Friday, April 19, 2013

A Visit with Anita Higman

Where God Finds You: 40 Devotions Bringing Biblical Characters to Life
by Anita Higman

When the angel visited Mary, Jesus' mother, to tell her that God chose her to give birth to his son, she trembled with fear. Noah's wife stood in awe of the rainbow, God's sign of promise. The woman, who touched Jesus cloak with enough faith to be healed, humbled herself before her Lord. When I read the Bible, I try to picture how people like Rahab, Daniel or Lydia really lived. Did they have feelings like I do? What did they think? How did they deal with a lack of faith or loss of hope?

Anita Higman answers my questions as she paints intimate portraits of forty individuals from Biblical times. Through in-depth fictional character sketches and specific scripture, she creates a colorful slice of each person's story. With emotion and clarity the writing brings the people to life as it pulls the reader in to Old and New Testament times. Complimented by the life applications and questions to ponder, each devotion offers wisdom and encouragement.

This is just one of the wonderful books that Anita has written. A prolific author in several genres, Anita writes from the heart. Her deep relationship with God guides her as she works. Let’s hear what she has to say about the writing journey.

1.       Anita, you’ve spent your career writing stories, so you must have thought about this before—why do you think God uses stories so often to communicate his truth?

I believe Jesus used storytelling (parables) because he knew that we could truly relate to this form of communication. After all, our lives are like living storybooks with each chapter being written every day. Stories go right to our hearts—stirring us, challenging us, inspiring us, changing the way we think. And most importantly, ever moving us toward redemption.

2.       You are an award-winning writer, a best-selling writer – you are still writing fiction, also, right? Or have you achieved all you set out to do with your fiction writing?

Yes, I’m still writing novels, and I hope to do so for the rest of my life. I have dozens of stories yet to tell. I just hope people will continue to want to read them!

3.       How do you see this book being used?

I believe Where God Finds You would make a good book to read while you’re sipping your morning coffee, or it would work well for a group Bible study.

4.       What did the experience of writing these stories bring into your own life?

I have never felt so close to God as when I was writing this book. The experience felt a little like when you turn up the volume on your phone, and you can hear someone’s voice with more clarity. But it was also sensing his nearness—the warmth of his love and the light of his presence—that also made me well up each morning with worship and wonder and gratitude.

5.       Why did you decide to tackle this particular subject matter?

Good question. I generally write contemporary romantic fiction, so working on a devotional book infused with Biblical fiction was not an easy task. Also, I’m not a Biblical scholar, so at first I was overwhelmed, knowing how much research it would take to write a book of this kind. In fact, I said no to the editor who’d asked me to take on this project, but then he asked me to pray about my decision. That weekend I did pray about it, and felt strongly that I was meant to write this book. I may not have a degree in theology, but I did want to be obedient to God. Writing this devotional book, Where God Finds You, turned out to be an amazing experience.

6.       What do you think readers will take away from the book?

My hope is that people will enjoy discovering how relevant the Bible stories are to our lives today. I wanted to bring the characters to life and show that these ancient people were very much like us with similar hurts and tragedies, hopes and transgressions, joys and triumphs. Even though the culture was dramatically different, our hearts are the same. Those famous Bible folk needed God back then just as we need him in our daily lives right now.

7.       What do you like about this book?

Getting to know these Bible characters and writing their stories in first person was a seemingly impossible undertaking, and yet the experience inspired and encouraged me. I hope readers will be equally moved.

8.       Beyond your research, did you do anything special to prepare for a day of writing Biblical fiction?

During the months of research as well as the writing of this book I held to the routine of listening to the scriptures on CDs while I was in my car running errands and while I was getting ready in the morning. I did this hoping to absorb the Bible’s rich language, dramatic metaphors, and epic nature. In the end, this technique of preparing my mind for the day’s writing worked well. On some days the words flowed with little effort, almost like taking dictation, and on other days I struggled to complete one or two pages. But amidst my routine and aching back from long hours at the computer, the one thing that helped me more than anything was prayer. God really was faithful in helping me prepare this devotional book.

