Saturday, February 18, 2023

Children's Book Review: Odder by Katherine Applegate

This beautiful children’s book, Odder, written in free verse is simply delightful. From beginning to end, Odder is one of those books that feeds the soul with joy.

Here’s a bit about the book:
Meet Odder, the Queen of Play:

Nobody has her moves.
She doesn’t just swim to the bottom, she dive-bombs.
She doesn’t just somersault,
she triple-doughnuts.
She doesn’t just ride the waves,
she makes them.

Odder spends her days off the coast of central California, practicing her underwater acrobatics and spinning the quirky stories for which she’s known. She’s a fearless daredevil, curious to a fault. But when Odder comes face-to-face with a hungry great white shark, her life takes a dramatic turn, one that will challenge everything she believes about herself―and about the humans who hope to save her.

Inspired by the true story of a Monterey Bay Aquarium program that pairs orphaned otter pups with surrogate mothers, this poignant and humorous tale told in free verse examines bravery and healing through the eyes of one of nature’s most beloved and charming animals.

As a fan of children’s literature, this is one of the best I’ve read in a while. It’s in a similar vein as another favorite of mine, Love That Dog. Plus, the cover is adorable! 

P.S. Odder is not just for kids. Adults will love this story based on true events.

5 stars.

The Goodness of God

Psalm 23:6
Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

I’ve been thinking about the word goodness this week. 

Goodness is listed as a fruit of the spirit in Galatians 5:22. The dictionary tells me goodness is moral excellence, a kindly feeling, generosity, and virtue.

When I think of pure goodness, I remember the sweet faces of my girls as newborns. Looking into their eyes, I saw the purest elements of humankind.

When God created the garden of Eden and all the beautiful natural elements, He said, “It is good.” Everything shone with goodness, before the wretched snake (Satan) slithered in and tempted Adam and Eve. Once they indulged in the fruit of the tree of life, the goodness faded. Sin scarred the purity of the earth and the moral excellence.

Yet God had a plan. He had given the humans the freedom to choose, and He knew they would choose poorly.

When I worked in the elementary school library, I would ask the students about good and bad choices. “Was it a good choice to leave a library book in the rain?” “Should you leave your book where the dog can gnaw on it?” You get the idea.

Years ago, I made the choice to accept Jesus as my Savior—best choice I ever made. With Jesus as my Lord, I have goodness in my life. I’m not perfect, I sin, I make mistakes, but God pours His goodness over me. He keeps showing up. His goodness and love follow me all the days of my life. And I’m so very thankful. With His goodness in my life, I continue to grow as a believer. I have confidence in His salvation, and I have the hope of heaven.

Let God’s goodness pour over you.

I love this song that I heard this week. 
God shows up with His goodness.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

An Apt Reply

An apt reply is one that's spoken without hesitation.
In school we were expected to be prepared to give an answer 
when the teacher asked a question.

We had to be ready.

As a follower of Jesus, I need to be ready to speak the truth about Jesus.
By reading the Bible and praying for wisdom, 
I've prepared for the times I'm called to give a prompt response.

Joy fills the soul when we can speak the name of Jesus.


Saturday, February 11, 2023

This Old House

Proverbs 24:3-4

By wisdom a house is built,
    and through understanding it is established;
through knowledge its rooms are filled
    with rare and beautiful treasures.

I’ve lived in 14 different homes in my lifetime.

When I was young, my parents sometimes took us for a Sunday drive to look at houses. We rolled along rural roads and through small towns. From that experience, I learned to appreciate the architecture of older homes. Some with fancy ginger breading and others with simple porches attracted my attention. To this day, I enjoy seeing some of the interesting houses in our travels.

Of the 14 different houses I’ve lived in, some of my favorites were the old farmhouses. They have so much character. I loved imagining what stories they could tell. From the farm wife toting in eggs from the chicken coop to the child sitting on her dad’s lap at the end of the day. Life was breathed into the home. Love, laughter, dinner around the kitchen table, cousins piling in, and the dog laying by the hearth. My mind weaves a tale of joy. However, I also know some houses heard the rough voices of arguing and anger. They felt the trembling of fear and sorrow. Those homes break my heart.

I also see the houses, who abandoned over time, have the life sucked out of them. They look tired, run-down, weary, and sad. I wonder at the stories they could tell.

As I compare a house or home to life lived, I see the same thing. Many people are filled with joy, peace, and love. While others may be angry or fearful or live a weary, sad life.

I could have been any of those three. We all could, but when I accepted Jesus’ invitation to follow and love Him, my life found the joy, love, and peace I longed for. Even in times of sadness and difficulty, Jesus’ love carries me. I no longer live as a slave to fear, anger, sadness, and sorrow. Instead, Jesus poured His love and grace into me and loves me more than I could imagine.

I want my home to be a place of love and peace, reflected in Jesus, just as I want my life to shine for the Lord.

Does your home reflect Jesus’ love? Does your life?

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Look What's Coming Soon!


Allow Color to Bless You

God created the world as a colorful place. 
Look around and see the greens, blues, pinks, and purples. 
Red, yellow and orange, black and white and even brown 
add amazing variety and contrast. 

My favorite color, pink, pours joy into my soul. 

That may sound silly, but I believe God gave us color 
to help us understand and appreciate the world we live in. 
On a gray day, a splash of color adds inspiration.

Take a moment to admire the colors and allow God to bless you.


Saturday, February 4, 2023

Hope Remains

Psalm 31:24
Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.

“The hope is in the yes, when times go bad.” -Tim

Tim and I sat in the tour boat waiting for the rain to pass. We’d been in Maine a few days and had planned a trip to see the puffins, a fun little bird with a colorful beak who lives at sea. As the drizzle continued, I wondered if we were going to get to go out to the island they lived on. To see the puffins, we needed to travel by boat about a half-an-hour out into the Atlantic Ocean. The guide warned, due to fog, we might not have the best view. Even with these hindrances, my hope of seeing these adorable birds kept me afloat. Instead of doubting and grumbling, I held on to my dream of watching these birds bob in the water.

In time, the rain stopped, and our tour boat took us into the waters, and we watched the puffins bob up and down, plus an array of other ocean birds on Eastern Egg Rock Island. I’m thankful I didn’t give up and go home, but waited for the yes from the guide to move ahead.

I could have pouted or given up while I sat in the boat and waited. Instead, I hung on to the hope we’d get to go out on the water. When life takes a difficult turn, or circumstances feel unbearable, instead of blaming God, reach out to Him and hope in the yes. Yesmeaning I trust you Lord in all my circumstances. He promises to be with us in all things. 

As long as we turn to God and not away from Him, hope remains.

Be strong, take heart, seek Him, and wait for Him.