Showing posts with label joy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label joy. Show all posts

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Gratitude Opens the Heart to Joy

Luke 17:15-19
One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan.

 Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”

The beautiful thing about gratitude—it leads to joy.

As a writer, I embrace words. I have favorites and some I'd rather not hear or read. In the novel I'm writing, I search for the perfect words to express the characters actions and emotions. When I edit, I remove unnecessary words and rewrite the scene.

As many writers do, I've asked God to give me a word for the year.

In 2020, God gifted me with "Be Brave." He basically told me not to fear. In 2020, fear tossed me on my head at times. Yet, I clung to Him and the words he gave me. When anxiety reared its ugly head (which happened more often than I care to share) I called on the Lord for courage.

Now we are waltzing into 2021, praying for a better year. As I asked God for my word, the one I'd focus on for 365 days, He whispered "Gratitude." The Oxford Dictionary defines gratitude as "the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness." I love that returning kindness is part of gratitude.

In Luke 17, Jesus healed ten lepers. He sent them to see the priest and as soon as they stepped away from Jesus, the leprosy left them. As it turns out, only one returned to thank him. And he was a Samaritan, a group of people regarded as lowly and unworthy. That man's heart overflowed with appreciation toward the one who healed him. He could finally live without ridicule and shunning. The Samaritan, low man in society, poured a grateful kindness over the one who gave him his life back. He showed gratitude to Jesus with joy in his heart.

When I imagine being sick for years and despised by most people, and through love and compassion Jesus released me and restored my life; I wonder, would I be like the nine ungrateful men or the one who poured joy over Jesus.

As the New Year rings in, embrace gratitude, show appreciation and return kindness.

Saturday, December 26, 2020


Luke 2:6-7

While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.

As an American consumer, I used to make Christmas way too complicated. The shopping, the decorating, the baking exhausted me. For the past several years, I've stepped back and made an attempt to simplify. Less presents, decorating with the items I hold dear, and more focused time in the kitchen. I confessI love Christmas. But what I love the most about this beautiful holiday has less to do with the gifts, baubles, and cookies and more to do with the people.

First beingJesusthe babe in the manger who grew to be a King. Even as King, he lived a simple existence as he walked this earth. His life reflects the love and grace he gives. I praise God for sending his son to us.

Second beingmy husbandwe go through this life together encouraging and loving one another. For this I am so thankful.

Third beingour family—our children and their families, my mom, our siblings, and the many who connect, love, check in on, and surround Tim and I with their love. I appreciate them so much.

Fourth beingfriendsdear friends I've reconnected with from college and the many friends made through the years. Our neighbors who wave a friendly hello when we walk the neighborhood. My writing friends I've met on social media from all over the world. The church filled with folks who walk with us on our spiritual journey. Thank you.

Fifth beingthe folks we are yet to connect withthose God will place in our path.

All these people bless our lives. I thank God for each one.

As I reflect on this strange, stressful year, I thank God for Jesus and for you.

May the New Year bring joy, peace, and hope as we celebrate the babe in the manger and look forward to a new calendar filled with wonder and adventure.

Here's to a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Christmas in the Heart

Do you feel it in the air?

Do you feel it in your heart?

The love...
Jesus love came down from God to this world.
The joy...
Joy in the birth of the one who came to walk with us.
The grace...
Poured out on all who believe.
The hope...
Of life eternal with Jesus.

Do you know the good news?

Jesus came to rescue us from ourselves.
To offer the kingdom of God to us.
To give us a way to God, who loves us so very much!

Tuck Christmas in your heart this holiday season.
And share his good news with the world!


Saturday, December 19, 2020


Luke 2:6-7
While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She [Mary] wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.

Bumping along on a lowly donkey, nine months pregnant, Mary prepared for the birth of her son, Jesus. She made the journey with her betrothed, Joseph, to the town of Bethlehem where they'd be counted and registered to pay taxes. Towards the end of a pregnancy, most women are mighty uncomfortable. I can't imagine riding a donkey on rough roads and bouncing around. But, Mary's faith trumped her discomfort.