9.       Do you have a favorite Bible character?
If I were to choose a favorite Bible character, I’d say that I was drawn to Mary Magdalene. I wept when I read the exchange between Mary and Jesus just outside the empty tomb. I could not only see the Jesus who loved the masses, but I could see a more intimate portrait—the Jesus who loved Mary Magdalene as a precious friend—the same Jesus who loves me and you.

10.     Any other thoughts about the book that we didn’t cover?
Through the writing of these devotions I sensed the Holy Spirit whispering, “This book is going to change your life, Anita.” And I have to admit—it did. Even though all my troubles didn’t vanish when I finished the last page of the book, I did come away with an awareness—that the same God who set the stars in the heavens also knows the number of hairs on my head. Jesus is nearer than I imagined, and he cares more deeply than I’d hoped. And he’s constantly working things out for good in my life. And in your life…

 Bestselling and award-winning author, Anita Higman, has thirty-five books published (several coauthored) for adults and children. She’s been a Barnes & Noble “Author of the Month” for Houston and has a BA in the combined fields of speech communication, psychology, and art. Anita loves good movies, exotic teas, and brunch with her friends. Please visit her online at and feel free to drop her a note by clicking on the “Contact Me” button on her website.

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Willow, the main character in my work-in-progress, teaches College English. She adores poetry, as a matter of fact; I’m sure she writes some from time to time. In April, she asks her students to pen a poem or two because April is National Poetry Month.

Like Willow, I have written poems for years. Most of mine would be considered children’s poetry, including the one I want to share today. This is dedicated to Willow and her sister Bess and all the other sisters, who nurtured their own, unique personalities.


My sister Bailey plays baseball.
She’s not like other girls at all.
She’d rather slide around in dirt
Than wear a pretty pleated skirt.

I just don’t understand why she
Doesn’t want to be like me.

My sister Beatrice twirls around,
Hardly making any sound.
She pirouettes, she tippy toes,
She wears flowery calicoes.

I just don’t understand why she
Doesn’t want to be like me.
Two sets of sisters

My sister Bailey loves the dog.
She asked our dad to buy a hog.
Her overalls smell funny, too.
I think she drug them through the zoo.

I just don’t understand why she
Doesn’t want to be like me.

My sister Beatrice loves our cat.
She made the cat a lavender hat.
She sprays herself with sweet perfume.
It makes me want to leave the room.

I just don’t understand why she
Doesn’t want to be like me.

My sister Bailey drops her junk
And throws her clothes around my bunk.
She leaves her gear beside the door,
So I can’t shut it anymore.

I just don’t understand why she
Doesn’t want to be like me.

My sister Beatrice makes her bed,
Smoothing out her frilly spread.
She folds her clothes, puts them away.
Oh, I can’t take it one more day.

I just don’t understand why she
Doesn’t want to be like me.

My sister Bailey hugs me tight
When I wake up afraid at night.
She tells me stories, calms my fears.
She dries my weepy, seepy tears.

I’m glad my sister’s not like me
And she is who she wants to be.

My sister Beatrice helps me write
My homework on a busy night.
She quizzes me and makes me study.
She tells me I’m her study buddy.

I’m glad my sister’s not like me
And she is who she wants to be.

So be yourself, that’s what we do.
For no one will be just like you.

Friday, March 29, 2013

The Good Girl by Christy Barritt

Tara Lancaster grew up in the shadow of her preacher father. Determined to please him, she burdened herself with following all the “Christian” rules. She even started a blog that taught other young women how to be the good girl. Then, her life changed. Accused of a heinous crime, she flees her current life and hides out at her sister’s. That’s where the haunting begins. Except Tara doesn’t believe in ghosts. She’s not sure she believes in anything. With her new found friends, including a handsome neighbor, Tara is bound to find out who’s behind the scary happenings or die trying.

This question remains— In the midst of the suspense, will she learn to lean on God’s love and grace?

If you enjoy reading Mary Higgins Clark, you’ll love this fast-paced suspense. I confess, I lost a few hours of sleep because I couldn’t put it down.

The book is available at and

Here’s what Christy Barritt shared with me when I asked her about the writing journey for The Good Girl.

I wrote The Good Girl ten years ago as Hurricane Isabel was ravaging Virginia, the state I call home. My brother and his wife were going out of town and had asked me to come to Minnesota to dog sit. I didn’t have any kids back then, so I said yes, looking forward to the chance to get away and explore a new place.

