Wednesday, April 3, 2024

New Life!

As I walked around my flowers, after a rain, 
I considered the new life blooming this spring.
The daffodils nodded and the tulips opened to the sky.
They embraced the rain and the sunshine. 
They withstood the storms and the wind.
As a new creation or an old one like me, 
I can withstand life's storms 
as I cling to the one who created me.

Thank you, Jesus.


Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Children's Book Day!

Children's books are works of art and heart.

 Have you read Betsy and/y Bailey, a bilingual English & Spanish 
story of twin sisters who discover the differences that drive them crazy 
are the characteristics they love most in each other?

Read with a child today and be blessed.


Illustrator, Hannah Wickline, had the privilege 
of reading the story to children in Guatemala.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Through God's Power

Matthew 28:5-10
The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”

So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.”

I cannot visit the mountains without hiking to a waterfall.

My daughter Maggie and her teenagers let me tag along on a trip to Greenville, SC to visit my youngest daughter, Hannah. Hannah and Stephen are blessed to live in the beautiful Appalachian Mountain region of our country where a trip to the mountains is just a car drive away.

On one of our exploration adventures we hiked in the Dupont State Forest, southeast of Brevard, NC, to Triple Falls waterfall. I enjoyed the spring foliage and the new life popping in the forest, but at the end of the trail, the true gem awaited.

The falls roared over the rock face of the cliff, and I stood and let the water spray my face. As I reflected on the power of the falls, I considered how powerful God is and how humble and loving Jesus is. With Easter Sunday and the celebration of Jesus defeating death, the truth of Jesus’ life struck me. He lived in obedience to his Father. In living, he knew his death would come and that he’d carry the burden of sin for every person. He knew, yet he obeyed. Even as Jesus died, God knew the outcome. God’s power defeated death and he breathed life into his son and sent his angels to roll away the stone.

Jesus died and rose again from an ugly death. Through God’s power, he lives and loves and wants every soul to follow him and meet him in heaven.

I pray you have a blessed Easter and consider Jesus invitation to be your Savior.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Natural Harmony

 My daughter, grandchildren and I had the joy of hiking 
in the Congaree National Park. 
As we walked the boardwalk, among the cypress and loblolly pine,
we came across a violet growing in a tree. 
I love how the two live in harmony.


Saturday, March 23, 2024

Imagine the Garden

Genesis 1:11-13
Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day.

Spring’s first heartbeat honors winter’s last breath. -Angie Weiland Crosby

Tim and I have been walking Rosie at the local park. As we hike along the trail, I’ve spotted a variety of flowers blooming. The yellow celandine blankets the forest floor, Dutchman’s breeches wave their miniature pantaloon shaped petals, and Virginia bluebell leaves are sprouting. Green has popped all over and the robins are tweeting a welcome to spring.

When I witness the change from winter to warmer weather and the brown shifting to shades of green, I’m reminded of the creation story. When God made the world, He added plants. He knew we’d need not only the produce from the vegetation, but the beauty of the flowers.

As we walked this morning, I considered the Garden of Eden and the glorious place it must have been. All the amazing plants in God’s original creation must have looked and smelled incredible. Imagine the perfection.

I’m thankful He blesses me with the beauty of nature in our little corner. No, we don’t experience a land without scars or blemishes, but we do have a hint of the place Adam and Eve left behind. The hint of the possible beauty of heaven fills my heart with hope. As I spy a hyacinth’s fresh bloom or the brilliant color of a tulip, I’m reminded of how much God loves me. He cares for the flowers and loves His people even more.

Enjoy spring and appreciate God’s gift of beauty on earth and the ultimate glory of heaven.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024


I was delighted to find my miniature tulips in bloom this week. 
The lovely purplish-pink color stirs joy in my soul.
The contrast with the green is simply gorgeous.

I hope this photo brings you hope 
and reminds you of the beauty of God's creation.

Happy Spring!


Saturday, March 16, 2024

A Joyful Soul

Song of Solomon 12: 11-12

See! The winter is past;
    the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth;
    the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves
    is heard in our land.

Bright yellow flowers bob their heads among the purple petals.

As much as I love winter, I adore the first blooms of spring. In southern Ohio, the daffodils are popping. Have you noticed seasons have their own array of color? Right now we’re seeing a lot of yellow and purple. Forsythia bushes are waving branches of golden blossoms and vinca vines are displaying their periwinkle buds. Soon, the tulips will open and add reds and pinks to the display.

All of these flowers fill my soul with joy. Their beauty gives me hope. After the cold, dark season of winter, God graces us with a rainbow of color and days filled with sunshine.

Have you experienced a dark season? They come and go, don’t they? When I’ve traveled through a dark tunnel in life, hope shined at the end of the darkness, because I didn’t journey alone. Jesus walks with me step-by-step. As a believer in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, I’m in their company every day, no matter the circumstance. The Holy Spirit dwells in my soul and guides me on the dark days and the bright days. He’s the reason I never walk alone. We don’t talk much about the Spirit, which is a shame.

God created me to have a physical body and a spiritual soul. I’m so thankful for both. Although my body is wearing out with time, the Spirit brings wisdom to my soul. Jesus’ love and grace pour into me and fill me with peace.

As spring arrives and fills the days with beauty, reflect on the hope, peace, and joy of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit’s work in your life.

God bless you!