Womanhood arrived early in Mary's day. History determines her to be anywhere from fourteen to seventeen, a child in our culture. Yet her love for God matured and grew in her few years. The angel, who delivered the news that she'd give birth to the Messiah, recognized this young woman's faith.

Mary, being the faithful servant, accepted the angel's proclamation with grace and trust.

Trust plays a huge part in Jesus' birth. Joseph trusted enough to wed Mary.  God trusted the angels to deliver his messages. The shepherds trusted the angels and ran to see the baby. And Mary trusted God with the glorious phenomenon of Jesus' birth.

As Mary bumped along, she must have wondered what came next. But she moved forward as God called her. She birthed the baby in a stable, most likely a cave where the animals were fed and watered. Hopefully, she had clean straw and fresh water. Regardless, Mary welcomed her child with joy that night.  

As you think about the troubles of 2020, the inconveniences, the losses, the illness, think about Mary. In her discomfort and what was likely a troubled time for her, she moved forward with trust and faith. Regardless of what's behind us, let's keep our eyes on Jesus and celebrate the joy of this season.

Stop for a few moments and breathe in the spirit of the season. Capture the essence of joy. Then breathe out and share his hope.

 Who Would Imagine a King sung by my daughter Sara Hatch-

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

A Little Something

Can you guess my all time favorite holiday show?

If you guessed A Charlie Brown Christmas, you are right.
The scene with Linus on stage, reciting the Christmas story brings joy to my heart.
When he drops the blanket while saying "Fear not", 
I'm reminded to trust in the reason we celebrate
~Jesus birth!

Share the joy of Christmas with someone!


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

A Quiet Joy

As we approach Thanksgiving,
think back on 2020 and capture the good moments.
Find those times of quiet thankfulness.

Let go of the sorrow, frustration, and grief
and hold onto the peace and joy.


Saturday, October 10, 2020

Look in God's Mirror

Ephesians 4:29
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

As a writer, I think about words a lot.

When I was a teenager, I spent too much time in front of the mirror. I didn't wear makeup, but I brushed my long straight hair for hours. I checked my outfits to make sure I conformed to strict school rules. And I talked to myself. The words weren't positive. I didn't like my ears or nose. I wasn't as pretty as my friends. The lies I told myself hurt and beat up any confidence I had. Unfortunately, this is typical behavior for many teenagers and adults.

I still talk to myself but not in the same demeaning way I did as a young person. Over the years my attitude changed, one of the benefits of growing older and wiser. I learned to listen to the words of God, my husband, my family, and my friends. You see—they value me as a person. Oh, I'm not perfect and I make plenty of mistakes, yet I'm a useful and unique person who loves God and seeks his purpose.

God created me, not to knock myself down, but to soar.

I love Psalm 139:13-14
For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
 I know that full well.

If my words are negative, self-talk is unwholesome and detrimental. Our minister said, "Stop beating yourself up with self-talk." He instructed us to "Look in the mirror of God's truth." God made you and me as a wonderful work of his creation. He made us on purpose. Look in the mirror and see the potential God sees. Ephesians 4:29 tells us to build each other up, not to let negative talk pour from our mouths. That applies to talking to ourselves too. Spill out the positive on others and yourself.

Whether you've been treasured by family and friends or sent into a tailspin of abuse. God sees your value. He cherishes you. Change self-talk from negative to positive and know God created you as a beautiful person with joy and hope in His heart.


Saturday, July 18, 2020

They Remind Me of Hope

Romans 12:12
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Every summer, for as long as I remember, I've looked forward to the black-eyed Susan's blooms. I love how they dot the fields and ditches as if they are attending a ball and dressed in their finest array. Yet they show a humbleness by bowing their heads in a friendly wave. Their golden yellow color reminds me of the summers of my youth when we'd play in the fields, take walks or ride our bikes down the one-lane road, and these lovely flowers would dance and sway.

They also appear around my birthday. As a child I thought God planted them just for me, in time to celebrate the day I was born. (Can you keep a secret? I still feel a little bit that way.) For whatever reason He created such a delightful yet simple flower, I'll be forever grateful. When this perennial beauty returns, I am reminded of the eternal hope I have in Jesus.