Their house wasn’t what I expected. It was older, had squeaky floors, and no curtains on the windows. One night, I heard the gate outside my bedroom window mysteriously open. Another night, someone rang the doorbell past midnight. Just a few little quirky things like that had happened during my stay and got my brain whirling.

That’s when I got my idea for The Good Girl. In The Good Girl, superstar Christian Tara Lancaster comes to dog sit for her sister, who’s traveling Europe with her flavor-of-the-month boyfriend. Tara, a preacher’s kid, has always followed all of the rules, and life in return seemed especially blessed. Then everything came crashing down—her marriage, her career, her reputation. Her sister, on the other hand, followed none of the rules and her life seems seamless and blissful. Every idea Tara had for how her life would turn out is wrong. The story goes from there.

I really had a great time writing this book. As I said earlier, I wrote it several years ago. It made the rounds at several publishers, one of the editors even writing, “Someone is going to snatch up this book. I wish it was us.” I could never give up on this novel, though. Something about it just gripped me.

Of all the books I’ve written, this one has the strongest faith thread. Tara is really struggling to understand if God really loves her not. She’s struggling to know if God is even real or if her whole life has been build on a false premise. Add a ghost, fame-hungry friend, and hunky neighbor to the mix, and you’ve got one of my favorite stories that  I’ve ever written.

People have asked me, “Are you Tara?” The answer is no, I’m not Tara, but I have drawn on parts of my own experiences. I definitely put too much weight into what people think of me at times. I can also be a perfectionist. I’ve been wounded by my brothers and sisters in Christ, deeply at times. God is working on me, though, and my goal every day is to become just a little more like Him.

I hope people will read The Good Girl and walk away examining themselves, and their faith, and how they treat other Christians. The early feedback on the book has been positive. People have said that the book was not only entertaining, but it caused them to think and reevaluate their own thought patterns and actions.

To find out more information about the book, visit my website at:

Thanks so much for having me here!

Christy Barritt is an author, freelance writer and speaker who lives in Virginia. She's married to her Prince Charming, a man who thinks she's hilarious--but only when she's not trying to be. Christy's a self-proclaimed klutz, an avid music lover who's known for spontaneously bursting into song, and a road trip aficionado. She's only won one contest in her life--and her prize was kissing a pig (okay, okay... actually she did win the Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Suspense and Mystery for her book Suspicious Minds also). Her current claim to fame is showing off her mother, who looks just like former First Lady Barbara Bush.

When she's not working or spending time with her family, she enjoys singing, playing the guitar, and exploring small, unsuspecting towns where people have no idea how accident prone she is.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Do You Haiku?

I’ve enjoyed writing and reading poetry for years. When I worked in the library of an elementary school, I shared poems with the fourth and fifth grade, and then challenged them to write one for a contest. The haiku, a short poem first written in Japan, was a popular choice for an entry.

We can thank Japanese poet, Basho, for bringing this poetic form to the public. He wrote many of them that are now considered classics.

old pond…
a frog leaps in
water’s sound

a heron’s cry stabs
the darkness

A traditional Japanese haiku consists of three lines divided into a five-seven-five sound unit pattern. When American’s translated these small Japanese poems, they found that the sound units and syllables differed. The result, American haiku does not hold to the five-seven-five pattern unless it is natural to the poem.

A haiku is meant to capture a moment in time. Written in the present tense and usually containing a seasonal word, the tiny poem is like a snapshot catching that one instance that may have been missed. Most haiku contain a short phrase of description and a fragment or aha moment. This form of poetry is fun to write and collect. I like to sit outside for a while and just observe. I almost always find something interesting to write about, along with that aha flash.

Here are some of my seasonal haiku…Enjoy!

wobbly goats
born before midnight—
spring renewed
queen anne’s lace crowns
country roads—
blue chicory salutes

crimson moon floats
across chilly skies—
pumpkins grin

ice covered trees—
crystal glistens, sun
shine through jeweled glass

Do you read or write poetry?

Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Day at the Art Museum

“To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.” – Osho

We live less than an hour from a city and have the opportunity to visit some interesting places.  On Saturday, my daughter and I loaded her kids in the Jeep and took a road trip.

Learning about embossing
As we drove into the museum parking lot, my three-year-old grandson spied a tall, red, metal installment piece. “Look, Mommy, look.” He loved it. Later in the museum he spotted the sculpture of a lion, bigger than him. He walked around and looked and discovered that the ancient cat had lost his tail. He turned to us. “The lion is sad. He lost his tail.” He talked about that the rest of the trip.

Creating a print
My seven-year-old granddaughter loves Van Gogh’s Sunflower and Kandinsky’s circles. Between her mom’s artistic influence and her art teacher’s introduction to various artists, Dylan has gained an enthusiasm for creativity. What a joy to watch art appreciation come full circle, as my daughter shared an original Van Gogh and some of her favorite artists with her daughter.

It’s never too early to introduce the arts to children. God, the ultimate artist, gave these painters, sculptors and designers incredible talent. If you live in or near a city, you most likely have access to an art museum. If not, maybe the local library or historical society exhibits art. If you are an artist, volunteer to lead a program to a group of children. I promise you’ll be blessed.

Do you have a place you like to go to view art? If so, where?

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Doodles :)

Do You Doodle?

Some people might not see doodling as a form of art, but I do. I am the person sitting in church with flowers and butterflies penned on my sermon notes (see picture), or the woman in the office with sunflowers and swirls on her calendar. According to psychologist, Jackie Andrade*, drawing while listening assists the brain in retaining information. Evidently, while I’m doodling I’m not daydreaming. Instead, I’m actually paying attention. That’s good news for me. Making tiny pictures can add to the creative process, too. My imagination flies when I draw. And, it's relaxing :o)

Are you a:

~Daisy doodler – drawing flowers or fanciful mini-art

~Shape doodler – drawing squares, circles, hearts, etc.

~Fill-in doodler – coloring in empty spaces

~Name doodler – write names and outline or draw around them

~Anything goes doodler – as long as your pencil’s moving you’re happy

Do you doodle? If you do, what kind of doodler are you?

*Psychologist, Jackie Andrade initiated a challenge to forty people. While listening to a boring phone message, twenty people doodled while they alternately recorded names mentioned on the tape. The other twenty only recorded names. As a result, the doodlers recalled 29% more information than the people who only listed names.

ANDRADE, J. (2010). What does doodling do?. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 24(1), 100-106. doi:10.1002/acp.1561

Saturday, March 2, 2013

What I've Been Reading

For a long time I tended to see the world through the lens of my life in the United States. I grew up in a safe home with electricity, clean well water from indoor plumbing, a warm bed and wonderful meals prepared by loving hands. We even had a colored television.

When I went through college classes that opened my eyes to situations in other countries as well as some in the USA, I realized the plight that many live with. The destruction, poverty and war that tore apart countries was devastating. What saddened me even more was the injustice given to women. We are blessed in the US to have the opportunity to gain an education, work in the field we want, raise our children as we want and worship where we want. Many women are seen as nothing more than a possession. They cannot think for themselves or contribute to their communities.

Ms. Lemmon tells the story of a group of women who conquered fear and created a network for survival. When the Taliban seized the city of Kabul, five sisters lost their opportunity to attend college. They were forced to take backward steps and huddle in their homes, afraid to show their faces in public. But, this is more than a story about a family living through war. These women rose above fear and fought back to keep their home and loved ones safe, while they combined their abilities to create a successful business. Through their work, they reached out to neighbors and taught skills, even as bombs blew and missiles hurtled.

Led by Kamila Sidiqi, one of the sisters, they found a way to use sewing skills and sheer determination to not only come out of the war alive, but to draw the women of the community together. I found their story both inspirational and encouraging.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Letters of Love, a book review

Book Review

I’ve had the privilege of following Joi on her writing journey as she penned the book Letters ofLove.

Sophia wants to reach out to her husband, who is away in the service. But, she’s afraid. She turns to her grandparents for comfort and guidance. Sophia’s grandmother, Lucia, gives her granddaughter the letters that her husband, Tozier, wrote to her as he served his country during WWII. She prays that the letters will reveal hope to Sophia as she suffers through a rough time in her life. The truth that Sophia learns helps her find peace.

