Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Snow Day
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Please, Pray
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Pray for Them All
Saturday, January 6, 2024
The First Step
Psalm 40:10a
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” (NIV)
“Sometimes we have to let go of what we think we know and trust God.”-David Rimarski
Every year, I look forward to January, and if I’m being
honest, I hope for snow. I love the quiet of the winter months and the
peacefulness of snow. I view this time as a period to reset, get back on track,
and rest.
Although I don’t do resolutions, I like to pen a few goals
for the year. Some are things I need to complete, such as the next novel in my
series, while others are items I hope to accomplish. It’s not a long list, but
it’s a jumping off point for the year. The one thing I’ve learned through the
years is to consult God and trust Him to guide me through the year.
I’ve read several blogs that offer advice to Christian
authors and the number one call to action is always—pray. Isn’t prayer the perfect
first step in everything?
No matter what I have in mind as a goal, if I haven’t prayed
over it and offered it to God, I will fall on my face and fail. Seriously, in
my sixty plus years of life, I can attest to this. Sure, I might squeak by, but
I’m missing the amazing blessings and lessons from God.
I bought a journal this year that has Be Still & Know
embossed on the cover. I like this reminder of the providence of God and His
love for me. As our student minister spoke Sunday, I have to let go of what I
think I know and trust God with everything.
He has a plan and purpose for each of us. Pray over your desires
and goals and allow yourself to be blessed with His guidance. Be still and
Saturday, October 28, 2023
One More Time
I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, because
I hear about your love for all his holy people and your faith in the Lord
Jesus. I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective
in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of
Christ. Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because
you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people.
Have you ever wanted to sit with someone one more time?
The older I
get, the more I realize I may not get to see people one more time. Over the
last several years, friends and family have moved from broken bodies on this
earth to perfect, healthy bodies in heaven. I’m rejoicing for them, and I’m
missing them.
The other
day, Tim and I took Rosie to a park to walk. I’d been sick a few days before,
so I stayed in the car, still tired from the bout of illness. I watched them
walk a circular path, then my sight landed on a blue swing with a beautiful
backdrop. Gold and orange trees stood at attention behind the colorful swing. I
thought, what if I could sit on that swing and talk to anyone I wanted to? Of
course, I would sit with Tim and chat about the day. I could take any of our
grandkids or kids and their spouses. Perhaps a friend or two would come by and
we’d laugh and talk. Then I thought—what if I could bring anyone back and
talk to them about heaven—wouldn’t that be a glorious
conversation? They could tell me about the incredible worship and praise of God
and conversations with Jesus.
Since that’s not possible, I had another thought. Wouldn’t that be a lovely place to sit and talk to God? A place to pray for my loved ones and readers. A place to appreciate the beautiful fall weather and thank God for His provision and remember those we’ve loved who have passed. It’s good to sit and thank the Lord for the people He has placed in my life.
I hope as I remember you, you
know you give me great joy and encouragement.
Do you have
a favorite place to ponder and pray?
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Be Still
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
We All Struggle
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
A Life Without Dreams
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
God Hears My Heart
Saturday, December 11, 2021
Consider This—God is in the Details
This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was
pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found
to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit. Because Joseph her husband was faithful
to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had
in mind to divorce her quietly.
But after he
had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a
dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home
as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy
Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name
Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”
An important decision requires consideration.
I had dreamed
about retiring and pursuing writing for years. When the time neared for me to
take the retirement years seriously, Tim and I contemplated what that would
look like. We took into account my health, benefits my job offered, the practicality of me
no longer working outside our home, and of course our income. We prayed about
the decision for me to retire early and thought about what that would mean for
our family. I'm thankful God saw fit for us to move forward with our plans and
provide Tim with work and me with writing opportunities.
Joseph was a
man who considered the needs of his wife-to-be, Mary. When he learned she was
pregnant, he didn't jump to conclusions. He could have broken the engagement in
haste, instead he contemplated his options. He prayed and pondered about what
was best for Mary and for him. Before he made his final decision, God sent an
angel to assure him. You see, God chose Mary to give birth to Jesus, and He
also chose Joseph to be Jesus' father on earth. God knew Joseph's heart. He
found Joseph to be a man of faith who considered what was best for the people
he loved. God knew Joseph would do the same for Jesus.
God is in
the details of my life, and He knows my heart. He hears me, sees me, and
understands me. He has given me the beautiful gift of prayer to guide me as I reflect
on decisions and life's choices.
trusted God with the decisions he made. God trusted Joseph with His Son.
Trust God and give Jesus your heart this Christmas.
Saturday, September 4, 2021
If My People
Acts 1:13-14
When they arrived, they went upstairs to the room where they were staying.
Those present were Peter, John, James and Andrew; Philip and Thomas,
Bartholomew and Matthew; James son of Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot, and Judas
son of James. They all joined together constantly in prayer, along
with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.
Prayer is not a last resort—it is our most powerful weapon.