The verse in Romans encourages me to remain joyful because I have hope. Hope of eternal life, hope of salvation, and hope for a life filled with joy. But in this world I will have pain and sorrow. The writer of Romans calls it affliction. I think of that word as a medical malady, but I believe he refers to the difficulties of life. It's hard to be patient when Satan attacks, when I feel hurt and stepped on, and when life just stinks. Yet I am called to be patient, to wait on the Lord. He asks me to be faithful in prayer. Jesus wants me to call on him in my affliction. His desire is for me to talk to him and seek his help.

I'm thankful I have hope that gives joy. I'm grateful for patience (I kind of cringe when I say that, but I know patience is a blessing.) I'm more than appreciative that I can talk to God about life. He listens to me and takes what I say to heart.

When you see the black-eyed Susan's nodding their heads, remember there's hope in Jesus.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Splashed with Joy

Psalm 28:6-7
Praise be to the Lord,
    for he has heard my cry for mercy.
The Lord is my strength and my shield;
    my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.
My heart leaps for joy,
    and with my song I praise him.

I have the joy, joy, joy...down in my heart.

I remember singing that chorus at church camp, my favorite place in the summers of my youth. Surrounded by friends who believed in Jesus, exploring nature, meeting together at the campfire to sing and pray, filled our souls with joy. Not happiness—but pure joy, the deep satisfying feeling that everything is going to be okay. And it bubbled over. The joy I discovered overflowed and tumbled onto other people. And their joy splashed all over me. When I came home, the delight I tucked into my heart carried me through my days. No matter what happened at school, or wherever I was, Jesus' joy bubbled. 

As an adult, I'm more conscientious of the joy I find in Jesus. Sometimes rejoicing is a struggle. On those days, I tap into his word and cry out in prayer to reassure myself everything will be okay. It's hard to experience joy when the world is so out of whack. But Jesus always comes through. As I trust in him for wisdom and mercy, he splashes me with joy. I love Jesus and he loves me back. I sing that same little chorus today that I sang at camp. I have Jesus' joy down in my heart, and I praise him because that joy carries me through the hard stuff, the frustrating things, the opinions, the anger, and the unkindness we are seeing in the world.

Even on days when my joy is more like a grain of sand that a solid rock, I'm thankful I have a glimmer of hope.

Let the joy of Jesus overflow like a fountain of love.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Think on These Things

I saw this sign on Sunday and felt God calling me to share. 
"When joy is a habit, love is a reflex."

I'll leave that here for us to think about. 
Saturday I'll post more about the joy I find in Jesus.

Have a great Wednesday!

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Love Your Neighbor

Matthew 22:37-39
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself."

I love that God made our world in color.

From the kayak, I watched the sun cross over the fresh spring foliage. The shore, covered in trees, showed various shades of green. The sky moved from pale blue to sky blue to cerulean as the white clouds whispered across. Along the bank, rocks and pebbles rested in assorted shades of brown. Beautiful colors. All created by God.

In the hours before we took our kayaks out on the lake, I'd wrestled with how to respond to recent news of racial strife and sorrow. I'm an older white woman who has only walked in my shoes. I can't say I understand what my friends of color are experiencing, but I can say I care. 

I contemplated how to offer hope in a time of sorrow and help in a time of stress. But I'll be honest, I wasn't sure how.

As I prayed, I understood two things:

  • What's going on in the world right now is breaking God's heart.
  • God loves every single person he created, and he calls us as his followers to love people, too.
In Matthew, Jesus said to love God and love people. It's that simple. But sin has gotten in the way. Satan stirs the pot and throws in envy, anger, and a whole lot of other junk. He rejoices when he recruits one more person to destroy another human being, a building, a lifetime of work. He spreads his evil anywhere he can.

Together, let's toss Satan out and pour in the ingredients of love, hope, compassion, and peace. Let's stir in joy, acceptance, patience and understanding in whatever way we can.

As I floated in the kayak and soaked in the variegated world we live in, Jesus reminded me to love and appreciate people. He gave us different shades of skin, different textures of hair, different eye colors. And he gave all of us hearts for love, abilities to help, and minds to think. We are more alike than we are different, because we are created in God's image.