Joi included the actual letters that her grandfather wrote so many years ago. The beauty in the writing and the story of the times adds a sentimental yet eye opening element to the story. I enjoyed his words and the glimpse into his heart. The author wove the two stories together and created a lovely tale of hope.

I asked Joi to tell me a bit more about her inspiration for Letters of Love.
She said:

Joi Copeland's Book PageI wrote this story for my grandparents. My nana asked me years ago what I wanted from her house when she passes away. One thing caught my attention: her trunk from China. Unfortunately, my cousin claimed it first. I told my grandmother whatever she wanted to leave me was fine. I had memories my cousin didn't.

One day, Nana was going through things and found the letters Papa wrote her while stationed in India and China during WWII. She called me and asked if I wanted them. Without hesitation, I answered with an affirmative!

That's how this story started. While most of it is purely fiction, the letters themselves are not. It was a joy and pleasure to write about my grandparents.

About the Author:

Joi Copeland is married to a wonderful man, Chris, and has three amazing boys, Garrison, Gage, and Gavin. She is living the dream in beautiful Denver, Colorado. Joi loves being a wife and mom! She enjoys spending time with her sister Steffanne, and loves to sit and have a cup of coffee or tea with friends! She's been a Christian for over twenty years. Following Jesus has been the best decision she has ever made. Joi's books include Hope for Tomorrow, Hope for the Journey, Christmas Rayne, and Sheriff Bride Rob's Story, and Lettersof Love.

You can find me on the web:

Inherit the Kingdom of Light

Colossians 1:9-12
We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.

My friend, Joi, published a fictional account of her grandparents lives intertwined with the story of a young couple facing the struggles of life. In the story, she included the actual letters her grandpa wrote to his young wife during WW II. She explained to me that those precious letters are her inheritance from them. By reading and archiving the letters, she received a blessing that is priceless.

Often when I hear about an inheritance, the circumstances involve money or property. Things that are valuable on earth. But, as a follower of Christ, I have a greater prize waiting for me. The apostle Paul prayed for the church in Colossia and encouraged them to understand why God sent Jesus. He wanted them to know that he lived, died and rose from the grave, so that they could be part of his kingdom. I share this prayer of Paul and ask “God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives…”

What do you think of when you hear the word inheritance?

Friday, February 15, 2013

A Thousand Mornings

I believe that each person experiences God in different ways. I’m most connected to God when I’m walking the dogs by the lake or working in my flower bed. Experiencing nature draws me closer to my Lord. I love the beauty he’s created for our world. A colorful sunset and soft fallen snow bring joy to my heart. And the animals, they are so incredible. Whether a giraffe at the zoo, a squirrel in the park, or cute baby goats, I love seeing God’s handiwork. I also relate to God through poetry. I write poems from time to time and I read poetry, particularly poems that feature the natural world and everyday circumstances of life.

My most recent poetic read is A Thousand Mornings: Poems by Mary Oliver.  In A Thousand Mornings, Mary surrounds herself with nature and the unexpected pleasure of the everyday. In the morning, she grabs her notebook and pencil and delves into the world with her poetic eye and mind. From lamenting the short life of the Luna moth to remembering the delight and sometimes bruises from tree-climbing, Mary captures an almost magical insight into the world that surrounds her. This slim volume of poetry both delights and intrigues.

A native of Ohio, Mary Oliver published her first book of poetry in 1963. Her fourth book, American Primitive, won the Pulitzer for poetry in 1984. She’s spent many years writing and teaching poetry. Much of her inspiration comes from her home in Provincetown, Massachusetts. 

I also enjoy Robert Frost and Ted Kooser. Both poets write about the every day and the natural world.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

I read a quote recently about love. "Follow your heart, but take your brain with you." Sounds like good advice for Valentine's Day. Have a happy day and share the love of Jesus.

Do you celebrate Valentine's Day?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

That Sweet Old Valentine

I love old valentines. Whether cheeky art work or elaborate lace, the sweet sentiments warm my heart. My mom and I came across some valentines, circa 1910s-20s, that belonged to my grammy. Two of them were addressed to my great-grandmother from her sons and one is signed by Grammy as a child. 