A newspaper clipping is making the rounds on Facebook that
asks everyone to stop what they're doing at 8pm and pray for our country for
one minute. If we as believers, in the power of prayer to our heavenly Father,
asked for deliverance and safety—imagine the outcome.
At times, I've flung up a prayer in desperation, not
realizing the powerful tool I had at my fingertips. Think about it, we, as fumbling
humans, have the opportunity to speak directly to the Creator of the universe. I
can call on Him any time, and He hears me. That's incredible!
Not only does He hear me, He cares about whatever I'm
In Acts chapter one, the apostles and followers of Jesus
found themselves in a tough situation. Their beloved teacher and friend had
died. Yes, he rose from the grave, but his closest cohorts found themselves at
a loss. They needed to move forward and establish the church, but were
perplexed about the situation.
They didn't sit around and grumble—they prayed—and
not just a few words aimed toward God, they talked to Him constantly. The folks
who knew and loved Jesus, talked to God all the time, to seek guidance and
direction for their lives and for the church.
These days I find I have much to pray about—folks
who are ill, our military, Christians who are suffering at the hands of evil,
our country and the unrest we all feel, my family and friends, my writing, and
so much more.
God calls me to pray. To seek Him, to talk to Him about the
concerns on my heart. I won't get a better offer.
Pray constantly to the One who listens.
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
Hope in the Dark
Jesus' light shines
When night falls
In the morning
The rest of the day
Monday, May 31, 2021
Today—remember the many men and women
who died in service.
Today—pray for the families and friends who have
lost loved ones in the fight.
Today—appreciate the freedom
our soldiers protect.
Saturday, April 10, 2021
Praise and Pray
Psalm 145:3-5
Great is
the Lord and most worthy of praise;
his greatness no one can fathom.
One generation commends your works to another;
they tell of your mighty acts.
They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty—
and I will meditate on your wonderful works.
Perhaps winter is a time of meditation, spring a time of praise.
I find the change
of seasons remarkable. Snow, rain, sunshine, chill all contribute to the nature
God has created. For the past few weeks I’ve enjoyed the daffodils, tulips and hyacinth
in my tiny garden. One morning, I observed the yellow and white daffodils
bowing their heads. In the same plot of soil, the tulips raised their leaves to
the sky. It struck me—both stood in a posture of praise and
In the
winter, I tend to bow down and meditate on God’s word. The quiet, sometimes
snow-kissed earth allows me to snuggle into my favorite chair and focus on Jesus.
But in the spring, I want to shout with the sunshine that Jesus is Lord. Maybe
because we celebrate Easter, I raise my hands to God and praise out loud. For
whatever reason, spring is a time to celebrate our Lord and Savior.
In observing
the flowers, no matter whether I raise my hands like the tulip or bow my head
like the daffodil, I am in a posture of praise and prayer. It doesn’t matter
how I praise and pray as much as when. And when is every day. I thank God for
the beauty of the earth and the people in my life. I don’t need much, yet God
has provided abundantly.
As the
psalmist says, God is so great and worthy of praise, I can’t even fathom his
Praise and
pray thanksgiving to God the Father, when you bow down and when you rise up.
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Worry or Pray
Saturday, October 3, 2020
It's Messy
For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
Forgiveness is hard.
I was probably five years old when I learned my first lesson in forgiveness. Our family visited my aunt and uncle. On their coffee table sat an enticing bowl of candy (I'm trying to blame the bowl.) When we got ready to leave, I snatched a couple of pieces and stuck them in my pocket. When Mom tucked me in she picked up my pants and out fell the two pieces of foil wrapped delight. "Did Uncle Lynn give these to you?" My little head shook a slow no. "Did you ask before you took them?" Another head shake no. "Tomorrow we'll take them back and you can apologize to your aunt and uncle." I'm sure my eyes were big as saucers as I nodded. "Now you need to tell God you're sorry for taking something that didn't belong to you." I prayed and asked God to forgive me.
I often write about grace and the beautiful act of God's love. But I think sometimes I forget about the messiness of forgiveness. The word of God, in black and white (sometimes red) lays out what God considers sin. As I think about the many acts God points out as sin, He's selected them to protect me. But the thing is, God gives me the choice to follow his wisdom or not. But I know, even when I fail, God has my back. He's given me a way to come clean through the blood of Jesus Christ.
Forgiveness frees us from sin, and the act of forgiving another person frees us from hate and anger. Yes—it's messy. Sometimes it's easier to hold a grudge or become complacent. But the anger toward the other person burns a hole in the heart. I've been there, both needing forgiveness and offering forgiveness. In both situations, God lifted my burden and filled me with peace.
God offers forgiveness and hope to everyone. Seek him.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Help for the Anxious

We wait in hope for the Lord;
he is our help and our shield.
In him our hearts rejoice,
for we trust in his holy name.
May your unfailing love be with us, Lord,
even as we put our hope in you.
He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Take my Fear
So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Remember being afraid of the dark?
I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened. -Mark Twain
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Two Plates
Sometimes on my morning walk God hits me with a thought.