Showing posts with label be still. Show all posts
Showing posts with label be still. Show all posts

Saturday, January 6, 2024

The First Step

Psalm 40:10a
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” (NIV)

“Sometimes we have to let go of what we think we know and trust God.”-David Rimarski

Every year, I look forward to January, and if I’m being honest, I hope for snow. I love the quiet of the winter months and the peacefulness of snow. I view this time as a period to reset, get back on track, and rest.

Although I don’t do resolutions, I like to pen a few goals for the year. Some are things I need to complete, such as the next novel in my series, while others are items I hope to accomplish. It’s not a long list, but it’s a jumping off point for the year. The one thing I’ve learned through the years is to consult God and trust Him to guide me through the year.

I’ve read several blogs that offer advice to Christian authors and the number one call to action is alwayspray. Isn’t prayer the perfect first step in everything?

No matter what I have in mind as a goal, if I haven’t prayed over it and offered it to God, I will fall on my face and fail. Seriously, in my sixty plus years of life, I can attest to this. Sure, I might squeak by, but I’m missing the amazing blessings and lessons from God.

I bought a journal this year that has Be Still & Know embossed on the cover. I like this reminder of the providence of God and His love for me. As our student minister spoke Sunday, I have to let go of what I think I know and trust God with everything.

He has a plan and purpose for each of us. Pray over your desires and goals and allow yourself to be blessed with His guidance. Be still and know.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Be Still

Our electric went out for a few hours.
The lack of sound allowed the chimes on our back porch to penetrate the silence.
Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God" echoed through my mind.

When I think of the words be still, they remind of when I was a child, and 
I was told to keep quiet because we were somewhere where no one wanted to hear my voice.

Now when I think of be still, I know God wants me to dwell with Him and 
He wants to hear my voice through prayer and praise.

Be still and know God is with you.


Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Be Still

When I sit on a rock under Marblehead Lighthouse, my mind stills.

Most days my brain spins a dozen directions, but God has given me
this one place where I can guarantee I will be still.

I also enjoy my flower bed when I water it or sit in my Adirondack chair
and soak in the beauty of the blooms.

Sometimes in our busy lives, sitting silent and 
letting the Holy Spirit speak is difficult, yet necessary.

Find a place to be still, and soak in
the love of God and His amazing creation. 

It's okay to rest the body and mind and allow yourself to recharge.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Be Still and Know...

Psalm 46:10-11
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.”
The Lord Almighty is with us;
    the God of Jacob is our fortress.

"The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep..."-Robert Frost

We traversed the curvy hill into town. Foliage slept in an array of gold and brown on the ground. Trees rested their slender, naked limbs. Even in winter without snow, the scene took on a lovely glow and a story of hope.

Deciduous trees conserve water, a scarcity in the cold or dry months. Their time of rest allows them to re-energize and prepare for the coming spring when leaves sprout again.

The gray of winter often brings on sadness, depression, anxiety, or lack of energy. Yet, I've learned from the trees to rest in winter, to be still, and embrace the quiet. Even when the world isn't quiet, I cherish time to sit with God and seek his wisdom.

God knows I need winter. I crave a time to reconnect and kneel before his throne and worship the Creator. Like the trees, I raise my arms to him and let the stress of life drop like leaves.

Even as he asks me to be still and know, the Lord promises to sit with me. He is my refuge and fortress. I see him in the evergreens, a constant reminder of the steadiness of God.

This spending time with God isn't always easy. Some days I wake up prepared for the quiet, the prayer, the listening. But other days, I've struggled. I want to sleep instead of rise and worship—Some days chaos trumps stillness—Sometimes dread overwhelms and frustration lingers. But I won't give up. I continue to strive to find the quiet and be still before the King, to offer gratitude for everyday life.

Find moments in the winter days to stop, be still, and hear from the God who loves you.