Made especially popular in the late 1800s and early 1900s, during the Golden Age of Postcards, Valentines have circulated around the United States since 1847. When Esther Howland, from Worchester, Massachusetts, made paper lace cards to sell in her father’s shop, the patrons embraced the holiday of love. The sentiments caught on and became a staple of American culture. First as penny postcards and now as a booming business for card sellers, artists still draw hearts and cupids to celebrate that special someone.

Have you received a valentine or sent one that you’d like to share?
Do you collect old valentines?

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Visionaries + Voices: Art From the Soul

Imagine discovering a treasure chest of artwork that connects you to the soul of the artist. My husband told me about Visionaries + Voices in Cincinnati that provides a professional studio environment for artists with disabilities. The idea of a grassroots program that features work by self-taught artists led us to visit one of the workshops. We admired Christmas ornaments, stuffed animals, and paintings. Then a drawing caught my eye. The impressionistic cabin and evergreen now hangs in my kitchen.

Visionaries + Voices started “specifically for artists with disabilities.” Artists given the chance to grow on a personal and professional level have the opportunity to learn new techniques and sell their work. Samantha Charek, Outreach Director, for Visionaries Voices answered a few questions for me.

Tell me about the mission of Visionaries + Voices and how many people the program serves.

Founded in 2003, the mission of Visionaries + Voices is to provide artistic, cultural, and professional opportunities for artists with disabilities. We create a world in which artists with disabilities not only produce and share works of art, but also are given continuous opportunities to learn, develop professionally, collaborate, exhibit, and celebrate with community members.Visionaries + Voices currently supports approximately 150 artists.

Can you explain what the term outsider art refers to?

Outsider art is a term that refers to art created "outside" the established art world.

Is the group local or are there any national groups?

V+V is a local 501c3 organization. There are a few organizations around the country that have similar missions, but there's only one V+V. Our founders, Bill Ross and Keith Banner, started out just making art with a couple of artists in their basement and things grew from there. V+V later expanded into a studio space at the Essex and today we have two locations in Cincinnati. One is in Northside on Spring Grove Avenue and the other is in the Tricounty area on Northland Blvd.

Where is the artwork sold? Can any be purchased online?

V+V artists exhibit their work constantly. We curate one show per quarter in our gallery at the Northside studio location (the next one, "Up, up, up, and up" is opening on February 21st 5-8pm). Artwork is always available for sale at every opening and we also welcome people to drop in during studio hours (M-TH 8am-8pm and F 8-4) to meet artists and check out the work. Our artists also participate in countless other exhibits in galleries and public spaces (like coffee shops and salons) throughout Greater Cincinnati.
Our website is currently being redesigned. We do have an online store, but it is primarily used for merchandise (T-shirts, posters, etc.) WIth150 artists making work all year round, inventory is a massive job. We've found that shopping for original works of art online is not something that most people are looking for. They need to experience it first hand to decide. We do accept donations online and people can sign up for our "Collectors Club" membership online as well.

Does the artist receive payment when their work sells?

Yes. When V+V artists sell their work at a V+V sponsored exhibit, the artist receives 70% of the final sale and V+V keeps 30%. Outside galleries usually charge a larger commission, but we ensure that our artists never make less than 50% even if that means we (V+V) don't keep anything.

V+V artists who teach lessons for the Education Program also receive a stipend for their work.

Does the organization use volunteers? If so, how does that work?

We love our volunteers at V+V! If you are interested in volunteering as an individual or as a group just contact our volunteer coordinator, Jennifer Franks,

How long have you worked for V+V? Can you tell me a highlight for you from working with the program?

I have worked for V+V since June of 2008. Every opening is a highlight for me. That might sound too cliché to be true, but the environment at V+V exhibition openings is unlike any other I have ever experienced. There is so much diversity and appreciation and respect for that diversity at each event. That includes people and artwork.

Thank you, Samantha. To learn more about Visionaries + Voices go to: 

Do you have any interesting art programs in your area?

Friday, January 25, 2013

Children and Art

In the movie Yours, Mine and Ours, single mom Rene Russo proclaims “Homes are for free expression, not for good impression” after her new husband Dennis Quaid tries to bring order to her organized chaos. As an artist, she encourages her children to explore and discover their creative abilities.

