Showing posts with label fall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fall. Show all posts

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Poetry Review: When Green Becomes Tomatoes: Poems for All Seasons by Julie Fogliano; illustrated by Julie Morstad

Book Description:
Flowers blooming in sheets of snow make way for happy frogs dancing in the rain. Summer swims move over for autumn sweaters until the snow comes back again. In Julie Fogliano's skilled hand and illustrated by Julie Morstad's charming pictures, the seasons come to life in this gorgeous and comprehensive book of poetry.

My Review:
I ordered When Green Becomes Tomatoes from the library because the title intrigued me. Curious about what the poet had to say about the seasons, I opened the book and fell into a lovely treasure of words. Julie Fogliano's poems may be written for children, but they spoke to my soul. As a lover of nature, I delighted in each encounter. The verses are titled by date and divided into seasons. I especially liked "july 12", the date of my birthday. The children go to the beach and eat plums and peanut butter sandwiches. How fun! I'm also partial to the winter poems. Not only are the poems well done, the illustrations are perfect. They set the stage for each season. Julie Morstad's gouache and pencil crayon art are soft and appealing. I highly recommend reading this book to your children; after you read it yourself.

Friday, October 16, 2015


Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

The leaves, they are a-changing. As the green fades and the reds, oranges, and golds hang like jewels from the branches, I once again stand in awe of God's creation. On my drive to work, I take in the amazing changes on the hills that surround us. While I'm excited to see the season gradually fade into the next one, I'm not a huge fan of change in general. I get a little nervous when plans are altered. I struggle a little when I'm told I have one more new thing to learn for work. I need to adjust and that rattles my confidence. When life throws a curveball what do I do?   

I turn to the one I can depend on. Jesus. He never changes. He's the same every day. His love and compassion stay steady. When Peter betrayed him, Jesus kept loving him. Even though religious leaders mocked him, he continued to speak to sinners. Against the custom of his day, he spoke to women in a respectful manner. Jesus made changes happen, yet he remained the same. He's the one consistent anchor. No matter what kind of crazy day I've had, I can open my heart and pour out my prayers to the one who always cares. As the leaves change, I know Jesus stays the same. For this I am thankful. Praise God for Jesus.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

the sunflower


waves on tall thin stem 
good-bye summer, welcome fall--
view from the porch