Monday, November 6, 2023

Home for Christmas, An Abbott Island Story, is part of the collection of four stories in Christmas in Ohio

 After Levi Swenson and Charlotte Mercer share months of promising texts and phone calls, Charlotte returns to Abbott Island for Christmas with her family. Will her dysfunctional family scare Levi away or will he and Charlotte meet under the mistletoe?

Sadie and Joel Grayson are ready to deliver their baby. Will the baby's birth bring good tidings and great joy or will the young couple be caught without the medical help they need?

The Christmas in Ohio collection is available for pre-order in paperback and Home for Christmas is available by itself as an e-book.

Come join us for a celebration of Christmas in the Buckeye State, with snow and mistletoe, a dash of suspense and danger, mystery and reunions, healing and hope.
From an island Christmas celebration to colonial-era homesteads, Christmas is a time of hope and celebration, as well as learning and healing. A time for trusting and sharing secrets, and taking a risk that leads to joy and a promise for the future.

The four stories on these pages go from a search for a missing painting to a reunion of lost loves, a shattered family rejoined, and promises kept. From a stolen treasure to secrets revealed, healed hearts and glass hearts, and second chances at love.

The gift of Christmas.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

A Reminder

2 Corinthians 13:14
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

The other day, I walked Rosie on the little hill behind our condo. Vibrant, red leaves tumbled to the ground from the maple tree. I’m not sure why my mind works the way it does, but I stopped and grouped three of the beautiful red leaves together to take a photo. They reminded me of the trinityGod, the fatherJesus, the sonand the Holy Spirit.

I imagine God knew I could use a reminder of who He is, for He is not a God of randomness. He’s a God of order and plans. There is no such thing as coincidence with Him.

He has mapped out what I would need in this fallen, broken world. First, I need God. He’s the love and hope of life. The one who protects and guards my heart. Second, I need Jesus. He’s grace. The One who covers my sins with His blood. He’s the son of God who took the sorrow and sadness of the world on His shoulders. Third, I need the Holy Spirit, the one who fellowships with me. He hangs out with me on a daily basis. He communicates with God when I can’t and guides me as I seek help.

I love God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and thank the Lord for His work in my life. I can’t think of a better way to begin November than with a grateful heart for the One who created me, redeemed me, and fills me with His joy and peace.

Let’s spend this month thanking and praising the One who loves us more than we understand.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023


November calm

infiltrates the forest.

One last leaf releases

and drizzles to the ground.

Rest blankets the floor.


Saturday, October 28, 2023

One More Time

Philemon 1:4-7
I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, because I hear about your love for all his holy people and your faith in the Lord Jesus. I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ. Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people.

Have you ever wanted to sit with someone one more time?

The older I get, the more I realize I may not get to see people one more time. Over the last several years, friends and family have moved from broken bodies on this earth to perfect, healthy bodies in heaven. I’m rejoicing for them, and I’m missing them.

The other day, Tim and I took Rosie to a park to walk. I’d been sick a few days before, so I stayed in the car, still tired from the bout of illness. I watched them walk a circular path, then my sight landed on a blue swing with a beautiful backdrop. Gold and orange trees stood at attention behind the colorful swing. I thought, what if I could sit on that swing and talk to anyone I wanted to? Of course, I would sit with Tim and chat about the day. I could take any of our grandkids or kids and their spouses. Perhaps a friend or two would come by and we’d laugh and talk. Then I thoughtwhat if I could bring anyone back and talk to them about heavenwouldn’t that be a glorious conversation? They could tell me about the incredible worship and praise of God and conversations with Jesus.

Since that’s not possible, I had another thought. Wouldn’t that be a lovely place to sit and talk to God? A place to pray for my loved ones and readers. A place to appreciate the beautiful fall weather and thank God for His provision and remember those we’ve loved who have passed. It’s good to sit and thank the Lord for the people He has placed in my life. 

I hope as I remember you, you know you give me great joy and encouragement.

Do you have a favorite place to ponder and pray?

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Celebrating Fall

It appears that God's been busy painting leaves 
on the trees in southwest Ohio.
In our peak week for leaf peeping, Tim, Rosie, and I 
took a drive to take in the beauty of the season.

We ended up on the campus of Clermont College, 
where I used to work.
Fall was my favorite time on the lovely rural campus.

The tree I shot here was one of the most vibrant 
and stood at the back of the lot where I parked.

I was happy to see it still standing and celebrating fall.

What do you enjoy about autumn?


Saturday, October 21, 2023

Listen for the Voice of Truth

Psalm 25: 4-5
Show me your ways, Lord,
    teach me your paths.
Guide me in your truth and teach me,
    for you are God my Savior,
    and my hope is in you all day long.

The Playhouse Square in Cleveland sparkled.

A chandelier draped the middle of the street between the playhouses, theatres, and eateries. On a sign overtop the Keybank State Theatre a picture of the music group Casting Crowns greeted us. Tim and I will be celebrating 31 years of marriage on October 31. We planned an early celebration that included the twenty-year tour concert of Casting Crowns.

God’s fingerprints were all over their twenty-year story. Mark Hall, the lead singer in the group is a youth pastor. He used music to get his kids to read their Bibles. Mark is dyslexic and has an attention deficit, yet God filled him with a desire to reach youth and adults with his humble beginnings in the music world.

Casting Crowns has not wavered from God’s truth in their twenty years of fame. Their songs speak straight to the heart. Tim and I were both blessed by their testimony and their music. Enhanced by a symphony of violins, their words resonated through the crowd. We lifted our hands and voices with them and praised God.

My favorite song they sing is Voice of Truth. So many voices call out to us every day. Social media, the news, people around us, fear, and so much more. The Bible teaches us to discern the voices by weighing them against God’s word and whether they acknowledge Jesus. (1 John 4:1-3)

The psalmist calls to God to show him God’s ways and guide him in His truth. In this world of constant attention grabbing by outside voices, seek God’s voice and truth and teach your children to listen for God.

Celebrate Jesus and His truth.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

A Kindness Shared

 Our neighbors spent the week 
preparing for their daughter's wedding.
They created beautiful floral arrangements 
and a large arc of flowers for the reception.

A couple days after the wedding, 
they gifted us with this lovely arrangement.
They're kindness brightened my day.

A thoughtful gesture, a kindness shared, 
an encouraging word go a long way in this world.