Jesus is coming again.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Perfect Preparation

God knows our story before we do.
He prepares us for the future, whether we realize it or not.

I love Corrie ten Boom's positive outlook!


Monday, April 26, 2021

Book Review: Castle of Refuge (A Dericott Tale Book 2) by Melanie Dickerson

Book Description:

To live an unforgettable life, she would defy all expectations—including her own.

Ever since she was a child, Audrey wanted her life to be extraordinary. But as the daughter of a viscount born in late fourteenth-century England, the only thing expected of her was to marry—until an act of malice by her sister, Maris, four years ago damaged her prospects even further. Though Maris was sent away, twenty-year-old Audrey is still suffering the scars of her sister’s cruelty. So when her father announces his plans to marry off his damaged daughter and bring Maris back home, Audrey decides to flee in search of her true destiny.

However, life outside her home is dangerous, and she soon finds herself attacked, sick, and in dire straits. She is taken in at Dericott Castle to be nursed back to health. While there, she decides to keep her identity a secret and work as a servant in the castle. But she doesn’t count on falling in love with the young and handsome Lord Dericott, who lost his arm several months earlier and bears scars of his own.

Meanwhile, Edwin—Lord Dericott—is curious about the new, well-educated servant’s identity. When the man Audrey’s father wanted her to marry comes looking for her, each must make a life-changing decision about what to believe and whether or not love is truly worth trusting.

In this Ugly Duckling retelling, New York Times bestselling author Melanie Dickerson brilliantly crafts a highstakes, encouraging tale about the power of love.

My Thoughts:
I love a good fairy tale, and Melanie Dickerson always delivers. In Castle of Refuge, Audrey has a formidable enemy, her own sister. Edwin has an unexpected burden to bear. Brought together by Audrey’s desperation to leave home, the two fight the evil that surrounds them. Castle of Refuge is a beautiful tale of hope. Audrey and Edwin must both confront their self-identity and see themselves as those dear to them see them. This story has so many wonderful characters, even the evil Maris. Dickerson does a wonderful job showing why Maris is the way she is and how Audrey loves her sister despite her nasty ways. If you enjoy fairy tales and Medieval times, or a good romance, you’ll love Castle of Refuge. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.


Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Living Water

John 4:39-42
Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me everything I ever did.” So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed two days. And because of his words many more became believers.

They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.”

I was thirsty.

After knee replacement and other surgeries, I experienced the ice chip diet. To keep my stomach from upset, the nurse offered me small chips of frozen water. As refreshing as the chips were, they didn’t quench my thirst. I longed for more.

In life, searching and reaching for dreams has led me down some roads that didn’t satisfy. A rabbit trail into a writing foray God never intended. A job that led to frustration. No matter how hard I tried to make them fit my life, they didn’t.

We tend to search for answers and not like the results. The Samaritan woman Jesus met at the well had struggled with relationships. She’d veered from God’s path for her life and found herself thirsty. When she met Jesus, she realized she’d been missing out on the living water. The water that quenches all thirst. She’d lifted the bucket and dipped from Jacob’s well many times, but she’d never tasted from the living water Jesus offered.

When he opened his heart to this woman and spoke truth to her, she believed in the power of Jesus to save her from a life of sin. She longed to dip into the waters of eternal life, and she shared her experience with everyone in her town.

Whether you’ve dipped in Jesus’ well or are drawn to consider his plan of salvation, know that his well of living water never runs dry. He asks us to believe then he offers understanding. With his living water he promises life everlasting.