Van Gogh's Sunflower
by Dylan
We tried to raise our children in a home of free expression by providing them with fabric, thread, paper, paint and anything else we could find to create beauty. God made each person with different talents and I wanted them to find theirs. As a result they all have art as a part of their life. Through teaching, photography, writing, sewing, crocheting, painting and more they express their skills and creativity.

Now our grandchildren have found the joy of art. Our first grade granddaughter has discovered Van Gogh through the insight of her wonderful art teacher. The excitement she shared with me about her favorite artist reminded me about how important it is to introduce children to the great artists and encourage them to dabble in color.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art published two books for young children to introduce famous painters:

  Monet'sImpressions                                                                     Vincent'sColors


Both books offer colorful illustrations and easy to read stories of the artist’s lives.

I find joy in having the freedom to express myself through art. But, even more I appreciate sharing in my grandchildren’s handiwork.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

A Great Read to Escape Into

Key Witness by Christy Barritt
A Love Inspired Novel
Available in February 2013

Can two hearts entwined in intrigue have the faith that they need to fall in love? Former pageant winner, Elle Philips works for her father’s re-election campaign. After she witnesses a bank robbery and a murder, her father hires Mark Denton, a security contractor, to protect her. While Elle receives threats and tragedy engulfs her, Mark works to find the perpetrators and stop the evil that surrounds them.

From the first page, Key Witness grabbed my attention and didn’t let go. With just the right amount of suspense, Christy Barritt creates a fast paced page-turner. This suspense story with a splash of romance, will leave the reader with a sense of hope and faith that God keeps his promises. Key Witness is part of Christy’s series, The Security Experts. Read more about Christy’s books at

Saturday, January 12, 2013


The college where I work hosted International education week in autumn semester. Students sample foods from around the world, learn about opportunities to travel abroad, and enjoy art work created by the artist in residence. My favorite event this past fall was the BeadForLife fair trade exhibit. I want to share their story:

A chance encounter

BeadforLife began with a chance encounter between women. Our co-founders Torkin Wakefield, Ginny Jordan, and Devin Hibbard met Millie Grace Akena while walking through a crowded Ugandan slum. They were on their way to visit a sick woman when they saw Millie sitting on the ground outside of her mud home; she was rolling small strips of paper into colorful beads in the sweltering sun. Intrigued, they stopped to talk to her. 

Less than a dollar a day

They soon learned that Millie was originally from Northern Uganda, but had been driven from her home by Joseph Kony and the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). To protect her children from being kidnapped as soldiers, Millie fled to the Kampala slum. To support her family, she worked in a rock quarry crushing stones into pebbles with a hand mallet. In order to earn enough for one meal a day, her children often had to work alongside her in the hot, dusty quarry. For their efforts, the family earned less than a dollar a day. Millie said she loved to roll beads out of recycled paper, and proudly showed Torkin, Ginny and Devin a bag full of her unique hand-made necklaces. She also shared that she had no market for her jewelry.

Paper beads bring hope

Our co-founders admired Millie and bought a few of her necklaces, wearing them around Kampala in support of her handiwork. Immediately, others began to notice the distinct jewelry and asked where they had been purchased. Believing there was a market for the paper jewelry, they returned to Millie's slum. With her help, they met with a hundred more women who knew how to make paper beads, purchasing a few necklaces from each. At this time, they had no way of knowing that their lives, and the lives of so many impoverished Ugandans, were about to change.

Birth of the bead party

Once back in the US, our co-founders shared their experiences with others. Through word of mouth, women across North America began to purchase the beads and were captivated by the stories of resilient Ugandan women lifting their families out of extreme poverty. As suspected, there was a market for the hope-filled, hand-rolled beads and their inspirational creators after all! In September 2004, BeadforLife was officially born. At the time, our dream was to provide opportunities for a few dozen women from Millie's slum. Today, we provided opportunities for thousands. To see how our dream has grown, visit Our Work in Uganda.

I love wearing the beads. They are not only beautiful, they make a difference. The women of Uganda now have means to feed their families while doing work that they enjoy. The bright colors of the beads remind me of hope. My hope in mankind grows when I find out about people who work to make someone else's life better.