Love God and love people. Click to Tweet

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Let Joy Overflow

Psalm 28:6-7
Praise be to the Lord,
    for he has heard my cry for mercy.
The Lord is my strength and my shield;
    my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.
My heart leaps for joy,
    and with my song I praise him.

Since I've been sheltering-in-place, I've invited a few friends to visit.

A couple of years ago, my daughter gave me net bags filled with Niger seeds (sometimes called thistle) to hang by my back porch. I'd sit outside and watch the gold finches and house finches play and eat. Those little birds brought joy to my heart. When the bags wore out, I purchased a fancier feeder. But there was a problem. When rain poured the feed mildewed. I gave up and tossed the contraption. Then I went a year without seeing those sweet little birds.

After the verdict came in March for folks to stay home, I ordered new finch food bags. I hung one by the porch. But I wanted to watch the flit and flutter of yellow and brownish-red birds more often. So I hung one outside our living room window; where I could see them from my chair. They are a riot. Some days I see as many as five beauties perched on the bag. Sometimes they run each other off, even though there is plenty for everyone. In this time of isolation the finches stir the joy within me. I'm so glad I invited them over.

When life seems crazy, different, even unpredictable Satan tries to steal our joy. He pokes and prods until he deflates our hope. Don't let him. Choose to seek Jesus as the hope and joy of your heart. Trust God for your strength. His joy runs deep and bubbles up inside. As much as I love my little visitors, I know the joy they bring comes from the love I have for their Creator, the God who loves me.

What makes your joy bubble over? Music? Nature? Talking to a friend? Creating something by hand? Hugging your spouse? Loving your kids and grandkids?
Grab that bit of joy and let it overflow.
Seek Jesus' hope and joy. (click to tweet) 

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Take Heart

Psalm 31:24 is a great reminder of hope. 
As we wade the waters of uncertainty and change, keep your eyes on the one who offers hope. No matter what's going on each day, God remains the same, a light in darkness, joy in distress, peace in turmoil. Take heart and trust the Creator of life.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

The Meadows Shout for Joy

Psalm 65:9-13
You care for the land and water it;
    you enrich it abundantly.
The streams of God are filled with water
    to provide the people with grain,
    for so you have ordained it.
You drench its furrows and level its ridges;
    you soften it with showers and bless its crops.
You crown the year with your bounty,
    and your carts overflow with abundance.
The grasslands of the wilderness overflow;
    the hills are clothed with gladness.
The meadows are covered with flocks
    and the valleys are mantled with grain;
    they shout for joy and sing.

The gold finches sing outside my window.

Springtime—I walk outside and study my tiny flower garden. Which beauties will bloom soon? What leaves need to be tied down to allow others to sprout? What annuals do I want to add this year?

No matter what goes on around the world, my flower bed continues to grow. The rain showers fall and the sun shines. Soil enriches the plants, and the blooms burst with beauty.

A few weeks ago, I hung a finch feeder outside the living room window. From my chair, I watch, with delight, as the little gold and brown and red house finches stop by for breakfast and dinner. They flit and flutter, sometimes knocking each other off the bag, as they vie for the thistle seed. Those sweet birds add joy to my day.

In Psalm 65, David writes about God's constant presence. He's always with us. I witness Him in my natural surroundings. Go outside and look up. The clouds appear in the sky as does the sun. Look around. The grass, meadows, wheat, oats, corn all continue to grow. And if you live in the Midwest, you know the rain tumbles down on any given day.

No matter what we endure, God remains the same. He offers hope and joy for this weary world. Find a tree and thank God for the shade. Listen to the call of a bird or watch it take off in flight and witness the wonder of creation. Smell a bloom in the garden and thank God for the beauty. Take a bite of salad and remember who provided the nutrients for growth.

Seeking joy? Look to God's creation.

The birds rejoice with singing.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Songs of Joy

Lately, days seem to run together. Sometimes I don't know the day or date. 
What I do know is God has created evening and morning, and in his presence I find joy.