Do you know of any fair trade organizations where the sales go back to the artists and crafters?

Monday, January 7, 2013

Work In Progress


I’m so glad you stopped by. For the blog hop, I’m talking about my work in progress, my first ever novel. I’m excited to say that I’ve finished the rough draft and am in the process of editing.

What is the working title of your book?
Peace, Love and Mashed Potatoes 
I chose this title because my main character finds all of those things when she moves home after several years away.

Where did the idea come from for the book?

The idea was planted in my heart by God. I never dreamed that I’d write fiction. I’ve been writing devotions, book reviews and articles for several years. One day God nudged me to write Willow’s story. When the story came to me, I knew that Willow was a troubled soul who needed to find her way home. Because I love stories where the town has a strong role, I wanted Willow to return home to a place that had memories, but had also changed.

What genre does your book fall under?

I’ve settled on the contemporary romance genre after playing around with women’s fiction and romance.
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?


Willow Abbott would be played by Gemma Arterton. 

Reed McRae would be played by Rob Mayes.

Bess (Willow’s sister) would be played by Emily Blunt.

Micah (Bess’s husband) would be played by Geoff Stutts.

Bailey Joy (Bess and Micah’s daughter) would be played by Taylor Hogue.

Annie Abbott (Willow’s mom) would be played by Bianca Spender.

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

For Willow Abbott, moving home meant a short break until she found a new job, but Reed McRae has other ideas that might just involve her heart.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

I am hoping to find an agent who will represent my work. I appreciate their knowledge of the publishing business as well as the market.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

I wrote the first draft over a period of two years and for the last several months, I’ve edited. I also work a full time job and have a family.

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

I’ve been influenced by the writing of Robin Gunn Jones and Debbie Macomber. I love the books they’ve written about small towns and finding love. The Glenbrooke series by Robin Gunn Jones might be a good comparison.

Who or What inspired you to write this book?

Reading so much good fiction written by Christian authors has pushed me forward. Several people in my life, including my family and my critique group in the ACFW have encouraged me. I’ve written for several years, but never considered fiction until I felt a nudge from God. I don’t know where this will take me or who I will touch with my story, but I know that God has a plan for the manuscript.

What else about your book might pique the reader's interest?

The book is set in southwest Ohio and has several references to areas around Cincinnati and the rural areas that surround the city. Willow is a professor who teaches English and Reed owns the local bookstore. Part of the story focuses on Willow’s journey back to God as she seeks to forgive her father.

As far as the love story, about the time Willow accepts that Reed might be the one, a twist brings an unexpected discovery that may make or break they’re relationship.

I also have a Pinterest page for Peace, Love and Mashed potatoes. Visit at:

Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

What I learned from the Hobbit: part 2

Since January 1, I’ve read several posts about choosing a word for the year. When I first pondered this, no particular word came to mind. Then I saw on Facebook that someone had chosen the word “fearless” last year. When my eyes fell on that word, I knew that God wanted me to adopt it for 2013. Now I’ll admit, choosing a word like fearless scares me. I’m sure you get the irony. But, I also know that perfect love casts out all fear.

You may wonder what this has to do with the Hobbit. If you’ve read the book or watched the movie, then you know that Bilbo Baggins was not known for his bravery or his sense of adventure. Even so, he tucked away his fear and left his home behind because he wanted to help his new found friends. Thorin and the other dwarves doubted him more than once. But he reassured them. “ I know you doubt me, I know you always have, and you're right. I often think of Bag End. I miss my books, and my arm chair, and my garden. See, that's where I belong; that's home, and that's why I came cause you don't have one.. a home. It was taken from you, but I will help you take it back if I can.” Instead of hiding behind his fear, Baggins stepped up and put the hopes and dreams of his friends, before his own comfort.

J.R.R. Tolkien said that, “Living by faith includes the call to something greater than cowardly self-preservation.” As I venture into this new year, I ask God to give me courage and to take away my fear. God has set a task in front of me. He wants me to join him on this wild adventure of writing and publishing. Like Mr. Baggins, I need to get out of my own way and follow my heart.