This colorful sunset fell over Lake Erie, as we watched in awe and wonder. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Jesus Overcomes

When I spied the new growth in my flower bed, my heart leaped with joy. 
A sign of hope that spring is around the corner. 
As much as I love winter, I get excited about the promise of spring.

In this life, we will have trouble. That's no secret. 
But the promise that Jesus has overcome this world, brings hope of 
an eternal life in heaven that's filled with joy and peace.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Want a Second Chance?

U.S. Life Saving Station, Marblehead, OH
Psalm 51:10-12
Create in me a pure heart, O God,
    and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me from your presence
    or take your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation
    and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

He's the God of second chances.

The movie Love Story, starring Ryan O'Neal and Ali MacGraw, hit the big screen in 1970. As the story goes, A wealthy boy meets a middle class girl, they fall in love, boy gets disinherited, they marry, and she becomes terminally ill. Together they navigate this difficult road.  One catchphrase from the movie is still quoted today. "Love means never having to say you're sorry."

Even as a teenager that quote didn't make sense to me. Jesus is the only person who walked this earth without fault. Everyone makes mistakes,even as we strive to be our best selves. God knows we mess up. That's why he sent his son.

In Psalm 51, King David bowed before God and admitted his sins. He knew he needed mercy. And you know what? God was happy to hear from the wayward king. He wanted David to reach out and seek grace.

David understood that only God could renew his repentant heart. David desired God's love. David wanted to have the Holy Spirit renewed in him. That's why he said he was sorry. He sought out the Lord because he knew only the God of second chances could pour joy back into his heart.

If King David had believed the quote about never saying he was sorry, he would never have been forgiven by God. But he knew God loved him with open arms.
Seek God. He wants to give you a second chance.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Go With Joy

Luke 19:37-40
When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen:

“Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”
Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!”
“I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”

Nothing is more peaceful than sitting on a rock by Lake Erie and listening to the natural world.

I hear the waves crash on the shore. Birds splash in and out of the water. Leaves on the trees rustle in the wind. In that moment, I hear the voice of God through his creation. Even the people chattering behind me, as they visit the nearby lighthouse, remind me of God's glory. His incredible creation, so complex yet simple.

When Jesus traveled to Jerusalem on the back of a colt, his followers praised his name. They shouted their love for him and worshiped. The disciples placed a coat on the colt for Jesus to rest on and others laid their coats on the ground. Folks even cut palm leaves and placed them on the dusty road. All because they loved and respected Jesus.

Yet amid the rejoicing, a group of people taunted Jesus. The Pharisees, a religious bunch, ordered him to tell his followers to be quiet. I love Jesus response. He basically said, what good would it do, if the people are quiet, then the very creation my Father made will cry out with joy, even the rocks.

No matter what Satan tries to do to quiet those of us who love Jesus, rejoicing and worship will not stop. The world God designed, every mountain, tree, bird and flower continue to adore the Savior.

Go with joy and praise our incredible Lord!

You will go out in joy    and be led forth in peace;the mountains and hills    will burst into song before you,and all the trees of the field    will clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Sweet Peace of a Baby

Luke 2:29-32
Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may now dismiss your servant [Simeon] in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation [Jesus] which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.”

I love holding babies. My daughters, grandbabies, nieces and nephews all cuddled in my arms. There sweet fragrance after a bath was the best perfume. The soft coos and even loud cries brought joy to my heart.

Now imagine being Simeon..

Simeon, a devout, old man who lived in Israel, was blessed with the promise that he would see the Messiah before he died. While in Jerusalem, where Mary and Joseph traveled after the birth of Jesus, the Holy Spirit prompted Simeon to visit the temple. Lo and behold, he met Mary and Joseph. When they saw Simeon enter, they placed baby Jesus in his arms. He cradled him and rejoiced.

Simeon's heart rejoiced with peace because he'd laid eyes on the one who came to save the world from sin and give life to those who follow him. Imagine being Simeon, holding sweet baby Jesus in your arms. Oh the joy!

We may not be able to hold that precious babe in our arms, but we can invite Jesus in and hold him in our hearts. At this time of holiday chaos, rest in the peace of the Savior we celebrate.
Open your heart and invite him in.